-712- Worry about yourself first

"Tap, tap, tap."

In the silent, pitch-black corridor, the rhythmic sound of three people's footsteps echoed all around.

Rozen, Charl, and Henri, a group of three, continued to walk along the passage, quickly leaving behind the collapsed area.

There was no light here, and the visibility was extremely low, making it inconvenient for walking.

While Rozen possessed the ability of the Heaven's Eye and was not hindered by this situation, Charl and Henri had their movements restricted.

Leaving aside Henri, even Charl didn't possess the ability of the Heaven's Eye, and she naturally couldn't utilize it in this environment.

Although, considering Charl's abilities, it wouldn't be surprising if she could learn the Heaven's Eye. However, among the eight tiers of magus, not all of the skills are essential, and depending on individual circumstances, it's acceptable to choose not to waste time learning certain skills if there are alternatives available.

For instance, the Familiar Garm, which Frey controls, can accomplish the same things by using its senses of smell, hearing, and even sensing sound pressure, making learning the Heaven's Eye ability unnecessary.

Rozen was similar in this regard. Although he had acquired seven of the eight tiers of magus, there was one he didn't learn because it wasn't something he needed.

Charl, on the other hand, was more extreme. She had only learned the abilities of telekinesis and Spirit Vision from the eight tiers of magus, and hadn't learned any of the others.

Given Sigmund's destructive power capable of annihilating everything, Charl must have focused all her energy on mastering the control of her Gram and didn't spend much effort on the other techniques of the eight tiers.

In any case, Charl didn't have the ability of the Heaven's Eye, which meant that her movements were naturally restricted in a place where you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face.

To avoid trouble and conserve magic, Rozen threw out a Fire talisman, igniting it in front of him, creating a floating fireball that illuminated the surroundings, allowing the three of them to walk smoothly along the corridor.

"Where are we?"

Henri continued walking while tightly holding her sister's hand, trembling in fear.

"It's okay, Henri. I'm here, and if anyone tries to do anything to us, I'll have Sigmund burn them to ashes," Charl reassured her sister. However, even her voice was trembling slightly.

Evidently, this young lady was trying to be brave again, despite being scared. She didn't want to appear weak in front of her little sister.

The two sisters from the Belew family walked together as if they were dependent on each other.

At this moment, Rozen felt the need to remind them of something.

"By the way, didn't Sigmund fall in here as well?"

Rozen casually mentioned this, but it caused Charl and Henri to freeze simultaneously, their expressions completely petrified.

A little later...

"S-Sigmund! Where did Sigmund go!?"

Charl finally panicked. This young girl had finally realized the situation.

Rozen, who was walking ahead, rolled his eyes and continued.

"When Sigmund fell in here, he still maintained his massive size, but later, probably due to not receiving your magical support, his size returned to normal, and he might be buried under the rubble somewhere. I haven't found his whereabouts with my Spirit Vision and Heaven's Eye."

Therefore, Sigmund might have been blown to the other side of the passage, or something else might have happened to him.

"I-I have to find Sigmund!"

Charl shouted and turned around, as if she was going to run back.

"W-Wait! Onee-sama! That's too dangerous!"

Henri quickly grabbed Charl, stopping her from acting recklessly.

This was indeed reckless. Not to mention the possibility of encountering a second collapse if they returned, even moving alone in such a place was extremely dangerous.

As for Charl, whose understanding of the eight tiers of magus was not very deep and who didn't even have her automaton with her, she didn't possess her family's inherited Spirit Magic, and she would be essentially a powerless ordinary girl once she left Rozen. She wouldn't be able to handle any danger.

As for Henri, her magical power was even weaker compared to Charl. Rozen could sense that this young girl's magical power was far from Charl's level, and she seemed to have almost no systematic training.

A pair of sisters like this, if they act recklessly in a place like this, they are truly inviting disaster.

Rozen spoke with annoyance, "Don't worry; even leaving you, Sigmund still has some self-preservation abilities. I'm sure he hasn't been buried alive."

Rozen said this with confidence.

"Why are you so sure?"

Charl questioned.

Rozen looked at Charl and smiled indifferently, "Because Sigmund is a Banned Doll, isn't he?"

With these words, Charl and Henri widened their eyes in surprise.


Charl wanted to say something, but Rozen spoke first, "Why would I know this? I just guessed."


Charl and Henri were both stunned.

But that was indeed the truth.

"Everyone in England knows that the first Earl Belew defeated the rogue dragon 120 years ago and tamed it. That's when the Belew family's 'Gram' appeared and has been with the family through the generations."

Rozen explained, "If this legend is true, the rogue dragon must be Sigmund, and the first Earl Belew must have defeated Sigmund and tamed him, right?"

If that's the case, it means that the first Earl Belew had a battle with the rogue dragon.

"This could lead to two possible scenarios."

Rozen held up two fingers.

"First, the first Earl Belew fought against the puppeteer controlling the rogue dragon."

"Second, the first Earl Belew fought against the rogue dragon itself."

If it's the first scenario, it means the first Earl Belew defeated the puppeteer who was abusing Sigmund and then took Sigmund with him. But if it's the second scenario...

"That proves that Sigmund is a Banned Doll, capable of generating a certain amount of magic on his own and having a certain degree of combat power. That's how he can do all this."

Rozen explained confidently.

"I could see signs of magic generation in Sigmund through Spirit Vision. So, I can confidently say that Sigmund is a Banned Doll."

Since he's a Banned Doll, even if he's separated from the puppeteer, Sigmund should have some degree of power for self-preservation.

"You... You can actually see signs of magic generation in Sigmund's body!?"

Charl couldn't help but be amazed.

You see, Banned Dolls have very little magic inside them, and they are usually subjected to methods of concealment by their creators to avoid being identified as forbidden creations. Even Spirit Vision can't detect the flow of magic within a puppet.


"Instead of worrying about Sigmund, you should worry about yourself first."

Rozen suddenly smiled, but there was no humor in his eyes.

"The one who doesn't welcome our arrival is already getting closer."