-602- [ Summon Wyvern ]


At this moment, on the entire corridor within the ten-layered barrier, the incantation chanted by Miyachi Iwao reverberated as the sole sound, unleashing a raging inferno akin to a violent storm, a furious wave, a torrential river, and an avalanche within the octagonal pillar-shaped barrier.

The flames transformed into the eight great attendants of Fudou Myouou—some resembling fiery dragons frolicking in the sea of fire, some roaring like giants within, some galloping around like majestic lions, and some writhing like pythons, as if reenacting a myth.

Under the scorching flames, Hokuto, Enenra, and the ten Valkyries struggled to hold on.

The shikigamis had already realized that they couldn't attack under this fire. They relied not only on Rozen's "Magic Defence" but also utilized all their abilities.

Hokuto released a fierce dragon aura. Dragon aura belonged to water element, and due to the relationship where water counters fire, he used a vast amount of dragon aura to resist the flames, barely holding on.

Enenra, being a yokai composed of smoke and mist, naturally had various connections to fire. By obscuring its own form and completely transforming into smoke, it reduced the damage from the flames.

The Valkyries formed a formation. Two Valkyries holding tower shields were in the front, using defensive skills to fend off the approaching flames. The rest of the Valkyries were positioned behind, continuously channeling their jutsuryoku to enhance the defense of the ones at the front.

As for Rozen, protected by Kinu, he was actually the safest.

Originally, Kinu's protective capabilities were extremely strong, and being a deity representing the sun, it should be able to completely withstand even the true flames of Fudou Myouou, who could supposedly burn away demons and three thousand worlds.

Although Rozen hadn't fully utilized Kinu's power, the opponent was not the true Fudou Myouou. Even if regarded as Fudou Myouou's chosen, trying to burn the messenger of the sun with flames was nothing but a delusion.

However, the high temperature affecting Rozen from all directions made him sweat profusely, and the evaporated air made it difficult for him to breathe.

"At this rate, I'll either be steamed to death or suffocate to death, won't I?"

Rozen, hiding under Kinu's protection, couldn't help but chuckle.

It was precisely because Kinu considered Rozen's need to breathe that the outside world wasn't completely isolated, otherwise, these high temperatures wouldn't affect Rozen.

Of course, whether it was the high temperature or breathing, Rozen's mind had deployed spells to resist and provide, but it was becoming difficult to continue like this.

"I have to counterattack."

Taking a deep breath of the now scorching and thinning air, Rozen elevated his jutsuryoku and pressed his hand on the ground once again.

The dazzling magic array instantly unfolded on the ground, emitting a brilliant light.

"〈Summon Wyverns〉!"

Rozen invoked the Upper-level familiar summoning spell he initially mastered, summoning wyverns.

However, at this moment, what Rozen summoned was not the bipedal wyverns seen in France, but fire-attributed wyverns born in a volcano, accompanied by fire throughout their lives.

"Come forth! Magma Wyverns!"

The summoning magic circle under Rozen immediately turned a fiery red, spewing mighty flames.



The next second, the roars of the wyverns echoed from the magic circle, causing the wyverns to fly out as the magic circle expanded.

They had the same appearance and size as bipedal wyverns, but their scales were a fiery red like magma. They had fierce dragon horns on their heads, and the aura they exuded was scorching and frenzied, making them appear more ferocious than regular bipedal wyverns.

Of course, this was only a feeling brought about by their appearance.

In fact, the strength of the bipedal wyverns and magma wyverns didn't differ much. However, the magma wyverns, born in a volcano, were naturally unafraid of flames. They even roamed within lava. In terms of resistance to fire, they surpassed the fire rats Rozen had previously summoned. Even when facing flames that could burn away even jujutsu, they would undoubtedly endure.

So, under Rozen's control, the magma wyverns roared and charged out.


Rozen immediately addressed his ten self-made shikigamis.

The Valkyries immediately understood Rozen's intention, without any hesitation. One by one, they leaped into the air, jumping onto the backs of the magma wyverns flying through the sky, akin to dragon knights riding them.

In this situation, the flames, resembling fiery beasts, could no longer affect the Valkyries riding the magma wyverns.



The magma wyverns continued to roar and charged towards Miyachi Iwao's direction.

Miyachi Iwao seemed to have noticed and finally opened his eyes.

"Such shikigamis exist?"

Miyachi Iwao exclaimed, astonished and surprised. However, his actions were not slow at all. He swiftly swung the prayer beads in his hand, allowing the flames around him to pounce like wolves, instantly hitting the attacking magma wyverns.

The magma wyverns hit by the flames weren't burned, but they were pushed back as if being repelled. Even when attacking from a different angle, they were still forced to retreat by Miyachi Iwao's flames, causing the magma wyverns to roar in anger.

Clearly, all these wyverns could freely move in and out of lava, yet they were forced back by the flames, showcasing the terrifying power of Miyachi Iwao's 〈Fire Realm Incantation〉.

However, Rozen had the Valkyries ride the magma wyverns not only to make them immune to the threats from the magma wyverns but also to allow them to provide spiritual power to the magma wyverns. This way, they could boost the magma wyverns' strength while reducing their own consumption.



At this moment, the Valkyries successively placed their hands on the magma wyverns' bodies, infusing their spiritual power into them, enhancing the magma wyverns' strength.

The magma wyverns, feeling the enhanced power within them, became even more ferocious, relentlessly attacking Miyachi Iwao, causing him to wave his prayer beads and summon flames to drive the wyvern horde back.

However, the shikigami and familiars Rozen summoned weren't just the Valkyries and magma wyverns.


Rozen called out to the Hokuto.

Hokuto, who was resisting the flames by emitting dragon energy, immediately looked over, locking eyes with Rozen.

In an instant, the master and servant understood each other's intent through their gaze.

Almost simultaneously, Hokuto violently broke free from the flames entwining it and soared into the sky, where it began to circle.


Rozen suddenly clapped, and a surging jutsuryoku surged from him.


The devout incantation resounded steadily from Rozen's mouth, echoing around and causing the surrounding sea of fire to ripple like waves, resonating.

Following this resonating jutsuryoku and flames, Hokuto swiftly maneuvered in mid-air, using its body to draw a series of patterns, forming a massive design—a pentagram.

Seeing this, Miyachi Iwao, who was entangled with the Valkyries riding the magma wyverns, was suddenly shaken.

Because Miyachi Iwao had already figured out the jutsu Rozen was preparing to use.

"The 'Great Vidyaraja'?...!"

Miyachi Iwao's expression turned grave for the first time.