-448- Jujutsu Combat

Tsuchimikado Estate, Training Ground.

After nearly an hour, Rozen returned to the training ground where he had practiced creating simple shikigami earlier. This time, he wasn't alone; there were several people accompanying him.

Standing on the side were Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi, Tsuchimikado Takahiro, and Tsuchimikado Chizuru, each with a different expression.

Yasuzumi maintained his usual expressionless demeanor, making it difficult to discern his thoughts.

Takahiro looked serious, clearly not approving of the current situation.

Chizuru appeared worried, as if she wanted to rush in immediately.

On the other side, Kurahashi Kyouko watched the two individuals in the center of the training ground, utterly puzzled by how things had turned out.

As for Kurahashi Genji, he naturally stood opposite Rozen.

In other words, Genji's proposal from earlier had been accepted.

This was an incredibly unbelievable development.

Just look at the two people in the center of the field.

One of them wasn't even ten years old, let alone a professional onmyouji. He hadn't even started attending school yet.

The other was over fifty, not only the head of the top onmyoji family, but also the director of the Onmyou Agency and the head of the Exorcism Division.

He was rumored to be the leader of the "Twelve Divine Generals" and held the highest rank of Onmyouji in the country.

Despite this vast difference in age, experience, and expertise, they were preparing for a jujutsu battle.

This wasn't a case of adults bullying children; it was more like the world's champion preparing to fight a young child in a boxing match.

This situation was indeed something that should never have occurred.

In the world of Onmyouji, challenging the "Twelve Divine Generals" should be an unthinkable act.

Even skilled Onmyouji would hesitate to engage with them in battle, let alone a child who hadn't even reached the age of ten.

At least, Tsuchimikado Chizuru couldn't help but speak up.

"Is this really okay? It's so unusual! Aki is still so young! He's facing one of the Twelve Divine Generals...!"

Tsuchimikado Chizuru complained, directing her concerns towards Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi, who stood beside her.

Even Tsuchimikado Takahiro voiced his opinion.

"I also feel it's inappropriate. Maybe we should reconsider."

Tsuchimikado Takahiro similarly expressed these thoughts to Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi.

In fact, when Kurahashi Genji had initially proposed to be Rozen's opponent, both Tsuchimikado Takahiro and Chizuru had strongly opposed the idea.

Surprisingly, Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi, who was, in theory, Rozen's father, remained silent for a moment, then nodded after glancing at both of them.

"Trying won't hurt."

Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi made this decision.

As a result, everyone had gathered at the jutsu training ground, primarily due to Rozen's agreement to the challenge.

Rozen himself displayed polite manners, stating, "It's an honor to have the opportunity to engage in a jujutsu combat with one of the 'Twelve Divine Generals.'"

Now, this unusual and unprecedented duel was about to begin.

Therefore, Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi agreed to proceed despite the opposition from Tsuchimikado Takahiro and Chizuru.

At this moment, he disregarded their concerns and merely observed the situation from the sidelines.

Rozen and Kurahashi Genji continued to face each other, creating a palpable tension in the air.

Rozen, without using "Spirit Vision," could still feel the spiritual energy radiating from Kurahashi Genji like a slowly burning flame, exerting pressure on him.

Kurahashi Genji maintained a composed demeanor as he observed Rozen, as if attempting to decipher him with a meaningful, cold gaze.

Rozen didn't outwardly show any reaction, but his heart was inexplicably racing.

Not out of fear, but rather a surge of excitement.

Why was he feeling this way?

Rozen didn't know.

All he knew was that after many years, he could once again wield his abilities and engage in combat.

In the world of Sword Art Online, he had spent the first ten years in isolation, followed by two years of intense battles. Since arriving in this new world, he hadn't engaged in a proper combat scenario until now.

Hence, with his magical power surging through his body and mind, Rozen felt an exhilaration he had long missed.

This was one of the reasons why Rozen had agreed to this seemingly lopsided jujutsu combat.

Of course, it was only one of the reasons.

With this in mind, Rozen suppressed the excitement within himself, took a deep breath, and showed proper respect to the nationally recognized Onmyouji, Kurahashi Genji, who was calmly observing him.

"Please guide me."

His words were concise, devoid of fear, and showed no signs of yielding.

Kurahashi Genji nodded slightly and spoke in a detached manner.

"Let's begin."

Without further ado, Rozen's expression finally changed. He shed the previously polite demeanor and reverted to his original self, a lazy and carefree look on his face, with a smirk that hinted at his rebellious nature.

Seeing Rozen's transformation, even the composed Kurahashi Genji was momentarily taken aback.

In this brief moment...


Rozen swiftly reached for and retrieved several paper talismans.

In general, Onmyouji practiced their jutsu using talismans and incantations. Talismans could be inscribed with pre-prepared spells and activated by channeling jutsuryoku into them, similar to magic circles in conventional magic.

Incantations, on the other hand, were used to invoke power, much like incantations in traditional magic.

While Rozen primarily focused on learning jujutsu related to Shikigami, he dabbled in other forms of jujutsu as well. Although he didn't practice them extensively, he was still proficient enough to use them when needed.

Now, Rozen produced talismans he had crafted himself.


With a brief incantation, Rozen launched the talisman towards Kurahashi Genji.


In the next moment, the talisman ignited, creating roaring flames that surged toward Kurahashi Genji.

The fire expanded dramatically, covering about one-third of the training ground. This was due to Rozen infusing a considerable amount of jutsuryoku into the talisman.

While using talismans allowed Onmyouji to perform jujutsu, the strength of the jutsu depended on the user's jutsuryoku levels and control.

Witnessing this blazing inferno, onlookers could gauge the extent of Rozen's jutsuryoku.

However, Kurahashi Genji remained calm and drew his own talisman.


With a composed and clear voice, Kurahashi Genji launched his talisman towards the fiery onslaught.


The talisman burst, but instead of creating a firestorm, it transformed into a waterfall-like stream of water.

In the blink of an eye, fire and water clashed.


In the third explosion, the water and fire relentlessly collided, causing a massive expansion of water vapor that billowed like mist.

At this point, the protective barrier within the training ground activated, containing the water vapor and the collision of elements, preventing them from extending beyond the battlefield into the spectator area.

Under these circumstances, the waterfall-like water gradually extinguished the fiery inferno.

However, by this time, Rozen had already deployed a second talisman, not directed at Kurahashi Genji, but placed in front of himself.


The talisman emitted a brilliant light, causing the solid ground to rise and form a barrier.

The water from extinguishing the firestorm struck the barrier and was blocked by the earth wall.

Observing this, and disregarding the others, Kurahashi Genji narrowed his eyes once again.