-267- Reunion

In the blink of an eye, three days had swiftly passed.

However, this was all relative.

For those players who had been trapped in this world, even one day felt unbearably long, like time moving at a snail's pace.

But for Rozen, these three days had gone by quickly. Spending time in the labyrinth area, as someone who had spent decades researching and practicing magic in isolation, he had the patience to endure.


"It's a shame I couldn't level up once more."

Rozen lamented with this thought.

Currently, Rozen was at level 14. His level range far exceeded the first floor of Aincrad. Continuously leveling up here wouldn't yield much experience.

Even the average level of top players was around 10, indicating that for them, the first floor had already reached its limits. If they didn't break through, it would be a waste of time.

And Rozen was not one to waste time.


"The Floor 1 boss strategy battle, we must succeed and not fail."

Rozen gripped the handle of his "Anneal Blade +8" at his waist and gently touched the wings of his Rainbow Butterfly perched on his shoulder. He smoothly left the labyrinth area and returned to Tolbana, entering the safe zone.

Ignoring the players who always pointed and gossiped about him, Rozen first visited a weapon shop. He repaired his "Anneal Blade +8," restoring its durability to full. Then he headed to an item shop to replenish recovery potions, antidotes, and other consumables. Next, he visited an armor shop to repair his worn armor.

This series of actions cost Rozen nearly ten thousand Col in total.

If these expenses were given to the players who were too afraid to leave town, it would cover their daily expenses for food and lodging.

But it was necessary. At this point, Rozen wouldn't be stingy.

After finishing these tasks, it was already four in the afternoon.

This was the exact time the strategy meeting was supposed to begin.

"According to what Argo said, the meeting should be at the Fountain Plaza, right?"

Rozen pondered for a moment, then headed to the Fountain Plaza with his Rainbow Butterfly in tow.

When Rozen arrived, a considerable number of players had already gathered here.

Some he didn't recognize, some he knew by name, some he had seen in the labyrinth area and town, and some he had conflicts with.

For instance, Agil, a two-handed battle axe user, stood at one side of the plaza with his team. He seemed to be quite popular, as many players greeted him, creating a lively atmosphere.

The team that had attacked Rozen and was later paralyzed by him was also among the crowd.

Furthermore, Kibaou leaned against a wall, chatting with a few people.

Even Argo was present. However, the information dealer was seated on the high wall on the other side of the plaza, concealed in the shadows, almost invisible.

Amidst this scenario, Rozen stepped into the Fountain Plaza.


As Rozen appeared, the previously lively atmosphere in the plaza seemed to cool down instantly. The voices of the players grew softer.

One by one, the players turned their gaze toward Rozen, displaying various emotions.

It was evident that apart from Agil and Argo, most players didn't have a favorable opinion of Rozen. Their glances were not subtle and carried hostility.

Especially Kibaou. He stared fixedly at Rozen, seemingly ready to voice his astonishment.

Rozen paid no mind.

It wasn't due to his unusually good temperament.

Facing these players, Rozen simply couldn't muster any interest.

There's no helping it.

"If you're so easily seen through, then what kind of threat are you?"

The hostility from these players was just too blatant, making Rozen not feel threatened at all.

"If you really want me to be wary, at least be like Professor Lev, undercover for a few years, maintaining a cheerful and open appearance on the outside while giving off a eerie feeling from the inside. That's what I'd call a threat."

Rozen shook his head with a smile.

Given this, Rozen wasn't genuinely interested in engaging with these players.

As long as no one crossed the line with him, it was fine.

Just then...

"There seem to be fewer people than expected."

A familiar voice came from behind Rozen.

"During the beta test, it was best to form two combined units if we aimed to defeat the floor boss without any casualties, right?"

The so-called combined units referred to alliances between different teams.

In SAO, a party could have up to six members, but by gathering eight parties, a combined unit could be formed with a total of 48 members, allowing them to see each other's HP, status, and character names for large-scale coordination.

And with two combined units, it would be a force of 96 people.

During the beta test, players managed to conquer the first-floor boss and reach the second floor by forming these large units.

"But now, our current numbers are even less than the maximum capacity of a combined unit. It's a bit worrying."

The familiar voice continued.

Rozen smiled slightly, not turning around, and provided an answer directly.

"Don't forget that during the beta test, the average player level was only around 5-7, some even lower. It was necessary to form such large units. But this time, the average player level is around 10. Moreover, due to the game's death mechanics, everyone's equipment and items are much better prepared than during the beta test. Even if we can't reach the maximum capacity of a combined unit, there shouldn't be a major issue."

This explanation seemed to gain approval from the other person.

"You're right. Our levels are already quite substantial. Even if we don't have 48 people, we should still have a good chance of success."

The other person concurred.


"With you here this time, it's completely different from the beta test."

Saying this, a youth with a familiar voice approached Rozen from behind, carrying a single-handed sword identical to Rozen's, dressed in leather armor, with black hair and a neutral face.

"Long time no see, Rozen."

He showed a sincere smile.

Rozen returned it.

"You seem to be in good spirits, Kirito."

The newcomer was none other than Kirito.

The two of them almost instinctively extended their hands, forming fists and giving each other a fist bump.

It had been a while since they had parted ways in Horunka, and now, after all this time, they had finally reunited.