-670- Go out to have fun?

"I'm back, Rozen!"

As if unable to contain her excitement, the several figures that appeared included a beautiful black-haired girl in a kimono who rushed towards Rozen.

Her expression was filled with joy and tears, as if she had been reunited with a long-lost loved one.


"You've only been gone for about an hour, why the excessive joy of a long-awaited reunion?"

Rozen extended his hand and pressed it against Yaya's face, stopping her in her tracks.

At the same time, the other three figures successively spoke to Rozen.

"Sorry to bother you to send Yaya to come pick us up. Nuragami-sama."

Irori bowed politely to Rozen, just as courteous and elegant as always.

"We've finally made it to England. We should call you Rozen now, right?"

Komurasaki happily waved to Rozen, still as cheerful and energetic as before.

As for the remaining person, while their appearance was quite similar to the three sisters present, their entire presence exuded a different charm, full of maturity and allure.

Karyusai Shouko, the world's foremost puppet craftsman who personally crafted the Setsugetsuka series of automatons.

This celebrated puppet master in the world of machinart had now also arrived in England, at Liverpool, and at the Walpurgis Royal Academy of Machinart.

"Did you really see through Komurasaki's 'Yaegasumi' so easily?"

Shouko Karyusai turned her gaze towards Rozen, as if she was taking a closer look.

"It seems like you've climbed to the highest echelons of the magus, mastered the art of Mind's Eye, and the information regarding you brought out the full potential of Yaya's Kongouriki is ture."

Shouko Karyusai nodded with great satisfaction.

For this master who personally crafted the highest masterpiece of the Setsugetsuka automaton series, witnessing someone fully unleash the power of their carefully crafted creation would undoubtedly fill her heart with immense satisfaction.

"Did you have a taste of Yaya's true power?" Karyusai Shouko smiled and asked.

"How does my 'Moon' automaton feel?"

Hearing this, Rozen smiled slightly.

"It's pretty great. No wonder it's known as the highest-grade automaton. Even compared to the six Banned Dolls of the Army, its performance remains inferior to Yaya. Even within this academy, I haven't seen an automaton with better performance than Yaya."

Rozen readily acknowledged this fact.

It was the truth.

In terms of performance alone, Rozen had indeed not seen an automaton superior to Yaya. Even in terms of potential, among the many shikigami and familiars that Rozen employed, Yaya ranked among the best. She fell below only Kinu, Gyokuto, and Hokuto, not even the Valkyries could surpass her.

So, Rozen was quite satisfied with Yaya's power.

Hence, Rozen thought to remind Karyusai Shouko:

"Additionally, Yaya is my 'Moon' automaton now, Miss Shouko."

Rozen said just that.

"Always the one who likes to quibble," Karyusai Shouko was momentarily surprised, then chuckled.

"Rozen! You finally admitted that I'm yours!"

Even as Yaya was restrained by Rozen, preventing her from approaching, she looked as if she had heard the sweetest melody, her eyes widened, her cheeks blushed, and she had an incredibly happy expression.


"Rozen, where did you go just now?" Komurasaki, seemingly naive but mischievous at heart, asked. "Did Rozen go out to have fun while Yaya wasn't around?"

"H-Have fun?" The expression of happiness on Yaya's face froze in an instant.

As if flipping a page, Yaya swiftly began shedding tears.

"Rozen! You cheated on Yaya while she was away!"

Yaya reached out and tried to pinch Rozen.

"Cheated?" Rozen quickly dodged and protested to Yaya, "What do you mean cheated? I just went out for a walk!"

"Liar!" Yaya continued relentlessly, moving in to pinch Rozen again. "Yaya already smelled the scent of dragons and dogs on Rozen's body! Rozen must have gone to meet Miss Charl and Miss Frey!"

This perverted automaton had actually managed to guess correctly!?


Just when Rozen was about to be caught by Yaya, forced into a corner, with his coat fluttering, and was preparing to fend off the tiger-like Yaya, someone couldn't stand it anymore.

"Enough, Yaya." Irori spoke sternly, "Master is right here and in conversation with Rozen-sama. It's impolite to be so unruly!"

Irori displayed the side of an elder sister and apprehended Yaya.

"Ummm...." Yaya, who was out of control, seemed a bit helpless towards Irori, hanging her head in dejection.

"Hehe, Rozen and Yaya are really fun to watch," Komurasaki chuckled on the side.

The three beautiful girls each had their unique characteristics. One was stern and courteous, one was willful and impulsive, and one was mischievous and playful. They were virtually indistinguishable from humans, and it was hard to believe that these three sisters were automatons.

Karyusai Shouko watched this scene with a gentle gaze, and her once alluring and cunning face now bore a warm expression.

At this moment, Rozen looked toward Karyusai Shouko.

"I never expected you to actually come to England," Rozen marveled, "Did those guys from the military willingly let their precious gem like you leave the country?"

You should know that Karyusai Shouko is the number one puppet craftsman in the country, and the automaton she created, "Oborofuji," was so outstanding that it led to reforms within the military.

To enhance military power and ensure the nation's strength, a puppet craftsman who can continuously create top-tier automatons like her is a national treasure of utmost importance, and her departure from the country is no simple matter.

Who knows if someone might set their sights on Karyusai Shouko or if she might decide to join another country and not return?

In light of this, Karyusai Shouko had this to say:

"Because this year's Night Party will be more special."

Holding a smoking pipe, Shouko Karyusai took a puff, then exhaled smoke while explaining.

"It's not just me. Various world powers have sent relevant personnel to this city of machinart. So, it's sure to become livelier as we move forward."

This much is certain.

Previous Night Parties have always been like this. Due to the involvement of national-level interests, every time it's held, it attracts the scrutiny of all sorts of characters and draws various entities.

As a result, Karyusai Shouko, who couldn't ignore this year's Night Party, had to spend quite a bit of effort to successfully leave Japan and, together with Irori and Komurasaki, come to the city of automaton.

This was a decision Karyusai Shouko made before Rozen left for this place.

Now, Karyusai Shouko had finally arrived, and Rozen sent Yaya to pick them up.

Going forward, Karyusai Shouko would stay in the city of machinart.

Unless something unexpected happened, this master puppeteer probably wouldn't leave.

"I've also heard that you've already had an encounter with the Marshal," Shouko Karyusai gazed at Rozen and asked, "How do you feel? Are you confident you can win?"

For this question, there was only one answer.

"Of course," Rozen replied without any hesitation.

"That's good," Shouko Karyusai relaxed her expression.