-472- The stars have begun to move

If what Kurahashi Miyo said is true, then Rozen does indeed share many similarities with Yakou.

Yakou is carefree, immersing himself in what interests him and ignoring what doesn't.

Rozen is the same, not carefree but indifferent to things that don't interest him, immersing himself in what does, like games.

Yakou had extraordinary talent and passion in jujutsu.

Rozen is similar, not limited to jujutsu but possesses exceptional talent and enthusiasm in magic. Once he delves into it, he dedicates himself daily, never slackening.

Yakou is a troublemaker. Even as the head of the Onmyo Bureau, he'd act carefree, letting go when he should be serious. Yet, people were willing to follow him.

Rozen is no different, a troublemaker, but with exceptional leadership qualities.

Although Rozen doesn't seek excitement and doesn't delight in conflicts happening in front of him, when pushed, he won't hesitate to stand his ground, making the opponent regret it.

As for facing injustice, it depends on the situation.

So, if what Kurahashi Miyo said is true, Rozen indeed shares many similarities with Yakou.

However, when Natsume looked at Rozen with worry, it was unnecessary.

"Perhaps, I do have some similarities with Yakou."

After a moment of silence, Rozen shrugged and said these words.

"But I'm not Yakou's reincarnation, it's a shame."

That's right.

Rozen is not Yakou's reincarnation.

Even though rumors have always circulated in the industry that Rozen is Yakou's reincarnation, how could Rozen believe in such nonsense?

After all, Rozen is very aware of his own condition. He's not a child of the Tsuchimikado family, and moreover, not even a person of this world. How could he possibly be Yakou's reincarnation?"

If it weren't for the fact that Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi never mentioned that Rozen was an adopted outsider, Rozen would have really wanted to tell others that he's just the adopted son of the Tsuchimikado family.

However, being an adopted son but designated as the next head of the Tsuchimikado family is intriguing.

Rozen didn't know what was going on with Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi, but as he had said, if things went south, he could just slip away and leave this world. There was no need to overthink.

In light of this, Rozen just needed to take it one step at a time.

Perhaps sensing this attitude from Rozen, Kurahashi Miyo didn't express disappointment. Instead, her smile grew.

"It's best if you can think that way," Kurahashi Miyo said. "Regardless of whether you are Yakou's reincarnation or not, I hope you will gain something in Onmyo Academy. As a normal student, progress steadily. Beyond that, there's no need to ask for more."

This was the difference between Kurahashi Miyo and Kurahashi Genji.

The latter, as the head of the Onmyo Agency, had to test and observe historical sinner or hero.

The former was the head of Onmyou Academy, half in retirement, and she needed to care not for the historical sinner or hero but for the students of this school.

For now, Rozen was just a student of Onmyou Academy.

For Kurahashi Miyo, confirming this was enough.

"Besides, you are also a member of the main family. As a member of the branch family, I have to look out for you."

Kurahashi Miyo made this backdoor-like statement without any hesitation, then looked at Natsume.

"Natsume, you are from the branch family. You're now Akikan's shikigami, right?"

Kurahashi Miyo made this ambiguous statement.

Unfortunately, these words were not so easily dismissed.

Just as Rozen and Natsume were left speechless, a voice came from outside the door.

"Director? Can I come in?"

The first thing Rozen and Natsume heard as the newcomer entered from outside was this sound.

It was the sound produced by wood striking the floor.

The newcomer's presence gradually caught Rozen and Natsume's attention with his distinct movements.

He was a tall, slender man, appearing to be in his early twenties, giving a youthful yet mature impression.

His hair was disheveled, and he wore a worn-out white shirt, a seemingly cheap jacket, and loose-fitting pants. His delicate face bore a casual expression.

Rozen often displayed a casual demeanor on his face, but his casualness seemed lazy. In contrast, this man's casualness made him seem unreliable.

However, two things about this man were quite noticeable.

One was the cane he held in his right hand.

The other was a wooden stick protruding from his right trouser leg, a prosthetic leg.

This man was missing a leg, needing to use a cane, and surprisingly, the missing leg was replaced by a wooden prosthetic, an unexpected sight.

Even more surprising was this man's identity.

"This is the homeroom teacher for your class, named Ohtomo Jin," Kurahashi Miyo introduced him.

"Hey there, folks," the homeroom teacher named Ohtomo greeted with a wave, nonchalantly.

"You two are from the Tsuchimikado family, right? Seems like you scored first and second in the entrance exam? Oh my, such geniuses ending up in my class. I don't know if I should be happy or worried."

Ohtomo spoke in a Kansai accent, shaking his head in mock despair as he spoke, maintaining a frivolous expression throughout, leaving Natsume stunned and Rozen with a twitching mouth.

Only Kurahashi Miyo, as if used to this, gave skilled instructions.

"Well then, Ohtomo-sensei, I'll trouble you to take care of them. They are a bit special, so please be careful."

Kurahashi Miyo issued this instruction plainly, causing Ohtomo to sigh in resignation.

"Sure, sure, I'll do my best. Remember to give me a raise, Director."

Saying these words, Ohtomo turned to Rozen and Natsume.

"Well, young masters of the Tsuchimikado family, please follow me."

With that, Ohtomo, with an odd expression, led Rozen and Natsume out of the Director's office.

Kurahashi Miyo watched the three of them leave.

"The stars have begun to move... haven't they?"

She murmured these words, unheard by anyone.