-577- The manifested deities

On the other side.

As the "Eight Array Barrier" shattered, Rozen's eight simple Shikigami were engulfed by the erupting spiritual energy and instantly turned to ashes.

In the hearts of Natsume and Suzuka, who were maintaining the barrier from outside, there was only one thought.

"It's over."


It was over.

The horrifying eruption of spiritual energy meant that Rozen, closest to it, would be the first to be overwhelmed.

Next would be Natsume and Suzuka. Then, when this dreadful spiritual energy twisted and manifested into tangible spiritual disasters, perhaps all of Tokyo would be doomed.

This was definitely no joking matter.

With spiritual energy of this magnitude transforming into miasma, it was possible for far worse scenarios than the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons to occur.

At that point, what disaster could surpass it?

"Jou-i Daihara"?

"Jou-i Saihara"?


Perhaps not even the Great Spiritual Disaster that happened half a century ago and led to a continuous wave of spiritual disasters in Tokyo for half a century could compare to this.

By then, how many people would lose their lives in this catastrophe?

This was something they didn't need to contemplate any further.

So, when the terrifying spiritual energy storm unleashed as if it were the end of the world, the solemn prayers rang out faster.

"————Offer the great Shou ritual incantation to the myriad gods of Takamagahara, purify all————"

With the appearance of the highest purification prayer, the rampaging and terrifying spiritual energy was slightly brought under control.

"————Heavenly gods, proclaim the prayer of the great Shou ritual, engulf the sins of this world, purify body and soul————"

The spiritual energy, near the edge of distortion, was forcibly dragged back. With astonishing efficiency, it was purified and repaired through very delicate techniques, slowing down its frenzy.

However, it was just a little.

Even if the dreadful spiritual energy was forcefully held back from distorting, it just showed how advanced and profound the skills and power of the person doing this were. But this spiritual energy, terrifying enough to form higher-level spiritual entities, was definitely not something a single person could control.

If someone else took over, even if it were a reincarnation of Yakou or a reappearance of Abe no Seimei, they wouldn't be able to pull back the spiritual energy nearing the brink of eruption, right?

Unfortunately, limited by being a summoner, the mastermind behind all this, causing it to happen here, was incomparably powerful, a force unparalleled in history. Even after searching through all worlds, there was no one surpassing him in the ability to control, manipulate, and command on all fronts.

"————By my command seal, I order————"

So, when such a voice echoed from within the spiritual storm, an astonishing power that could not be covered even by these terrifying spiritual energies, almost enough to form higher-level spiritual entities, erupted from within.

All this power was transformed into jutsuryoku, like a net, instantly trapping all the spiritual energies, making them come to a halt.

Complex as it may sound, the changes in this entire process were completed almost seamlessly.

From Natsume and Suzuka's perspective, they witnessed the enormous spiritual energy breaking through the constraints of the "Eight Array Barrier," venting outward. Then, it stagnated just before reaching them, unable to expand any further.

That scene was like watching a tsunami of spiritual energy being frozen in space, leaving Natsume and Suzuka sitting on the ground in awe and uncertainty.

And then...


As if the entire world was trembling, at the center of the terrifying spiritual energy storm, an immensely colossal force erupted once again.

This enormous force continued to surge upwards, seemingly endless, constantly ascending, much stronger than before, by an immeasurable amount.

No, the specific multiple could be determined.

Not one.

Not three.

Not five.

Not seven.

Ten times!

Compared to before, this force had surged a full tenfold!

In this situation, within the storm of spiritual energy, amidst the haze, Natsume and Suzuka seemed to see.



There was a pair of red wings unfurled within, extremely conspicuous.

Next, the person with these red wings spread out raised their hands, and ten bright red lines shot out from their ten fingers.

These were condensed to the limit, so intense that they seemed to sear even a person's eyeballs.

These ten threads of power extended from within the storm of spiritual power, then plunged back into the spiritual energy storm, as if capturing something, binding it.

Under these powerfully condensed threads of energy, the controlling power around the surrounding spiritual energy storm surged tenfold, allowing even the terrifying spiritual energy that Yakou or Abe no Seimei would not be able to control to be thoroughly dominated.

Then, the person manipulated these ten condensed threads of power, using the power that had surged tenfold, to pull back the spiritual energy that could form a higher-level spiritual entity—"god."


Suddenly, the maelstrom of spiritual energy, which was venting in all directions, seemed to rewind in time, shrinking back.

Finally, all this spiritual energy converged into two spiritual beasts, and under the binding of the ten threads of power, they were pulled onto the cloak and a ring on the altar.


The cloak suddenly spewed out a large amount of sparks.


The ring emitted a beautiful radiance.

Rozen, who had gathered all the spiritual energy on these two cursed items, was carrying red wings on his back, his eyes emitting a red glow. He extended ten fingers, with ten red magical threads, connecting them to the two cursed items. His entire body exuded a terrifying power, his face appearing somewhat pale.

But even so, Rozen still moved a finger, allowing one of the ten magical threads to dance in mid-air, creating a series of runes.


With Rozen's command, the formed runes in mid-air flew out and landed on the cloak and the ring, eventually merging into them.

After doing all this, Rozen felt like he had accomplished a great feat and dissipated all ten magical threads.


In an instant, the red wings behind Rozen also dispersed as if exploding, causing the red glow in Rozen's eyes to vanish.

The overwhelming surge of power from Rozen rapidly receded, and eventually, it completely dissipated, leaving Rozen looking pale, exhausted, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and fell to the ground.



Natsume and Suzuka almost subconsciously exclaimed.

However, the next moment, what happened left Natsume and Suzuka completely disregarding Rozen.


In a brilliant display of sparks and dazzling radiance, both the cloak and the ring on the altar soared into the sky.

The scene was no different from when the sun and moon ascend into the sky.

Then, within the sun, the three-legged golden crow appeared.

And within the moon, the beautiful jade rabbit took form.

On the bodies of the two spiritual beasts, an unmatched and noble spiritual aura emanated.

No, it could no longer be called spiritual aura.

———"Divine Aura."

That should be the appropriate term.

"This can't be...true?"

Suzuka stared blankly at the scene.

"The three-legged crow...the jade rabbit..."

Natsume murmured, trembling all over.

True deities were manifesting themselves at this moment.

In their eyes, there was no Natsume, no Suzuka, not even this entire world—only Rozen, pale and exhausted, lying on the ground.

Inside them, all there was, was curiosity and loyalty.