-662- The likes of you

Why, in hiding and waiting for 'Cannibal Candy' to appear around Frey, does Felix conveniently arrive with the Disciplinary Committee to surround him and falsely accuse him of being an accomplice to 'Cannibal Candy'?

At the outset, Rozen mentioned that Felix's arrival was just too perfectly timed.

You see, this place is a remote, uninhabited forest. Even if the Disciplinary Committee had increased their vigilance due to 'Cannibal Candy,' they've been patrolling and guarding within the academy, making it highly improbable that Felix would suddenly show up here just as his 'Invisibility Jutsu' was unveiled by Rabbi, revealing himself and Yaya. This leads Rozen to suspect that Felix might indeed be 'Cannibal Candy.'

Now, observing Eliza's displayed magic and combining it with the previous knowledge that 'Cannibal Candy' must strengthen itself by consuming the magic circuits of automatons, Rozen can make a fairly confident assertion.

Felix, as the one who persecuted ordinary students within the academy and destroyed their automatons, hiding their corpses, is indeed the perpetrator 'Cannibal Candy,' backed by a significant force.

"As the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee and the legitimate heir of the Kingsfort family, you had all the means to hide the students' bodies. You knew very well that there are areas off-limits to thorough inspection by both the Disciplinary Committee and the guards. You had the privilege to access these places. Thus, you silently disposed of those corpses."

Rozen's voice resonated clearly in the surroundings.

"For the sake of winning in the Night Party, and ultimately claiming the throne of the Wiseman, you killed more than twenty students, consumed the magic circuits of over twenty automatons, and stored their magic within your automaton, increasing the stock and variety of magic you could use, enhancing your strength."

Now, Felix's automaton has utilized the manipulation of lava, dense fog, water currents, and hurricane, totaling four magics.

"These four magics are what your automaton took from others, right?"

Rozen spoke mockingly, devoid of any humor.

Unfortunately, driven by personal gain, Felix treated innocent lives as sacrifices. He murdered innocent students, devoured the hearts of automatons, which possess life and soul, and found this act repulsive.


"You also set your sights on me," Rozen stated dispassionately. "Perhaps because you saw the battle between me and Magnus, where you witnessed Yaya's 'Kongouriki's' power. You realized that not even Magnus could contend with that kind of magic. It's only natural that you'd be tempted, isn't it?"

This is why 'Cannibal Candy' targeted Rozen.

Before this, 'Cannibal Candy' primarily attacked ordinary students, seizing their automaton's magic circuits. They didn't target highly-ranked students. Attacking ordinary students was easier, while attacking top-ranking students was much more complicated.

If anything went wrong, leading to exposure, Felix, even as the legitimate heir of the Kingsfort family and Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, would face the combined force of the sponsors who backed the missing students. If that were to happen even the entire British government might have to concede.

Hence, Felix couldn't afford to take such a risk. Instead, he attacked ordinary students, slowly accumulating magical power and enhancing his abilities.

"I suppose you originally thought that even though Magnus had a whole team and six automatons, he could only use six magics at most. You, on the other hand, had over twenty types of magic in your inventory, ensuring you wouldn't lose. As long as you continued to accumulate power, you were confident that eventually, you'd defeat Magnus and seize the Wiseman's throne, right?"

Rozen's words carried a mocking tone.

"But, in the battle against me, Magnus wielded a secret technique that gave you a hard blow, making you face reality."

Having the 'Crimson Wing Formation' magic, the display of strength by Magnus undoubtedly not only woke up Felix but all the students in the academy. It showed them how formidable and fearsome a monster could be, one that could break records dating back to the academy's founding.

At that moment, Felix took notice.

Merely having the advantage of magic circuits was insufficient to defeat Magnus.

"Your strength is in quantity, not quality. With just the magic circuits of ordinary students' automatons, you hoped to stand a chance against Magnus. Your prospects were bleak."

In light of this, how could Felix not be tempted by Yaya's 'Kongouriki,' which demonstrated an astonishingly powerful magical circuit capable of withstanding Magnus?

Even though he knew Rozen possessed extraordinary abilities and that the attack could likely fail, Felix gritted his teeth and chose to make a move.

"But did you really think that having 'Kongouriki' would allow you to fully unleash its power, giving you the strength to match Magnus?" Rozen's tone became increasingly mocking.

The reason 'Kongouriki' was invincible was not merely due to the incredible strength of the magic circuit itself. The more exceptional the magic circuit, the more it needed a superior automaton to fully harness its power.

As mentioned before, Karyusai Shouko's creations weren't for everyone; they could exhibit their full potential only when wielded by those qualified.

If an ordinary puppeteer were to use Yaya, at most, they could enhance her physical abilities with 'Kongouriki,' making her more resilient to damage.

Even a skilled puppeteer like Rozen, who first used Yaya in Akabane's fiery battle two years ago, hadn't fully harnessed her capabilities.

"Yaya's 'Kongouriki' is a high-level magic that can only be used effectively by those who have reached the pinnacle of magus, achieving the heights of 'Mind's Eye,'" Rozen stated without mercy. "Trash like you, who can only grow stronger by devouring the power of others, can't even touch the slightest understanding of 'Kongouriki.'"

"You want to become the Wiseman?"

"The likes of you?"

With extreme contempt, disdain, and mockery, these words resounded once again in the ears of everyone present. And these expressions of scorn and ridicule triggered an outburst of negative emotions within Felix.

"I'll kill you!"

Felix's mind was clouded by anger, and he didn't even attempt to offer an explanation. His eyes reddened, and he growled fiercely.

"Kill him! Eliza!"

Under Felix's furious growl, Eliza, who lay on the ground with her body fractured like two segments, struggled to stand with great difficulty.


In the next moment, amid a buzzing sound, Eliza transformed into a white phantom mist, swirling forward.

Yet, her target was not Yaya.


Amidst Yaya's shocked cry, the white mist surged toward Rozen.