-536- Kurahashi Miyo's request

The location for the first-year students' advancement exam was originally in Sekiko, not far from Onmyou Academy, which was also in Sekiko.

With the speed of Hokuto, it took only a moment, and the buildings of Onmyou Academy appeared in the eyes of Rozen's group, coming closer.

However, upon seeing Onmyou Academy, Natsume and Kyouko's expressions changed simultaneously.

Because the academy building, which was completed just last year, had suffered some degree of damage.

First, the glass of the building seemed shattered as if struck by some high-pitched sound, cracking and falling bit by bit.

Then, the middle part of the building seemed like a colossal entity had crashed into it, creating a massive hole.

Miasma permeated the academy.

Inside the building, cries of shock, screams, roars, explosions, and shattering sounds kept resonating, telling others what was happening inside.

"We didn't make it in time?"

Natsume's expression was very heavy.


Kyouko's face was as if her entire heart was being held up, full of worry.

Even Rozen couldn't help but smile wryly at this situation.

"Saying there was a strong malevolent force approaching me, yet it's so close to here."

Indeed, it was quite ironic.

Fortunately, the current danger seemed not to be significant.

But Rozen wondered if it was his imagination; he felt that the miasma brought by Nue was becoming stronger.

"No, it's not just my imagination."

Rozen affirmed this.

Originally, Tokyo was currently experiencing a spiritual disaster phenomenon comparable to the 'Jou-i Daihara,' causing chaos in spiritual veins throughout Tokyo, frequent distortion of Reiki, frequent miasma emissions due to the disturbance, and since it was now past the witching hour, which was the time when the spiritual disaster was activated, Phase 1 had already escalated to Phase 2. It wouldn't be surprising if Phase 3 also intensified.

"If it continues like this, will it evolve into Phase 4?"

If it reaches that point, even Rozen can't ignore the threat brought by Nue.

You see, Phase 4 is centered around a spiritual disaster, a situation where multiple spiritual disasters occur all at once, commonly known as the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.

At that time, not only would Nue at the center become stronger, but it would also affect the surrounding spiritual energy, turning them into new spiritual disasters or even a multitude of Phase 3 dynamic spiritual disasters, rampaging through Tokyo like an army.

Two years ago, Dairenji Shidou had used himself as a medium, bringing spiritual disasters onto himself, transforming into a Phase 4 spiritual disaster and leading a multitude of spiritual disasters, dominating all of Tokyo.

At that time, the Exorcism Division mobilized all its forces to deal with the situation, and Rozen, no matter how strong, would have found it challenging.


"It's truly something for Phase 4 to manifest."

Rozen had a reason to say this.

Unlike Phase 1 and Phase 2, once a spiritual disaster reaches Phase 3, it tends to transition into a more stable form, allowing for better materialization.

Given this, after reaching Phase 3, the scale of the spiritual disaster doesn't easily expand further. Growing into a Phase 4 spiritual disaster is quite rare. At least in the last two years, such an event had occurred only during the 'Jou-i Daihara,' and it hasn't happened since. This indicates how difficult it is to grow into Phase 4.

If not for human factors, it would truly be challenging.

"Unfortunately, it's precisely a human factor now, so it's not strange for Nue to turn into Phase 4."

Rozen made this judgment based on the density of miasma pervading Onmyou Academy.


"Natsume, Kyouko, hold on tight."

Rozen said this to the two girls riding along.

"I'm going to be a bit rough from here. Don't worry, there's a barrier protecting us; you won't be harmed, but be careful not to be thrown off."

After saying this, Rozen didn't wait for Natsume and Kyouko to respond. He immediately stomped Hokuto beneath him with force.

"Hokuto! Charge in!"

Rozen gave this chaotic order.

Hokuto, as if sensing the dense miasma within Onmyou Academy, writhed in extreme displeasure, seemingly hating that filthy miasma.

After receiving Rozen's command, it immediately roared with determination and vigorously accelerated, charging toward the direction of the hole that seemed to have been struck open by Nue.


Natsume and Kyouko were almost thrown off by Hokuto's sudden acceleration, clutching onto Hokuto's horns while screaming.

Rozen had already deployed a barrier around the group, separating the assaulting strong winds, and also held onto Hokuto's horns tightly himself, allowing Hokuto to charge forward triumphantly.

In the next moment, Hokuto fiercely crashed into the academy building.


The already prominent hole immediately enlarged under Hokuto's impact. Fragments of walls and glass scattered, raining down onto the street below, creating a cacophony of crashing sounds.

Upon entering the academy building, Rozen immediately gave a command.

"Come back, Hokuto!"

After all, Hokuto's size wasn't suitable for combat within the confined space of the academy.

Though Hokuto was somewhat displeased, it still dematerialized, allowing Rozen, Natsume, and Kyouko, who were seated on its head, to land safely.



Natsume and Kyouko both sat on the ground after being thrown off, letting out cries of pain.

As for Rozen, naturally, with his enhanced physical capabilities from "Rigid Body," he landed firmly.

The three were now in a corridor of the academy.

Perhaps due to Nue's rampage here, the area was filled not only with miasma but also with shattered walls, doors, and various displays, giving the corridor a chaotic appearance.

Seeing this, Rozen put aside his thoughts for now, but Natsume and Kyouko were infuriated.

"Where's Nue?" Natsume asked Rozen, "Where is Nue?"

"And what about grandmother and everyone?" Kyouko hurriedly asked, "How are they doing now?"

Before Rozen could answer, a voice suddenly appeared out of thin air, responding.

"The students are in the jujutsu training area, taking refuge within the barrier there. The instructors are confronting Nue. Although the situation isn't great, they should have halted its progress."

Upon hearing this voice, Rozen and the others were immediately captivated.

They turned their heads and looked in a certain direction in the corridor.

There, at the corner of the corridor, a black cat had appeared, gazing at them with intelligent eyes.

"It's a Shikigami!" Natsume asserted.

"Grandmother!" Kyouko exclaimed in surprise and joy.

The black cat was indeed Kurahashi Miyo's Shikigami.

Currently, Kurahashi Miyo was likely sharing her senses with her Shikigami, using it to observe the situation here and communicate with Rozen and the group.

"Are you okay, grandmother?" Kyouko ran over.

"I'm fine. I'm currently taking refuge within the barrier at the jujutsu training area. The only one active outside is this Shikigami," the black cat nodded in a remarkably human-like manner, providing this response.

Then, the black cat looked at Natsume and Kyouko, and then hesitated while glancing at Rozen. But shortly after, as if having made a decision, it spoke to Rozen and the others.

"Everyone, I have something I'd like to ask you to do."

This was Kurahashi Miyo's request.

"Please go to a certain place and retrieve something important."

This was Kurahashi Miyo's request.