-346- I'll take care of it

——— "Dual Blades."

As the name suggests, this skill allows players to equip two weapons simultaneously and use dual-wielding sword techniques.

About half a year ago, Kirito checked his skill list and suddenly found this weapon skill, which was incredibly powerful, added to it.

This skill not only granted Kirito the advantage of wielding two weapons at the same time but also brought entirely new sword techniques and combat styles. It significantly boosted Kirito's strength, to the point where even Rozen at that time could hardly contend with him.

At that time, Rozen, although equipped with the partially developed "Mind's Eye" skill, was still able to compete on par with Heathcliff using his two familiars and even came close to victory.

However, when faced with Kirito, who had acquired "Dual Blades," Rozen felt a level of strength similar to Heathcliff's, leaving him astonished.

Such a powerful skill, with unknown acquisition conditions and no information available, immediately led Rozen to think of Heathcliff's unique skill, "Holy Sword."

According to Heathcliff himself, his "Holy Sword" skill had also suddenly appeared in his skill list out of nowhere. He didn't know the conditions for acquiring it and hadn't heard of anyone else obtaining it. The situation was almost identical to Kirito's acquisition of "Dual Blades."

This made Rozen certain.

"This is the second unique skill to appear in SAO."

In other words, just like Heathcliff, Kirito had acquired a one-of-a-kind special skill, becoming one of the strongest players.

Now, nearly half a year later, Kirito had honed his "Dual Blades" skill to a proficiency level of 500. The sword technique he was using at this moment was the skill's heavy thrust technique, "Double Circular."

With Kirito's "Elucidator," a Maken on par with PoH's "Mate Chopper," and the other weapon being of a level comparable to Rozen's current main weapon, how could XaXa possibly be Kirito's match?



Kirito forced XaXa back with a sword strike, calmly declaring this to his opponent.

However, this only seemed to stimulate XaXa's ferocity. His eyes turned crimson with a savage light.


XaXa transformed into a frigid executioner, charging forward like an undead being. He unleashed his rapier, stabbing out countless times like spikes.

Kirito's expression slightly hardened, his gaze sharpened. He tightly gripped the two swords in his hands, facing XaXa head-on.

Naturally, XaXa still wasn't Kirito's match.

The lightning-fast strikes that had even the top players of the clearing group on edge were no longer a threat to Kirito with "Dual Blades." Between the swings of his dual swords, the attacks were deflected one by one.

For a moment, blades and shadows clashed, the battle raged on.

However, XaXa's attacks were all deflected by Kirito, and Kirito's dual swords occasionally grazed XaXa's body, causing Sasa's HP to start decreasing.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Black, who was relentlessly entangled by the two rainbow-colored butterfly familiars, was also in trouble.


As Saichou released black phosphorescence, Hanachou suddenly stopped using skills. Instead, she vigorously flapped her wings, blowing away the falling phosphorescence. It formed a sandstorm-like haze that enveloped the area.


Black, who had just evaded the descending phosphorescence out of habit, never expected this turn of events. His expression changed drastically, and just as he turned, the black phosphorescence came rushing toward him and hit his body.

Black immediately lost all sight, engulfed in pitch darkness.

It was the effect of the "Blindness Powder."

"You bastard! Damn it! Die!"

Blinded and panicked, Black swung his poisoned dagger frantically, resembling a frenzy, his curses filling the air.

This was an instinctive reaction.

In a blinded state of combat, whether human or monster, the response was fear of being attacked. So, swinging one's weapon uncontrollably became a reflex to prevent anyone from getting close.

Of course, Black had considered using a Curing Crystal, but Hanachou bumped into his hand, and his waist pouch was snatched away in a flash by Saichou.

This was one of the action patterns Rozen had instilled in his two familiars.

Black was now completely panicked and deranged, swinging his weapon wildly like a madman to keep threats at bay.

Seeing XaXa suppressed by Kirito, his HP bar already in the yellow zone, and Black being toyed with by the two familiars, he could only fall into a state of madness, even PoH had to admit it.

This time, they were defeated.

PoH slowly stood up, his gaze fixed on Rozen.


PoH didn't speak with resentment or reluctance but rather as if he intended to bear all the suffering. He spoke like this.

"I'll remember this."

Leaving these words behind, PoH suddenly turned around, and with a swift speed, he dashed into the thicket.

"You think you can escape?"

Rozen reacted almost instantly. He took out a sharp knife from his waist pouch and, using the fully mastered blade throwing sword technique, hurled it toward PoH's back.


The next moment, the knife pierced PoH's raincoat and lodged in. Unfortunately, before that happened, PoH emerged from his raincoat and discarded his equipment, fleeing even faster. He quickly disappeared into the thicket.

"Saichou! Hanachou! Go after him!"

Due to their agility stat difference, Rozen couldn't catch up. He sent his two familiars, whose speed was unrivaled by most players.



Saichou and Hanachou turned into two waves of light, intertwining as they shot forward, chasing after PoH.

As for Black, he had already been hit by Rozen's level 5 paralysis poison-infused dagger while blinded, causing his body to stiffen and collapse.

Naturally, XaXa, completely suppressed by Kirito, was dealt a ruthless blow by Rozen, and he fell to the ground in extreme frustration.

With this, the intense battle finally concluded.

"Ah...! Argghhhh...!"

Black screamed like a maniac.


On the contrary, XaXa didn't make any sound anymore; he simply stared intently at Rozen.

But Rozen had no interest in these two captured fish. He gazed at the direction PoH fled, pondering deeply.


Kirito approached with his twin swords, his face devoid of the joy of victory and filled with complexity instead.

In response, Rozen merely nodded faintly.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Hearing this, Kirito could only nod in agreement.