-453- W-What are you doing?

Watching Kurahashi Kyouko's transformation into a drenched chicken, Rozen couldn't help but wear a continuous grin on his face. His words reflected his amusement.

"Even though it's summer, I had no idea that the heiress of a prestigious family like you would have a hobby of swimming in other people's pond."

Rozen playfully remarked.

Embarrassed as she already felt, Kurahashi Kyouko was instantly infuriated by Rozen's nonchalant comment.

"Who... who said I was swimming?!" She exclaimed, angrily splashing the water's surface. "It's all because of you that I fell in!"

"Me?" Rozen feigned innocence. "How did I make you fall?"

"You dare not admit it?" Kurahashi Kyouko frowned, pointing at Rozen. "If you hadn't quietly approached me from behind and scared me, I wouldn't have fallen!"

"Is that so?" Rozen shrugged. "In that case, I apologize. I thought someone from a prestigious family like you would notice me. I guess I was being presumptuous."

"What... what do you mean?" Kurahashi Kyouko blinked, her furrowed brow deepening. "What are you trying to say?"

"It's just as it sounds," Rozen replied straightforwardly. "If it were an ordinary person, that would be understandable. But you're a member of the Kurahashi family. Even if I approached you from behind, you should have sensed my spiritual energy, right?"

Hearing this, Kurahashi Kyouko finally understood Rozen's point.

Just as he mentioned, even if someone approached from behind, a person with the ability to see spirits should have sensed it.

In this world, the ability to see spirits, or "Spirit Sight," was innate, more like a sense than a visual power.

It was somewhat similar to "Heaven's Eye" and "Mind's Eye." Even if one lost their eyesight, individuals with the gift of Spirit Sight could still perceive spiritual energy.

Professional onmyouji, or practitioners of onmyoudou, specialized in perceiving and dealing with spirits and energy.

However, Rozen's unique "Spirit Vision" that enhanced both intensity and precision of his Spirit Sight made him stand out. It was a talent that he could train and improve at any time.

Kurahashi Kyouko, on the other hand, even if she hadn't actively trained her Spirit Sight, shouldn't have been unable to sense the spiritual energy of someone so close, especially considering her family background.

"By the way, I didn't use any 'Invisibility Jutsu' either," Rozen casually pointed out.

In other words, Rozen meant to say:

"It seems that the heiress of the Kurahashi family has less impressive Spirit Sight abilities than I expected. You couldn't even notice me from this close."

Rozen's words, both intentionally and unintentionally, ignited Kurahashi Kyouko's anger.

Despite her abilities, which were indeed commendable, she had been praised by others, including her father, Kurahashi Genji, for her skills.

Her talent was not weak, and even in the talent of Spirit Sight, she could easily compare to professional onmyouji.

The reason she didn't notice Rozen's approach was merely due to a lack of focus, as she was preoccupied with various thoughts.

Being portrayed in this way was unbearable for her.

"Don't think for a moment that I'd be afraid of you just because you can use jujutsu!" Kurahashi Kyouko retorted, her face flushed with anger. Her trembling hand pointed fiercely at Rozen.

Seeing Kurahashi Kyouko's reaction, Rozen couldn't help but smile.

"Oh? You're really not afraid?" he teased.

Saying so, Rozen took out a talisman.

"W-What are you doing?" Kurahashi Kyouko's face turned even redder with anger, and she involuntarily stepped back, feeling uneasy.

To this, Rozen just grinned mischievously and decisively activated the talisman.


With a brief incantation, the talisman Rozen had struck into the water emitted a radiant light.


Seeing Rozen actually using jujutsu against her, Kurahashi Kyouko was in disbelief and panic. At this moment, Rozen's jutsu had already taken effect.


The sound of water splashed as a large tree rapidly grew out of the pool, extending its branches in all directions.

Rozen had just cast a Wood-element jutsu, creating a wooden tree that sprouted from the water. Its branches swiftly coiled around the bewildered Kurahashi Kyouko, lifting her out of the water and placing her at the pool's edge.

Still not comprehending what just happened, Kurahashi Kyouko sat on the ground, looking dazed.

"What are you staring at?" Rozen asked, amused. "Are you really that scared just because I used jujutsu?"

"Y-You..." Kurahashi Kyouko's lips trembled with anger.

Clearly, Rozen's deliberate prank had terrified and angered her.


"Even if you want to get angry, can you do it later?" Rozen pointed out calmly. "I'm really not interested in underdeveloped little girls. Could you please cover up?"

Rozen's words initially confused Kurahashi Kyouko, but she soon realized. Upon closer inspection, she was sitting in an awkward position on the ground, her soaked clothes becoming somewhat transparent.

Recognizing this, Kurahashi Kyouko's face once again turned bright red, but this time, it was due to embarrassment.

"N-No, don't look here!" She screamed while clutching her body, shouting at Rozen.

Rozen, on the other hand, just rolled his eyes, appearing rather disdainful.

"I told you, there's nothing to cover if there's nothing to see," he said with obvious tone.

This comment finally brought tears to Kurahashi Kyouko's eyes.

"Ugh! I've had enough!"

Overwhelmed by her emotions, Kurahashi Kyouko burst into tears, crying loudly.

Upon witnessing this scene, Rozen didn't show any sympathy or pity; instead, he chuckled.

"At least you've vented it out," he said with a lack of sympathy, leaving Kurahashi Kyouko sobbing and stunned.