-422- I will lead you to victory

Floor 75, the Labyrinth Area.

This area is a maze constructed from a somewhat translucent obsidian material.

Unlike the rough and uneven surfaces of the lower floors' labyrinth, the floor here is composed of black stones polished to a mirror-like finish, arranged in straight lines. The air is cold and damp, with a faint mist slowly diffusing across the ground.

It gives the feeling of not being inside a cloud but rather within the depths of hell.

At the very top of this tower-like labyrinth, there is a considerably wide corridor. Along the walls of the corridor stand thick pillars, extending forward until they eventually reveal a gigantic door.

Behind this grand door lies the room of the floor's boss. Only by defeating the boss monster within can the players break through this floor and proceed to the 76th floor. However, this is by no means an easy task.


At a certain moment, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of the door, forming a vortex of shimmering blue radiance. Subsequently, fully-armed players emerged from this vortex of blue light, gradually filling up the space.

These players are naturally the members of the clearing group.

Rozen, leading the players from Crimson Wing, was the first to step out of the vortex and approach the large door. Gazing at the door in front of him, Rozen's eyes flashed with an unknown determination.

"Is this it?" Rozen murmured softly.

It was this very door that indirectly led to the deaths of twelve scout players.

Once you enter it, the door automatically closes and can't be opened in any way.

"Recording the corridor crystal's teleportation point in front of this door is quite clever," Rozen commented.

-----The Corridor Crystal

It's another type of crystal item, similar to a teleportation crystal, but with some differences. It looks like a blue, ornamented large crystal with instant teleportation capabilities.

Unlike regular teleportation crystals that can only transport the user to a designated street's teleportation gate, the Corridor Crystal can record any location and then open a teleportation gate to that recorded location, accommodating multiple people. It's a superior item compared to teleportation crystals and is quite convenient.

Naturally, given its relative rarity and value, few players would directly use it, especially since it can't be bought in NPC shops. It can only be acquired by opening chests within the labyrinth or defeating powerful monsters. So, even if players obtain one, they rarely use it.

However, during the last reconnaissance mission, after the two teams of twelve players were wiped out, the remaining two reconnaissance teams happened to have a player who obtained a Corridor Crystal by chance.

Originally, this player intended to sell the precious Corridor Crystal and use the col obtained from the sale to purchase other crystal items and improve their equipment.

However, before returning, this player inexplicably recorded the entrance to the boss's door with the Corridor Crystal and then left.

Upon learning of this, Rozen purchased the Corridor Crystal on the spot from the player, using it immediately. This allowed the entire clearing group to skip the lower labyrinth area, and other steps and directly arrive here.

However, having plenty of energy doesn't mean they can safely pass this challenging stage.

Now, players are looking at the door in front of them with a mix of anxiety, seriousness, and some even with a frightened expression, making the atmosphere seem somewhat oppressive.

This includes Kirito, Klein, Agil, and others.

"75th floor..." Kirito's eyes gleamed with determination.

"We've finally made it here..." The lightheartedness disappeared from Klein's face.

"The final obstacle before Floor 100, huh?" Agil let out a slow breath.

One by one, players stared at the door in front of them with various emotions and thoughts, not taking their eyes off it.

Only Heathcliff, with his cold gaze, looked at the door with an unwavering face that concealed his inner emotions.

Rozen glanced at the reactions of everyone present but remained silent.

Instead, he extended his hand and placed it in front of him.

"It's been two years..."

Rozen muttered softly to himself.

Although two years might not be long compared to his actual lifespan, if he closed his eyes and focused on magic, it would pass in the blink of an eye in the real world.

Yet, these two years were significant to Rozen.

After all, it was the first time Rozen had held a sword in his hand, fought on the front lines against enemies, and continued fighting up to this point.

"If this were the real world, with my body that overly consumes life force, I probably wouldn't be able to do all this, would I?"

Therefore, these two years were quite memorable for Rozen. He often found himself contemplating.

"Perhaps, even in the real world, I could fight like this, wielding a sword."

But that would require a more indirect approach.

"So, for now, let's give it our all in this world."

Rozen stared at his own palm and made this determination.

At that moment, a slender hand reached out from the side and held Rozen's palm.

Rozen was briefly taken aback, then turned to look at his side. There, Asuna gazed at Rozen with a gentle yet determined expression.

"It's going to be alright," Asuna said softly. "We will definitely achieve victory."

Upon hearing this, Rozen smiled faintly and replied, "Of course."

He had never doubted that. If he couldn't believe in himself, what else could he believe in.

"I will lead you to victory."

Rozen held Asuna's hand, turned around, and faced all the players.

"Let's begin the 75th-floor boss clearing battle!"

The players responded to Rozen's declaration with cheers.

Then, Rozen stepped forward and pushed open the door to the boss's room.


With a heavy sound, the door swung open.

Simultaneously, Kirito unsheathed his dual swords, Klein drew his katana, Agil pulled out his battle axe, Heathcliff unsheathed his cross-shaped sword, and even Asuna drew her rapier.

Other players followed suit, drawing their weapons one by one.

Rozen naturally drew his crystal sword.



Saichou and Hanachou let out powerful cries.


With a loud crash, the door finally opened completely.


Rozen gave this one-word command and rushed forward. Asuna followed him without hesitation, and Kirito, Klein, Agil, and others roared as they charged in as well.

Only after all the players had entered the room did the door close for the second time.


Their escape route was cut off.

All there's left is to fight!