-782- Want to continue?

In this moment, Rozen was chanting the divine whip spell of Marishiten.

The luminous band formed in his hand was precisely the magic whip designed to beat and subdue targets.


In the howling wind, the magical whip sliced through the air, carrying astonishing force, lashing towards the direction of the headmaster.


In an explosive sound, the magical whip heavily struck the shield formed by the headmaster's Magic Defence, but it was blocked.

However, the impact still created a deep trench on the ground, sending rocks scattering everywhere.

The incredible power of the strike penetrated through the Magic Defence shield, exploding fiercely on the headmaster.


The headmaster immediately bent over, coughing up blood.


Astaroth exclaimed.

Yet, Rozen's assault didn't stop.

With the sound of whistling wind, Rozen stood in place, expressionless, relentlessly swinging the magical whip in his hand, cutting through the air, and lashing towards the headmaster.


Heavy impact sounds echoed one after another. The magical whip, resembling a divine whip, uncontrollably fell from the sky, hitting repeatedly on the headmaster's Magic Defence shield.

In an instant, the residual force from the magical whip shattered the surrounding ground, causing rocks to fly and dust to fill the air. The impact force continuously pierced through the Magic Defence shield, exploding on the headmaster's body.

"Cough! Ugh!"

Unable to withstand the onslaught, the headmaster fell to his knees, blood spraying from his mouth, nose, and ears, staining the ground red.



All the professors and guards watching on the sidelines exclaimed.

"Old man!"

Even Avril couldn't help but appear ready to rush forward, her face full of anxiety.

As for the students, they were all stunned in place, witnessing the nineteenth-century's strongest magician being reduced to this state in Rozen's hands, kneeling on the ground, frequently spewing blood. Rozen, still expressionless, continued to swing the magical whip, causing it to repeatedly fall on the headmaster's Magic Defence shield, leaving a trail of trenches on the ground, lifting clouds of dust and scattering rocks. How could the students not be stunned by this?

Especially Magnus.

"Have you grown to this point already?"

Magnus muttered in a low voice, his tone filled with complexity.

He remembered, two years ago, in the sea of flames at the Akabane house, even though Rozen had the trump card of Summoning Arts, he was still powerless against Akabane Tenzen, who possessed six advanced-level automata and the forbidden technique of Crimson Wing Formation. Rozen was defeated and almost lost his life in the sea of flames.

Today, seeing Rozen again, Magnus found that he seemed to be only able to look up to him now.

Originally, Magnus thought that even if he encountered Rozen again, the other party might have remarkable growth, but it wouldn't surpass his own.

But now.

"Having completed the secret technique of Crimson Wing Formation, mastered the essence of Puppetry Arts, and even grasped unknown spells. You've reached the final stage of a magus, and you also have the highest-level automaton like Setsugetsuka by your side. How strong are you now?"

Magnus didn't know.

I don't know if Rozen has already exerted his full power at this moment.

If Rozen hasn't used his full strength yet, what level has his true power reached?

And if even the strongest magician of the nineteenth century is not a match for Rozen, then who in this world can be his opponent?


"Perhaps he can change me, change the fate of our Akabane clan."

Staring at Rozen, who was suppressing the headmaster, Magnus finally made a decision in his heart.

Of course, this decision did not alleviate the ongoing battle.

"What should we do now!? Edward!"

Astaroth's voice finally filled with urgency.


The headmaster endured the impact again, coughing up blood. He gritted his teeth and resolutely flipped open the magic book in his hand.

Using only Astaroth's words, it was impossible to defeat Rozen, and perhaps even a defeat was inevitable.

In this situation, the headmaster naturally had to use the remaining automata.

Being able to control over fifty legendary-level automata was the reason why the headmaster could claim the title of the strongest.

In that case, using the legendary automata from the magic book was the best choice for a counterattack.


"Even if it's you, without something similar to the Akabane clan's Puppetry Arts, simultaneously controlling multiple automatons is still a heavy burden. Even if you summon other mythological demons, it's at most delaying time. Why waste such precious time?"

Such words came from Rozen's mouth, sounding somewhat mocking.

Then, the magical whip that had been continuously attacking the headmaster's Magic Defence shield suddenly turned, bypassing the shield, like a flexible light python. It coiled around the magic book that the headmaster was about to flip open.


The headmaster's face changed drastically, but before he could react further, the magic book in his hand was entangled by the magical whip. With a shake, it slipped from his hand and flew into the air.

Following the recoil of the magical whip, the magic book traced an elegant arc in the air, finally landing in Rozen's raised hand.


With a crisp sound, Rozen closed the book named "Lemegeton."

"Damn it!"

Almost at the same time, Astaroth let out a regretful cry and then disappeared almost like smoke, returning to the interior of "Lemegeton."

This was because, with the magic book closed, Astaroth returned to its relationship within "Lemegeton."

Sent from the great magus of the future using cosmic truth-level mysteries to this era to assist Edward Rutherford in becoming the strongest of the nineteenth century, the magic book fell into Rozen's hands.


The entire scene suddenly fell silent.

Whether it was students, professors, or guards, they all lost their words one after another.

The headmaster also stared blankly at the book in Rozen's hands.

In the presence of this nineteenth-century's strongest magus, Rozen suddenly smiled.

"Want to continue, Headmaster?"

Rozen's carefree one-handed tossing of the magic book formed a vivid contrast with the headmaster, who was kneeling on the ground in a miserable state, covered in blood.

This scene, without a doubt, would become a moment that shocked all magus worldwide.

Because, a student who hadn't even reached adulthood, without relying on the power of automatons, solely using his own strength, defeated the nineteenth-century's strongest magus.

This was something no one could have anticipated and was a fact that no one would want to believe.

Even Io couldn't believe her eyes.

"He actually defeated Edward Rutherford."

Io muttered in disbelief.

While Yaya, Irori, and Komurasaki looked at Rozen with eyes filled with surprise and strange emotions.



The headmaster remained silent for a while and then spoke with a bitterness that couldn't be compared to any previous time.

"I surrender."

The title of the strongest had changed.