-705- Wait for her to come out

Academy, Raphael Men's Dormitory.

In the room, Rozen sat on the bed with his eyes closed, as if falling asleep, emitting a serene and subtle magical aura.

On the side, Yaya watched over Rozen, as if guarding against any disturbance, her gaze constantly scanning the surroundings.

Ever since he returned from the medical department and entered the room, Rozen had maintained this posture for the past three hours.

It wasn't until nearly four hours had passed that Rozen's brow visibly furrowed, and the tranquil, subtle magical aura emanating from his body disappeared.

At this moment, Rozen slowly opened his eyes.

"How is it?"

Seeing this, Yaya's eyes brightened, and she quickly stepped forward, asking this question.

To this, Rozen just shook his head.

"No, I couldn't find her."

Rozen stated this result.

"Even Rozen couldn't find that 'Elf Speeder'?"

Yaya was immediately surprised.

Because just now, Rozen was doing just that.

That is, Rozen was looking for Alice Bernstein's whereabouts.

For Rozen, this was not a difficult task.

With his level of 'Summoning Arts' and 'Onmyoudou,' as long as he dispatched thousands of small animal-shaped familiars and shikigami to various locations in the academy, and shared their sight and senses, finding a student in a limited area like the academy was a piece of cake.

However, the result was that Rozen failed.

"I've searched all corners of the academy, except for those places with advanced magic defense systems that have erected barriers."

Rozen said so.

The implication of this was not lost on Yaya.

"In other words, that girl named Alice is in such a place?"

Yaya's expression became even more surprised.

Because this would mean one thing.

That means this time, just like Felix, the person Rozen is trying to find is probably an important figure in the academy.

Otherwise, the girl wouldn't be in areas protected by barriers or advanced magic defense systems.

"That's a possibility," Rozen nodded, saying, "but it's also possible that she, like Magnus, has set up tight defenses within her own operating range."

Because Magnus had strict defenses around his workshop, any of Rozen's familiars or shikigami that approached were instantly eliminated. Alice Bernstein might possess a similar level of ability, which allowed her to evade Rozen's search.

"But with that level of ability, why is she ranked only 87th?" Yaya questioned, highlighting a crucial issue.

Rozen was aware that many people must be wondering about this.

Afterward, Rozen gathered some information about Alice Bernstein.

Despite being very conspicuous in appearance, she didn't attract much attention within the academy.

Her physical condition seemed poor, leading to frequent class absences, and her whereabouts remained a mystery. She only occasionally attended important classes.

Apart from that, she rarely appeared in front of others, had no close acquaintances, and was shrouded in mystery.

In this situation, the automaton that was with her, which nobody had seen before, seldom participated in combat training. If her academic performance wasn't quite good, she might not even qualify to participate in Night Party.

However, such a mysteriously reclusive individual had displayed extraordinary strength during the Night Party last night.

According to students who had watched the Night Party, at that time, Alice had used an incredibly lifelike humanoid automaton. This automaton had the appearance of a young butler and didn't appear to be an automaton to ordinary people. It didn't give off much of an intimidating presence and served Alice very vividly, just like a real butler.

However, when the competition began, this butler displayed astonishing power.

Rozen still remembered that a student he had inquired with described it this way:

"The speed of that automaton was incredible. It was like it completely defied the constraints of gravity. It would appear on the left one moment and on the right the next, and it would occasionally vanish. We couldn't even see it make a move. By the time we realized what was happening, all the automata in the 'Surround Roar' formation had fallen to the ground, seriously injured. The butler, however, wasn't even disheveled. It was truly incredible."

Based on this student's account, Rozen could reasonably conclude.

"Alice Bernstein undoubtedly possesses the level of power of the 'Thirteen' or possibly even surpasses Veyron, or even ranks higher."

Due to this, it's reported that Veyron, who was observing from the sidelines, lost his usual laziness and impatience and quietly withdrew, choosing not to confront Alice directly.

Under these circumstances, Frey was subjected to Alice's one-sided onslaught and was nearly driven to the point of losing control.

The fact that someone with such immensely strong abilities is ranked as low as 87th is truly hard to believe.

However, even someone like Veyron, who could be compared to the past Magnus, is ranked around 100th. So, it's not that surprising if someone can't achieve a higher ranking for some reason.

"Anyway, one thing is certain," Rozen said to Yaya.

"She's targeting me, and Frey is just a pawn she's using to provoke me."

In other words, it's a provocation and a declaration of war from her side.

"So... I'll take this chance to teach her a lesson."

That's Rozen's decision.

"But what if we can't find Miss Alice?" Yaya cautiously raised this question.

To this, Rozen just smiled.

"If we can't find her, we'll wait for her to come out."

How should they wait?

"Doesn't she need to attend the Night Party?" Rozen said, "Let's go to the Night Party and wait for her."

"I see," Yaya nodded in understanding, but then she remembered something and hurriedly added, "But tonight is the 86th-ranked student's turn. If the 86th-ranked student doesn't participate, doesn't that mean the 87th-ranked student doesn't have to participate either?"

The probability of the 86th-ranked student not participating was quite high.

However, in other words...

"As long as the 86th-ranked student participates, she'll have to participate."

This means...

"Let's apply for voluntary demotion," Rozen declared.

"Down to the 86th rank."