-798- Half a year

Here is a vast forest.

The forest covers an extremely broad area, and even from above, the end is not visible at all. It resembles an endless sea of trees, with lush vegetation spreading to every corner, emitting an ancient, serene, and tranquil atmosphere.

In this expansive forest, a young girl stands.

She appears to be around sixteen or seventeen years old.

The girl has shoulder-length pink hair, exceptionally smooth strands, and a delicate face. Her overall demeanor exudes a sophisticated, serene, and slightly naive charm, creating an incredibly surreal atmosphere. She seems like an angel from a dream, more accurately described as enchantingly beautiful.

This ethereal girl, however, is clad in revealing armor that resembles a tight-fitting suit. The provocative attire accentuates her exceptionally alluring figure, with her arms, thighs, and shoulders boldly exposed, reflecting sunlight off her fair skin and creating an irresistible allure.

Yet, this mysteriously beautiful girl holds a massive, towering shield in her hands.

As soon as the shield is gripped, the previously enchanting girl's aura undergoes a profound change, turning her into a knight who has been through countless battles — both heroic and resolute..

The girl stands with the shield by her side, eyes tightly closed. Only her exquisite face carries an extraordinary seriousness, as if she is preparing for a formidable enemy, awaiting something.

Soon enough, what the girl is waiting for appears.



Accompanied by beast-like roars, the tranquility of the forest is shattered.

The girl abruptly opens her eyes, sharpening her gaze.

This is when the girl sees it.


Under the trembling ground, a legion of magical creatures is charging from all directions in the forest.

It's a legion composed of lizard-like humanoids wielding clubs.

They emerge from all sides of the forest, charging towards the direction where the girl is located, as if they have lost their sanity, ferociously rushing forward.

If Rozen were here, witnessing this scene, he would undoubtedly recognize it as a simulated battle he once experienced in Chaldea.

The girl is going through a simulated battle similar to the one Rozen once faced, facing an onslaught from a legion of lizard-like magical creatures.

In response,


Amidst the faint sound of clashing metal, the girl steadfastly and slowly raises the shield in her hands.

At a glance, one can tell it's an extremely heavy shield, falling into the hands of the girl. Though it retains its weight, the girl naturally raises it as if merging completely with the shield, making it indestructible.


The girl utters a low yet clear cry. Stepping on the ground, she unleashes her physical abilities surpassing that of humans. The ground cracks beneath her feet as she becomes an arrow released from its bowstring, advancing into the horde of lizard-like creatures.



Stimulated by the girl's approach, the lizard creatures roar angrily. Wielding deadly clubs, they rush towards the girl without hesitation, swinging, smashing, jumping, and pouncing.

Each of these lizard creatures possesses strength comparable to mid-level familiars. Their numbers easily reach into the hundreds, even thousands. In a direct confrontation, unless employing a strategy like Rozen, who used Archer's shadow servants to engage in hit-and-run tactics, facing such a violent quantity head-on could be overwhelming.

However, the girl fearlessly confronts them.


When the dull collision sounds echo through the forest, the lizard creatures charging head-on are knocked back faster than they came, propelled by the girl's shield. Friction with the air accompanies their disappearance among the trees, crashing into them with wails.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The muffled collision sounds continue one after another. Each lizard creature, like kites with broken strings, is sent flying. The girl, with a resolute gaze, becomes a swiftly moving figure, her shield transformed into a deadly weapon.

Despite its apparent heaviness, the girl swings it effortlessly, pounding her way through the horde, deflecting incoming attacks with the shield, charging like a war chariot, swiftly retreating with astonishing speed, and resonating magical power throughout her body.

Although her fighting style is straightforward, it is precisely this simplicity that makes it effective and powerful. It reflects the girl's pure, inexperienced personality, effectively repelling the fierce onslaught of the enemy.

When all the lizard creatures lie defeated on the ground, the girl finally comes to a stop.

"Huff, huff."

The girl breathes slightly, and a faint trace of sweat appears on her fair, smooth cheeks.

Wiping away the sweat, the girl raises her head and looks at the sky. As if exhaling a sigh of relief, she murmurs softly.

"Training, complete."

As the words fall, the girl's figure disappears into the forest, leaving no trace behind.

Chaldea, Central Command Room.


With a light sound, the door of a capsule in the command room slowly opens.

A girl emerges from the capsule, and her attire has changed, no longer the revealing armor but a white work uniform.

Almost immediately after the girl exits the capsule, laughter reaches her ears.

"Today's simulated combat training went smoothly. Thank you for your hard work, Mash."

Speaking these words, a doctor in a white lab coat walks towards them.

It's Roman.


Mash looks at Roman.

"How are you?" Roman asks with concern. "No abnormalities in your body, right?"

"Yes, my physical condition is excellent, very healthy." Mash replies without hesitation. "I have to thank the doctor for always helping me regulate my body."

"Well, it's my job after all." Roman scratches his head, saying somewhat helplessly, "Compared to being the head of Chaldea, I'm still better at being a doctor."

This remark from Roman immediately earns a response, a voice that is hard to tell whether it's agreement or sarcasm.

"It's precisely because of your lax attitude that you can't become a qualified leader."

As soon as this is said, Roman's face immediately falls.


Mash turns her head and looks up at the top of the command room.

There, an owl has appeared, flying over with its wings flapping, landing on Mash's shoulder with remarkable skill.

"You've worked hard, Mash."

A voice full of seriousness and earnestness, even tinged with a bit of nervousness, comes from the owl.

"For half a year of training, you've become much stronger than before. If it were you now, you would definitely not be inferior to those truly powerful Servants."

This evaluation from Olga Marie is quite rare considering her personality.

But Mash fully deserves such praise.

Because Mash's efforts have been seen by everyone.

"Half a year."

Mash lifts her eyes, gazing into the distance.