-657- What if I say no?

In the pitch-black forest, the air began to grow tense.




Accompanied by the sounds of switches being flicked, within the forest, a series of illumination lights were activated. They projected bright beams of light, dispersing the darkness within the forest, concentrating on the open space where the people were situated.


Rabbi, acting guardedly, displayed a threatening posture as if warning those around her. Low growls emanated from her throat.


Frey was utterly bewildered, gazing at the various members of the Disciplinary Committee who had surrounded them. She had no idea about the recent developments.

As for Yaya, standing in front of Rozen, she appeared somewhat at a loss.

In this situation, Rozen and Felix made eye contact. One narrowed his eyes while the other maintained a polite smile. However, the atmosphere between them was undeniably tense.

"Please come with us."

This was Felix's opening statement.

Although his tone remained elegant and courteous, there was a discernible undertone of targeted implications.

Rozen raised an eyebrow and asked nonchalantly, "What do you mean by that?"

Without showing any inclination to comply, Rozen inquired as if nothing was amiss.

Regarding this, Felix didn't pay much mind to it, but with a somewhat regretful tone, he shook his head and spoke.

"This is what I intended to say," Felix gazed directly at Rozen and asked, "Mr. Arneet, what is the reason of you trailing Miss Frey?"

Felix posed this question surprisingly.

"Trailing?" Frey seemed taken aback, and even Rabbi in front of her showed hostility towards Rozen.

Hearing this, Rozen essentially understood.

"Why?" Rozen replied with a half-smile, turning to Felix. "Do you think I have ulterior motives against Frey?"

Rozen's words received Felix's unwavering smile.

"If not, why were you secretly watching Miss Frey?" Felix continued with a hint of insinuation. "You see, recently there's a serial killer in the academy."

The implication in his words was evident, and anyone could grasp it.

So, that's what he's implying, right?

"You don't happen to think I'm the Cannibal Candy, do you?" Rozen scoffed suddenly, saying, "If that's the case, I'd have to seriously reconsider whether the Head of the Disciplinary Committee in this academy is dependable."

His unabashedly disparaging words caused each Disciplinary Committee member to reveal a degree of anger in their eyes.

But wasn't that the case to begin with?

Felix, appearing somewhat disheartened, shook his head and responded, "Of course, I'm not suggesting that you are the Cannibal Candy. Mr. Arneet, you're a recent transfer student to the academy, and the Cannibal Candy began their activities last year. Considering the timeline, it's impossible for you to be the Cannibal Candy."

That's right. Given the circumstances, anyone could be the Cannibal Candy in this academy, except for Rozen, who undoubtedly could not be the Cannibal Candy.


"Even if you aren't the Cannibal Candy, the fact remains that you were hiding in this desolate, uninhabited forest, secretly observing Miss Frey," Felix spoke in this manner.

"So, we can't rule out the possibility that you might be manipulated by someone similar to the Cannibal Candy, assisting them. Furthermore, even without this possibility, your actions alone cast suspicion on you."

Felix didn't step back.

"In any case, can you accompany us for now?"

The second ultimatum resonated through the tense atmosphere.

At this moment, not only Felix but also the Disciplinary Committee members focused their attention on Rozen, waiting for his response.

Only Frey, with Rabbi by her side, gazed timidly at Rozen.

Yaya didn't turn around, but it was clear that she was awaiting Rozen's instructions.

As for Rozen's response, was there even room for consideration?

"What if I say no?"

Rozen's nonchalant words and fearless smile appeared.

This caused the Disciplinary Committee members to release their magic simultaneously, activating their automatons. Whether humanoid or wolf-like, yokai or monsters, each automaton emerged from the surrounding bushes and gathered by the Disciplinary Committee members.

The entire space was filled with powerful magic, forming a turbulent energy flow.

Under this chaotic magic flow, both Frey and Rabbi retreated, feeling intimidated.

However, Felix shook his head with a tone of regret.

"You shouldn't be so headstrong, Mr. Arneet. We don't want to believe that you, a newcomer who dared to challenge Magnus, are a criminal who targets vulnerable girls. You just need to come with us and assist in our investigation. The Disciplinary Committee will certainly clear your name."

Felix spoke with a certain sincerity, impeccable in his words and actions.

The problem was,

"Sorry, I can't trust the Disciplinary Committee at the moment."

Rozen bluntly expressed his thoughts, causing a slight shift in Felix's expression.

Not only Felix but also the Disciplinary Committee members glared at Rozen.

However, these were Rozen's true feelings.

"After all, you appeared too quickly, the timing was too perfect, and I'm currently suspicious of all those in power and factions within this academy. In such a situation, I don't have the courage to be taken away casually."

Rozen shrugged and stated his opinion, causing the atmosphere to shift from tense to hostile.

"Is that so?" Felix muttered, "That's a shame."

With these words, Felix took a few steps back.


"Capture Rorelai Arneet!"

Felix ordered all the surrounding Disciplinary Committee members.

Subsequently, each Disciplinary Committee member's magic power surged.




"Capture him!"

Under the shouts of the Disciplinary Committee members, the automatons of various forms either rushed toward Rozen or retreated.

The advancing automatons raised their arms or weapons, indicating close combat types.

The retreating ones included some with firearms and others with drawn chains, evidently designed for ranged attacks.

A small number of automatons remained by their masters' sides, either defense-oriented or providing support.

This legion of automatons simultaneously launched an offensive against Rozen, transforming the chaotic magic flow into a hurricane that swept across the entire battlefield.

And faced with all of this,


Rozen spoke with an unwavering calm.

"Take them all apart."

As soon as he finished speaking,


Yaya responded with a loud voice, her entire body emanating magic.