-512- Consider her punishment accordingly

In modern times, all research related to the soul is prohibited in the field of curses. Ultimately, this stems from the historical event caused by Yakou.

Because Common-Style argues the existence of the soul is unknown, research on the 'unknown' ultimately leads to catastrophic events, making it a taboo. This is the general public's perception.

Within the industry, onmyoji attribute the cause of potential major spiritual disasters to Miyachi Iwao's explanation regarding the Taizan Fukun Ritual.

Because 'spirits' are also formed from 'Qi,' Yakou's manipulation of 'spirits' through powerful curses had a drastic impact on the 'Qi' of nature, resulting in complete disruption of Tokyo's spiritual veins, leading to frequent spiritual disasters. This is the understanding within the industry.

But even with this understanding, can the Onmyo Agency really prohibit onmyoji from interacting with 'Qi'?

The world is formed from 'Qi,' and all things are filled with spiritual energy. Even onmyoji's use of jutsuryoku requires the conversion of spiritual energy. If 'Qi' interaction is prohibited, then all onmyoji and even all humans would be criminals.

Given this, it has ultimately become an ambiguous practice of 'prohibiting research related to souls.'

And since the boundaries are so ambiguous, what can be considered as crossing those boundaries is hard to determine.

Based on this, the existence of the Exorcism Division and the possibility of research on curses have been allowed with the royal family's approval.

After all, they can simply claim they are researching 'Qi' rather than 'spirits,' right?

The situation is the same now.

If Rozen had indeed performed the Taizan Fukun Ritual as per the imperial style, no matter what, it would be hard to escape blame, for that is something expressly prohibited, something that had once certainly caused a major disaster. The Onmyo Agency has the right to fully investigate.

But Rozen only performed the Taizan Fukun Ritual passed down through the Tsuchimikado family. Even if he summoned a human's spiritual body, it can also be easily explained as collecting the residual spiritual energy of a person.

Researching 'Qi' does not equate to researching 'spirits.'

Hence, the royal family allowed the existence of the Exorcism Division and the presence of the Taizan Fukun Ritual for their ritual purposes.

Rozen pointed this out for this reason.

"Otherwise, if merely summoning spirits is considered taboo, then all onmyoji who command shikigami formed naturally would also be breaking the taboo, is that acceptable?"

Rozen firmly held the initiative, questioning the three highest authorities in the realm of curses.

Their stunned silence was expected.

Because, this was the truth.

"I presume the three of you didn't specially bring me here just to convict me, but rather concerning matters related to the Taizan Fukun Ritual, correct?"

Rozen spoke in a remarkably relaxed tone.

"Rest assured, the Taizan Fukun Ritual passed down through generations in my Tsuchimikado family is very stable. It's only about summoning spirits, not manipulating souls. It won't have a significant impact on the spiritual veins. This has been verified throughout a history spanning thousands of years, isn't that so?"

Rozen stated this and refrained from mentioning that the three were worried about him interacting with the Taizan Fukun Ritual due to his status as Yakou's reincarnation.

"Additionally, let me remind you."

As if recalling something, Rozen smiled at Kurahashi Genji, Amami Daizen, and Miyachi Iwao.

"Dairenji Suzuka is my shikigami. Her research on the Taizan Fukun Ritual is also aimed at contributing to my Tsuchimikado family. Perhaps, because she is an expert in the imperial style, she may have slightly touched upon the Taizan Fukun Ritual in that aspect. However, she had no intention to actually carry it out. Please consider this in her judgment, okay?"

Rozen shamelessly spoke this unprecedented falsehood.

"Dairenji is your shikigami?"

Amami Daizen exclaimed.

"Is it true?"

Miyachi Iwao was equally surprised.

"Contributing to the Tsuchimikado family?"

Kurahashi Genji frowned.

Clearly, the three did not expect such a development.

Of course, this time, Rozen was deliberately distorting the truth.


"I know the Curse Search Division has definitely found evidence of Dairenji Suzuka researching the Taizan Fukun Ritual. But she ultimately didn't perform it. Please consider her punishment accordingly."

Only at this point did Rozen speak somewhat seriously.

It was easy to understand that regarding his performance of the Taizan Fukun Ritual, Rozen was confident he could evade blame, not worrying excessively.

However, with Dairenji Suzuka's undeniable interaction with the taboo, Rozen couldn't erase what had already happened. He could only choose to defend himself in a way that was as favorable as possible.

In this way, even if Dairenji Suzuka was indeed questioned for her actions, her crimes would be minimized.

As long as it was framed as interacting with the Taizan Fukun Ritual for the benefit of the Tsuchimikado family, due to the blurry boundaries, it should become a situation where heavy guilt couldn't be immediately determined.

As for the lie about Dairenji Suzuka being Rozen's shikigami, that aspect would never be revealed.

The reason was simple.

"I have a shikigami contract with Dairenji Suzuka, and we've established a spiritual connection. This shouldn't be difficult to discern using Spirit Sight," Rozen shrugged, saying so.


Rozen had already formed a shikigami contract with Dairenji Suzuka.

It happened when he presented the conditions beneath Mt. Gozan.

So, this lie wouldn't be exposed.

Of course, Dairenji Suzuka had entered into a shikigami contract with Rozen in a confused state. At the time, she couldn't afford to consider things calmly, and as a result, Rozen had his way. It was better not to mention this part.

As a result, facing the three highest authorities of the Onmyou Agency, Rozen smoothly passed the difficult moment with his silver tongue.

Kurahashi Genji only lowered his head in silence and only spoke calmly a while later.

"We have received your testimony. We will rigorously examine this incident and provide you with a satisfactory answer."

This was Kurahashi Genji's final decision.

"The inquiry into Dairenji Suzuka will take some time. We will reach a conclusion as soon as possible. As for you, you are free to leave now."

Kurahashi Genji said this.

"Thank you."

Rozen nodded in satisfaction only then, glanced at Miyachi Iwao, and turned around, walking out of the Director's office.

At the scene, only the three highest authorities of the Onmyou Agency remained.

"I didn't expect this rumored reincarnation of Yakou to be so skillful with his words. Truly impressive."

Amami Daizen said with a wry smile, but he didn't feel the slightest displeasure at being outmaneuvered by Rozen. On the contrary, he seemed quite happy, as if he had gained new insights.

"Indeed, quite impressive."

Miyachi Iwao recalled the last glance Rozen gave him before leaving, understanding that he might have been seen through and viewed with caution to some extent. He sighed.

"Tsuchimikado Akikan."

Kurahashi Genji, on the other hand, looked in the direction Rozen left, lost in thought about something.

The three highest authorities of the Onmyou Agency each had their own thoughts, and the Director's office returned to silence.