-570- Who will eventually become our enemy

Watching Soma Takiko's cheerful and candid expression, Rozen's group couldn't view her in the same way as before.

Indeed, this young girl seemed to be a very straightforward person, transparent and without the ability to hide her thoughts. Put in a positive light, she could be described as kind-hearted, but from a negative perspective, one might call her naive.

However, at least she didn't elicit anyone's aversion and could easily garner others' favor. She seemed to be the type of person who was very popular and one would want to befriend.

However, the meaning of 'simplicity' can change based on different perspectives.

In a positive sense, simplicity could be seen as kindness.

But what if it was a negative form of simplicity?

The words spoken by the girl named Soma Takiko just now gave Rozen's group that kind of impression.In other words, this girl in front of them wasn't someone they could trust and associate with.


Suzuka Dairenji, as if knowing the true nature of the other person, clicked her tongue silently, tightly biting her lips, displaying a resistant demeanor that clearly didn't want to have any interaction with Soma Takiko.

"Miss Soma, you..." Natsume Tsuchimikado also seemed hesitant.

Obviously, even Natsume's impression of Soma Takiko had changed due to her words earlier.

"What's wrong?" Surprisingly, Soma Takiko herself, seemingly oblivious to what she had just said, tilted her head, looking puzzled.

To this, Rozen had only one thing to say.

"Too bad, I'm not Yakou's reincarnation." Rozen said with a half-smile, "Even if I were truly Yakou's reincarnation, that belongs to a past life. The fate or mission of a past life has nothing to do with this life. There's no reason to risk my life for a slight possibility, is there?"

Rozen's statement with a hidden meaning was met with a pause from Soma Takiko.

Following that, Soma Takiko responded unexpectedly.

"How can you say that?" Soma Takiko retorted against expectations, "A person's fate and mission are not separate and isolated. They are the convergence of the expectations of many people, just like Yakou. He once carried the hopes of so many people during that turbulent era of warfare, revitalizing jujutsu. He fulfilled the long-cherished wishes of many. For such a great individual, people have always had expectations. If one deviates from this path, isn't that running away?"

Soma Takiko continued speaking without noticing the increasingly uneasy atmosphere.

It was evident that Soma Takiko placed an immense emphasis on "fate" and "duty," considering them as the supreme guidelines.

Any actions contradicting fate and duty were deemed incorrect. Furthermore, for the sake of these so-called fate and duty, people should be willing to sacrifice without hesitation, despite the sorrow and sympathy that might follow.

Soma Takiko staunchly believed in this perspective and saw it as unquestionably correct. As long as it was for fulfilling a duty and following destiny, pursuing even the slightest possibility was deemed justified, even if the outcome was unfavorable.

This version of Soma Takiko gave off a sense - a feeling that for achieving a goal, any form of sacrifice was acceptable, albeit causing grief and evoking sympathy, yet never wavering.

Of course, this included others, as well as oneself.

This was Soma Takiko's simplicity.

It was simply... chilling.

But she remained completely unaware, continuing to speak to Rozen.

"I believe that even if you're not Yakou's reincarnation, you're the recognized heir of the Tsuchimikado family, endowed with exceptional talents by the heavens. These talents and status are immensely precious and should not be wasted in vain; they should be used for the correct purpose."

Soma Takiko expressed her ideals passionately, as if explaining them to someone else. Her lovely face remained cheerful, seemingly excited, as if she rarely had the chance to share these thoughts with others, appearing extremely enthusiastic.

However, even if that happiness and excitement were genuine, at this very moment, the impression Soma Takiko gave off was no longer as pleasant. Instead, it allowed glimpses into the distorted parts of her personality.

So, Natsume and Suzuka were now completely silent, unable to utter a single word.

Rozen, on the other hand, stared at the girl before him, his tone beginning to turn indifferent.

"So, may I ask what the so-called 'correct purpose' is?"

Rozen's demeanor became distant all at once.

Yet Soma Takiko remained completely oblivious.

"Of course, it's to be...!"

Almost instinctively, Soma Takiko leaned forward, wanting to express something she had always wanted to say, her face blushing.

Just at this moment...

"Princess, please stop here. The following matters should not be casually mentioned in a place like this."

A graceful and polite voice suddenly came from behind Soma Takiko, interrupting her speech.

Hearing this voice, Rozen showed no sign of surprise.

Natsume, on the other hand, was startled, then realized something, gazing at what was behind Soma Takiko.

As for Suzuka, the moment she heard this voice, her eyes widened instantaneously, followed by an expression of fear and dread that had never been comparable before.

Then, another voice sounded just behind Soma Takiko.

"It's time to leave, Princess."

Compared to the elegant and polite voice, this voice carried calmness and determination, giving off a very intellectual and rational feeling.


Hearing this voice, Rozen was somewhat stunned.

The reason was simple.

(Why does this voice sound like something I've heard before?)

Rozen furrowed his brows, focusing his magical energy and casting his "Spirit Vision" towards the direction of the sound, trying to peer through.

In this situation, Rozen finally managed to discern the outlines and blurry appearances of the two shikigami present behind Soma Takiko.

But just as Rozen was about to scrutinize further, Soma Takiko seemed to calm down, expressing a hint of regret and apology.

"I'm sorry; I was planning to have a good chat with you all, but it seems this is not the right time," she said.

With that, Soma Takiko suddenly smiled.

"However, we will meet again soon. Let's talk then."

Leaving these words, Soma Takiko turned around as if anticipating that moment and left.

At the same time, the two shikigami guarding Soma Takiko completely dematerialized.

Watching Soma Takiko's departing figure, Rozen refrained from commenting for now. Natsume's expression, on the other hand, seemed somewhat displeased.


Natsume expressed her unease to Rozen.

"I know," Rozen nodded, responding calmly, "It seems like that's someone who will eventually become our enemy."

Rozen had such deductions and premonitions.

In the end, only Suzuka kept her head low, saying nothing. Her body continued to tremble slightly, far from calming down for a long time.