-628- Just wanted to help you graduate

On this day, the Royal Academy of Machinart in Walpurgis became lively.

"A transfer student from the Far East is challenging Magnus!"

"That's a direct declaration of war!"

"Someone is ready to challenge the Marshal!"

"Rorelai Arneet!"

"Ranked 101st!"

The above sentences suddenly became frequent appearances in various corners of the academy.

Students started buzzing with excitement upon learning about this grandiose challenge. They not only quickly grasped the whole story but also understood the details of the challenger, causing information to spread like wildfire within the academy.

Upon learning about this, most students laughed at the audacity.

"To challenge Magnus right after entering the academy?"

"This is madness."

"Is it because he's ranked 101st and is so close to entering the Night Party that he's in a rush?"

"Which means this transfer student is trying to gain fame using Magnus?"

"That's truly crazy. Don't they consider who Magnus really is?"

Many students reacted in this manner, treating the situation as a spectacle.

Only the higher-ranking students saw through the complexity of the matter.

After all, before the challenge against Magnus was declared, the immense eagle cry echoed throughout the academy, reaching everyone's ears.

"If that's magic's effect, the coverage is too broad."

"Could that be the sound produced by the large eagle mentioned in the rumors?"

"If it's an automaton, what's the magic circuit for this large eagle?"

"With such a vast coverage, even without substantial harmful effects, it would still require a considerable amount of magic."

"This 101st ranker is certainly not ordinary."

"We haven't heard of any eagle-type automaton around him."

"He's indeed a mysterious transfer student from various angles."

"While I don't think Magnus will lose to him, the challenger is no simple opponent. That much is certain."

"It might become an unexpectedly entertaining event before the Night Party starts."

"I hope this transfer student has some skills."

"Perhaps, during this opportunity, we can gather some information about Magnus's team."

The intelligent students at the top ranks had these thoughts and began attaching great importance to this matter.

Naturally, the higher-ups at the academy also showed great concern.

For the academy, Magnus was undoubtedly a priceless asset. He had the potential to break records dating back to the founding of the school. As an institution dedicated to nurturing excellent puppeteers, they couldn't afford to let such a talent be threatened.

Hence, the academy had always protected Magnus and would not allow students to attack him indiscriminately.

However, if it was an open and direct challenge, that was a different matter.

After all, this academy upheld a meritocracy. If a capable individual openly challenged another, as long as the challenged party did not refuse the challenge, the academy would not intervene.

But since the declaration of war had been made for some time and there was no news from Magnus, the academy could only temporarily observe.

At the same time, the academy began to closely monitor Rozen.

"Could that eagle not be his automaton?"

"Students' automatons are registered with the academy and are not allowed to leave until graduation. If he had an automaton that large, we would have noticed and it would have been registered."

"Perhaps it's a hidden trump card of some sort?"

"Quite intriguing."

The high-level staff of the academy started focusing on Rozen.

And so, Rozen challenging Magnus caused a sensation.

Although the reactions varied, there was one thing that was certain.

Rozen had become completely famous.

That was all.

However, Rozen was currently in a very headache-inducing situation.

"Sob, sob, sob..."

In Raphael Men's Dormitory, in Rozen's room, Yaya crouched in a corner, trembling shoulders, sobbing and whimpering.

Watching Yaya like this, Rozen was at a loss for words.

"Isn't that enough, Yaya?"

Rozen spoke weakly.

"Sob, sob, sob..."

However, Yaya seemed to be oblivious, still huddled in the corner, crying as if greatly wronged, displaying a stubborn demeanor.

Of course, Rozen felt no sympathy.

There was no way.

"You were the one relentlessly attacking me, so it's only natural for me to resist. Why are you the one feeling wronged?"

Rozen said this with half-closed eyes.

In response, Yaya protested tearfully, her words full of grievances.

"Why did you resist!?"

"Why shouldn't I resist?"

"Yaya only did it for Rozen's own good!"

"How is it like that?"

"Because Rozen is still a virgin! Yaya just wanted to help you graduate!"

"Thank you! But can you please not mention 'virgin'?!"

"Anyway, it'll be over in an instant! If you find it boring, just count the stains on the ceiling! Leave the rest to Yaya!"

"Let me repeat, you are an automaton, not an inflatable doll. Can you stop bringing up problematic points?!"

Rozen countered all of Yaya's statements.

In this situation, it seemed like Yaya had reached her limit.

"If this continues, Rozen will be snatched away by that woman!"

Yaya wailed loudly.


Rozen felt his head ache again.

Ever since Hinowa appeared, Yaya's emotions had become extremely unstable, escalating her already crazy behavior to new heights.

Rozen couldn't even count how many times he had woken up in the middle of the night due to Yaya's attacks, and how many times he had chased her out of his bed.

So now, Rozen basically dared not take off his Kinu's coat, and he even kept wearing the Gyokuto Ring. Who would've thought that Yaya had a history of drugging Rozen's water and food?

The Gyokuto Ring was a curse tool that worked internally. Wearing it greatly increased resistance to poison. Rozen desperately needed it now.

"It seems that Hinowa's appearance has really triggered a crisis for Yaya."

Otherwise, Yaya wouldn't have become so proactive.

"No, she was already very proactive. Now she's just gone overboard."

Rozen commented.

At this moment, though,

"Thud, thud, thud."

A very polite knock on the door interrupted the noise in the room.

"Nu.. Rozen-sama, it's Hinowa."

A timid voice came from outside the door.

In an instant, Rozen realized.

"Homewrecker, homewrecker, homewrecker, homewrecker, homewrecker!"

Yaya stopped crying, black aura emanating from her, even her eyes turning ferocious like a fierce beast.

Rozen could already foresee what would happen next.

"Please go back! Rozen isn't here!"


Yaya jumped up and blocked the door, resolutely refusing to let Hinowa in.

And Hinowa was equally stubborn, seemingly engaging in a direct confrontation with Yaya, banging on the door with all her might.

The two girls fiercely opposed each other through the door, gritting their teeth.


Rozen sighed again.