-607- Absolutely.....

Onmyou Agency, the corridor that was turned into a battlefield earlier.

"Thud, thud."

In a measured but unusually clear sound of footsteps, the director of the Onmyou Agency, dressed in an onmyoji uniform, slowly appeared here, walking along the corridor.



Around, various officials of the Exorcism Division were lying haphazardly on the floor, emitting uncomfortable groans. They didn't seem to be injured, but they displayed signs of considerable shock.

The air carried remnants of incredibly potent jutsuryoku, indicating that a formidable jujutsu had just been unleashed here.

Kurahashi Genji walked amidst this, absorbing everything, slowly approaching a monk lying against the wall.

The robes of the individual was tattered, and his body was charred and covered in burns. Leaning against the wall, he emitted wisps of smoke. He was motionless, unable to even move, and even the prayer beads in their hands were shattered, with beads scattered nearby.

This person was Miyachi Iwao.

Miyachi Iwao struggled to raise his head, looking at Kurahashi Genji appearing before him. An unprecedented expression of anguish appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry."

Miyachi Iwao could only utter these words.

It wasn't just because he had nothing else to say, but also because his injuries were so severe that he could no longer say much.

Rozen's "Great Vidyaraja" not only burned him physically but also scorched his spiritual body, leaving Miyachi Iwao immobile, barely conscious, and his mind extremely unclear.

In Miyachi Iwao's current state, being able to maintain consciousness and say a sentence was actually a highly shocking occurrence.

If it were another person, it's likely that even surviving would be questionable.

Hence, it was evident that Miyachi Iwao was indeed a monster surpassing an ordinary onmyoji.

Kurahashi Genji was well aware of Miyachi Iwao's power.

However, precisely because he understood, looking at the miserable state that Miyachi Iwao presented in front of him, resembling burnt, torn rags, Kurahashi Genji found himself unable to speak.

It was only after a brief pause.

"I understand."

Without any comfort or tension, Kurahashi Genji responded with an expressionless face.

But Miyachi Iwao, as if completing his final mission, tilted his head and finally lost consciousness.

It was only at this moment that a second voice sounded from behind Kurahashi Genji.

"I underestimated Tsuchimikado Akikan's abilities after all."

Yashamaru appeared soundlessly behind Kurahashi Genji, hands casually in his pockets, and spoke without a hint of tension.

"Indeed, it surpassed my expectations."

Kurahashi Genji remained silent for a moment, then spoke expressionlessly.

"The Omnipotent Sword, Ogre Eater, Binding Princess, and now even the Fire Demon were defeated by him. Tsuchimikado Akikan is truly an unexpected variable."

Kurahashi Genji made this assessment.

"That's why I said, it would have been enough for our side to intervene."

Yashamaru seemed to complain, but in reality, he was rebuking Kurahashi Genji, wasn't he?

"Since even Miyachi lost, even if you all intervened, you wouldn't be able to stop him." Kurahashi Genji stated coldly. "Moreover, isn't there an issue with the princess from the Soma family?"

Upon hearing this, Yashamaru smiled, not denying it at all.

It was an inevitable situation.

"Originally, I thought that even if someone came to attack the princess, it would probably be Tsuchimikado Akikan. Who knew that during Tsuchimikado Akikan's rampage in the Onmyou Agency, an entirely unexpected individual would suddenly emerge."

Yashamaru seemed to recall something, and his smile began to change.

As a contemporary onmyoji with Yashamaru, how could Kurahashi Genji not understand what was implied in Yashamaru's expression?

It was an expression formed from joy, delight, curiosity, eagerness, and a hint of displeasure for the pursuit of knowledge.

The former was because the newcomer was indeed someone who piqued Yashamaru's interest.

As for that slight displeasure, it was due to the assault on Soma Takiko.

"If I weren't present and his two main protectors weren't by his side, relying solely on Kumomaru, perhaps the princess might have met an unfortunate fate."

Yashamaru was displeased about this.

Even Kurahashi Genji hadn't expected that, besides Tsuchimikado Akikan, there would be someone else attacking Soma Takiko.

After all, very few people were aware of Soma Takiko's existence at the moment, and currently, apart from Rozen, there were no others who held enough enmity to actively attack her.

However, if it was him...

"If it's him, it's indeed possible that he might go after the princess of the Soma family." Kurahashi Genji turned and looked at Yashamaru, saying, "The premise being that he has already 'awakened.'"

This was what Kurahashi Genji wanted to ask.

Yashamaru, naturally, knew the meaning behind this action.

"How is it?" Kurahashi Genji asked directly. "Has that person already 'awakened'?"

This was what Kurahashi Genji wanted to ask.

Yashamaru's response was like this.

"Ah, he should have almost 'awakened' by now." Yashamaru nodded and said calmly, "Otherwise, I truly can't confirm his identity."

His identity?

"The reincarnation of Yakou." Yashamaru smiled somewhat coldly. "I never expected Yakou's reincarnation to be such a person. Truly worthy of you, Yasuzumi-kun. You've hidden it quite well."

This remark was directed at Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi.

At this point, it must be mentioned.

Actually, Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi was of the same generation as Kurahashi Genji and Dairenji Shidou. The three of them had initially entered the Onmyou Agency together.

So, until the so-called attacker seized the opportunity during Rozen's rampage in the Onmyou Agency to attack Soma Takiko and was revealed by Yashamaru, Yashamaru immediately understood what Tsuchimikado Yasuzumi had actually done.

"Perhaps, Tsuchimikado Akikan was indeed set up as a scapegoat by the head of the Tsuchimikado family," Kurahashi Genji said. "As for whether this scapegoat is a secretly born child of the main family or has a different origin, that remains unclear."

"Yes," Yashamaru praised directly. "This is the Grade-B jujutsu that Yasuzumi-kun has arranged for over a decade. We've all been fooled."

Fortunately, the truth was now out, and the current situation was not necessarily disadvantageous to the Kurahashi and Soma families.

"Well, we haven't successfully absorbed the comrade we desired anyway," Yashamaru said to Kurahashi Genji. "What should we do next?"

Faced with Yashamaru's question, Kurahashi Genji answered without hesitation.

"The timing is right now. We can proceed with the formal phase of the plan," Kurahashi Genji said decisively. "During this period, we will relentlessly pursue the Tsuchimikado family. If we can make them change their minds before implementing the plan, that would be ideal."

"Is that so?" Yashamaru nodded and then smiled. "And if we can't?"

This statement made Kurahashi Genji turn around and look at Miyachi Iwao, who had fainted in front of him.

"Can't?" Kurahashi Genji murmured softly, then spoke coldly.

'If we can't, then we absolutely cannot let them hinder us.'

Only this was certain.

Kurahashi Genji raised his head and looked at the ceiling, letting his voice echo all around.

"Even in the face of immense difficulty, even with differing ideologies, the path of Onmyoudou must continue forward. Absolutely cannot stagnate."
