-518- A powerful malice

Hearing Kurahashi Miyo's abrupt change of topic, Rozen not only didn't feel displeased but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are we finally getting to the main topic?"

Rozen seemed to have been entangled in troublesome matters for a while and was now ready to focus on the real issue.

Kurahashi Miyo ignored his remark elegantly.

"It's about tomorrow's practical exam," Kurahashi Miyo declared a decision.

"Student of the Onmyou Academy, Tsuchimikado Akikan, you will be exempt from tomorrow's practical exam. This was collectively approved by the instructors of the Onmyou Academy," Kurahashi Miyo spoke.

"Exempt?" Rozen couldn't help but be astonished.

Was that so?

"I don't have to take the practical exam?" Rozen asked with surprise.

"That's right," Kurahashi Miyo nodded, saying, "After discussing with the instructors in the academy, everyone agreed that tomorrow's practical exam would hold no meaning for you. Hence, you are granted exemption."

Did Kurahashi Miyo call Rozen here mainly to inform him about this?

"What's the reason?" Rozen understood and asked directly.

Frankly, Rozen also believed that the student's exams in the academy had no significance for him.

Being able to defeat Dairenji Suzuka, one of the Twelve Divine Generals, without giving his all, what meaning did the advancement exam for the first-year students of the Onmyou Academy hold for Rozen?

However, he didn't believe that many people knew about this, and he doubted that all the instructors in the academy were aware, leading to this decision.

So, the reason for this decision was certainly something else.

And indeed...

"The content of tomorrow's practical exam is exorcising spiritual disasters," Kurahashi Miyo casually revealed a significant secret.

"Recently, a spiritual energy deviation that could evolve into a spiritual disaster was detected in the Tokyo district. The instructors in charge of the practical exam believe this is a rare opportunity. They proposed to use this as the exam content. Therefore, the spiritual disaster will be artificially strengthened, creating a suspected Phase 1 condition. Exorcising this spiritual disaster will be the practical exam for the first-year students this time."

Hearing this, Rozen finally understood why the Onmyou Academy decided to exempt him from the exam.

Because Rozen possesses Hokuto.

Phase 1 is a spiritual disaster characterized by "spiritual energy deviation where the possibility of natural recovery is not apparent."

Rather than being a full-fledged spiritual disaster, it is more like a prelude to one.

At this stage, the spiritual disaster doesn't cause substantial damage. Its influence is limited to emitting miasma, causing those exposed to feel dizzy and unable to maintain a clear consciousness.

For a proficient exorcist, even including reserves, sending two or three people would be sufficient to exorcise it and restore the spiritual energy to its original state.

The students at the Onmyou Academy are not professional exorcists. However, since they go together as a class and there are examiners present, attempting to exorcise a Phase 1-level spiritual disaster as the practical exam is not an impossible task.

As mentioned earlier, whether a first-year student passes the advancement exam depends on the student's qualities rather than their technique.

If they want to assess these qualities and a Phase 1-level spiritual disaster is dealt with swiftly and decisively by one of the students, the exam loses its purpose.

However, with Rozen's abilities, dealing with a Phase 1-level spiritual disaster is a walk in the park.

Hokuto is a true dragon, serving the Tsuchimikado family, a prestigious family, since ancient times. Utilizing Hokuto's power easily disperses a Phase 1-level spiritual disaster.

The instructors at the Onmyou Academy, aware of Rozen's actual strength, thought his participation in the exam would have a significant impact on the assessment.

However, they couldn't restrain Rozen for this reason alone, as using shikigami is an important method for onmyouji. Being able to manipulate powerful shikigami is worthy of recognition. Restricting Rozen due to this would be a bit too difficult for them.

Moreover, Kurahashi Miyo was well aware of Rozen's ability to defeat the Twelve Divine Generals. Thus, they decided along with the instructors to exempt Rozen from the practical exam and grant him a pass.

"With your previous demonstrated achievements, we judged you deserve the exemption. So, for tomorrow's practical exam, we hope you will stay behind and observe the exam proceedings," Kurahashi Miyo said.

"I don't mind," Rozen responded casually. "It's just that directly exempting specific students from the exam, wouldn't that be unfair?"

"Of course," Kurahashi Miyo said without hesitation. "After all, the Onmyou Academy is based on meritocracy, and your abilities are evident to all. Even if there are complaints, opposition won't have a say."

That's what sets the Onmyou Academy apart from other schools.

"Alright," Rozen accepted this decisively this time. "It's a good thing for me to save some effort."


Save some effort.

Not participating in the exam is just a matter of saving some effort for Rozen.

Even if he were to take the exam, there's no reason he wouldn't pass. If Rozen does indeed participate in the exam tomorrow, it's simply to go through the motions.

In that case, I might as well enjoy the show from the sidelines.

"Is this all you wanted to say?" Rozen confirmed.

To this question, Kurahashi Miyo fell silent.

Seeing this, Rozen knew that things were definitely not that simple.

What Kurahashi Miyo said next confirmed Rozen's suspicions.

"Actually, I've been reading your stars, Akikan."

Kurahashi Miyo abruptly broached the topic, yet again.

And each time, it became increasingly astonishing.

"Reading my stars?"

This time, Rozen finally faced Kurahashi Miyo directly.

Following that, Rozen saw Kurahashi Miyo hesitate.

Kurahashi Miyo said it like this.

"Although my stargazing abilities have been declining, if I focus on observing one person, occasionally, I still receive some results."

Kurahashi Miyo said this, unsure whether it was out of worry or concern.

Rozen didn't beat around the bush and asked directly.

"What did you see?"

Rozen's tone had completely lost its politeness.

But Kurahashi Miyo didn't mind. She gave a very direct answer.

"There is a dark presence approaching you."

This was what Kurahashi Miyo observed.

Does it mean this?

"Recently, a powerful malice might approach you."

Kurahashi Miyo spoke solemnly.

"It's a strong malice surpassing even Dairenji Suzuka, perhaps a follower of Yakou, or maybe something else. In any case, be careful."

So, this was the reason Kurahashi Miyo had specially called Rozen here, to give him this warning?

"A powerful malice... huh?"

Rozen fell silent.

However, there was no expression of fear on his face; instead, a hint of a smile appeared.

"Let me give you a reminder, Director."

Rozen spoke confidently.

"The truly terrifying malice approaches silently, unnoticed."

As for the discovered malice...

"Even if it's immensely powerful, it's pointless."

Leaving behind these words, Rozen turned and left.

Kurahashi Miyo silently watched Rozen, closed her eyes, and said no more.

The director's office returned to silence.

Only the air seemed somewhat heavy.