-748- Unforseen karmic affinities

In the academy, Raphael Men's Dormitory.

In Rozen's room, besides Yaya, other guest has finally arrived.

And not just one, but two people.

"So soft~~~"

Komurasaki happily jumps onto the bed, rolling around with joy. Her face is filled with traces of excitement, completely ignoring the fear from earlier. She disregards her own image, causing her kimono to flutter about.

Seeing Komurasaki like this, Irori immediately speaks up.

"Mind your manners, Komurasaki!"

The concerned older sister quickly steps forward, stopping Komurasaki's behavior while helping to straighten her disheveled clothes.

In contrast to the arrival of the sisters, Yaya, instead of showing any signs of welcome, emits an aura of darkness.

"To actually invade Yaya and Rozen's love nest so shamelessly...!"

From earlier until now, Yaya has been feeling sulky about this.

But there's nothing that can be done about it.

"From today onwards, both of you will temporarily stay here."

Rozen addresses Irori and Komurasaki.

"Don't be too restrained. There's no one else here, and if you have any questions, just ask Yaya directly. You can even go out if you want, as long as you don't cause any major trouble."


Starting today, Irori and Komurasaki will temporarily stay here, living together with Rozen and Yaya.


Yaya expresses her displeasure.

"Why do Onee-sama and Komurasaki have to live here, Rozen!"

It seems that even for her own sister and Komurasaki, Yaya still strongly rejects any woman getting close to Rozen.

More accurately, it should be said that Yaya strongly dislikes the idea of her so-called love nest with Rozen being invaded by others.

In response to this, Rozen can only roll his eyes.

"Didn't I already say, facing that unknown magic, in order to prevent Irori and Komurasaki from being threatened again, we temporarily need them to accompany us?"

That's the reason why Irori and Komurasaki are here.

Although it's unclear who is using this kind of magic in secret and what their purpose is, it is undeniable that if the other party wants to do something, they will continue to act and use that magic.

Moreover, next time, the completion and strength of the other party's magic will certainly be higher and stronger, not just hastily causing an impact like this time.

In that case, a plan to deal with that magic must be considered.

"If that magic appears again and its completion becomes higher and stronger, perhaps even high-quality imitation forbidden dolls like Setsugetsuka won't be able to avoid having their hearts manipulated."

This is Shouko Karyusai's worry voiced to Rozen.

"We must find a way to deal with this magic, at least ensure its neutralization."

Given this, Rozen has proposed setting up a barrier near Karyusai Shouko's mansion.

This way, it can resist the other party's magic, ensuring that the mansion is not affected by magic.


"This is just treating the symptoms, not the root cause."

Karyusai Shouko looks at Rozen and makes such a decision.

"Just let Irori and Komurasaki stay by your side, temporarily under your protection."

The reason for this decision is that Rozen has already told Karyusai Shouko that his Mind's Eye can peer into the operation of magic and even foresee its appearance.

Last time, before that magic affected Yaya and other automatons, Rozen's Mind's Eye had already detected abnormalities. It's just that at that time, he wasn't mentally prepared and didn't know the specific effects, so he couldn't intercept it in time.

Now, Rozen has this aspect of vigilance. With the unique ability of his Mind's Eye, if the other party's magic appears again, intercepting it with Rozen's means won't be very difficult.

So, Karyusai Shouko decided to let Irori and Komurasaki follow Rozen, just in case.

At the time, Irori strongly opposed this decision.

"How can we let the Master have no guards by her side!"

You see, Shouko Karyusai is not only Japan's top puppet craftsman but also the world's foremost in the field of humanoid automatons. Numerous countries are watching her technology, and many ambitious individuals aim to utilize her skills to create high-performance automatons, forming massive armies to conquer everything.

Initially, the Japanese military opposed her going abroad out of fear that Karyusai Shouko might fall victim to other countries' schemes.

Furthermore, even countries that don't covet Karyusai Shouko's technology don't want to see Japan become too powerful.

As long as Karyusai Shouko is alive, Japan's machinart technology will remain at its peak. If she were to be killed, the technological level would plummet, attracting those with ill intentions.

Even within the country, the threats targeting Karyusai Shouko are countless, not to mention in other nations.

The reason Karyusai Shouko has been safe is because she is accompanied by Irori and Komurasaki, the two highest-grade automatons in the world.

Once Irori and Komurasaki leave Karyusai Shouko, her defense will be compromised, making her vulnerable to others.

Karyusai Shouko is well aware of this issue.

"We have military escorts here; you don't need to worry."

This is how Karyusai Shouko decides.

"I will stay in the mansion and analyze the composition and effects of this magic. At the same time, I will analyze and repair the tampering program against the heart. I don't plan to step out of here until the results are obtained."

With this, combined with the protection of the barrier, Karyusai Shouko's safety should be somewhat guaranteed.

So, Irori and Komurasaki follow Rozen back to the academy and to his room.

"Hey, Rozen, let Gyokuto come out. I want to play with Gyokuto!"

"You're too impolite, Komurasaki!"

"Onee-sama and Komurasaki are too casual! This is Yaya and Rozen's room! You must listen to Yaya!"

Watching Komurasaki, Irori, and Yaya create a commotion, Rozen couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic.

"I didn't expect the three masterpieces of the world's top puppet craftsman and the rumored highest-secret 'Setsugetsuka' series, untouched even by the military, to gather so quickly around me."

Rozen remembers that the first automatons he saw in this world were these three sisters.

However, compared to that time, Rozen now understands the true value of these three sisters.

"Irori, Komurasaki, can you come over here?"

Rozen speaks to Irori and Komurasaki.

But Yaya reacts strongly to this.

"If you need someone to accompany you in bed, let Yaya do it!"

"Not necessary!"

Feeling sensitive about another woman living in this room, Yaya has become quite defensive, even if these women are her sisters.


"I can be of service. After all, I have already grown up."

"No... that's not allowed! Komurasaki is still too young!"

Komurasaki says something unexpectedly playful, making Irori flustered and turning Yaya's eyes black.

"Alright, come over here and let me take a close look at your magic circuits."

Rozen sighs.

That's Rozen's true intention.