-816- The war between two mythology


When a figure bearing this name appears, it's impossible for anyone not to be shocked. Unlike the heroes and spirits encountered previously, this individual is not just any Heroic Spirit—she is a mentor to countless heroes and champions, a queen of warriors, and a goddess of magic. Her position has always been distinct from the usual Heroic Spirits.

The heroes she instructed include renowned figures, with Cú Chulainn being the most representative and favored by her. Even within the "

Knights of the Red Branch" where the Child of Light of Ireland resided, several figures who succeeded under her guidance can be found. Notably, even Cú Chulainn's son is her disciple. Thus, it is not an exaggeration to call her the mother of heroes.

What's more astonishing is that this queen, besides being a distinguished teacher of heroes, is an unparalleled martial deity who can challenge even gods. She stands at the pinnacle of all Heroic Spirits, capable of slaying divine beings. In the face of such a figure...


Within Chaldea, Olga Marie's voice rang out.

"How can the Queen of the Land of Shadows manifest as a Servant!?"

Indeed, if this were Scáthach, it would be utterly implausible for her to manifest as a Servant. The reason is simple.

"Scáthach is an immortal queen, the slayer of gods, living within the Land of Shadows. How could she suddenly become a Servant?"

Even Da Vinci expressed the same sentiment.

Yet, this is the reality.

What is a Servant?

A spirit body, a manifestation of an Heroic Spirit's entity from the Throne.

What is Scáthach?

An immortal queen who never died, living in the Land of Shadows, even in modern times. How could she become an Heroic Spirit, become one of the deceased?

Even Caster from the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, who was once her disciple, stated that his master is still alive. How, then, could she become a Servant, a manifestation of the dead?

Therefore, witnessing this spear-wielding woman admit her identity left everyone dumbfounded.

"But for Scáthach, I can't think of a second woman who excels in such astonishing spear techniques, is adept in Rune magic, possesses both wisdom and courage, and dearly loves talents."

Rozen took a deep breath and spoke.

"Moreover, considering the current situation, wouldn't it be reasonable for Scáthach to be summoned as a Servant?"

Rozen's statement left everyone stunned.

Not a strange occurrence?

Why would he say that?

"Hoho..." Scáthach chuckled with interest. "Then tell me, why would I be summoned as a Servant in this situation?"

This is more of a test than an inquiry, testing Rozen's abilities. Rozen smiled slightly and then voiced his conjecture.

"Although it's just my speculation, I believe there is only one reason you were summoned as a Servant."

That reason is...

"You are now considered a dead person."

Despite the astonishment of those around, Rozen spoke confidently.

"Even though, due to the curse, you should be immortal, with human history incinerated and the world enveloped in flames, everything on the surface has been burned to ashes. Therefore, your Land of Shadows should be no exception."

Rozen directed these words to Scáthach.

"As a result, in your half-dead state within the incinerated Land of Shadows, you can be summoned as a dead person, as an Heroic Spirit, as a Servant. In that case, it's not surprising at all."

This was Rozen's conjecture.

"Correct." Scáthach's face displayed a mature and beautiful smile. She affirmed, "Indeed, you have been seriously contemplating. Truly worthy of a Master spanning four Singularities, the last hope of humanity. Compared to my foolish disciples who only know how to use brute force, you are much more reliable and talented. With proper training, you should be able to inherit a thing or two from me, achieve something remarkable. It's quite exciting."

As she spoke, Scáthach's gaze fixed on Rozen indeed conveyed both expectation and aggressiveness.

Perhaps, this legendary witch truly regarded Rozen as a rare talent to be cultivated?

"Thank you for the compliment," Rozen could only continue with a wry smile.

However, Rozen's speculations perfectly explained Scáthach's summoning as a Servant. At this moment, everyone had no choice but to believe that the Servant before them was indeed the Queen of the Land of Shadows, who could slay even gods and had taught numerous heroic figures, including the renowned Cú Chulainn.

"If it really is Scáthach..."

"Then it makes sense..."

"No wonder she's a top-tier Servant..."

Olga Marie, Roman, and Da Vinci in Chaldea all calmed down simultaneously.

Even Mash began to accept the reality.

"I didn't expect Ms. Scáthach to be summoned to this era." Mash said, understandingly, "No wonder those two Lancers were so fearful of you."

Even those two Lancers were formidable Servants, but facing Scáthach's existence, whether they could win even with combined efforts was still an unknown.

After all, the title of God Slayer was not just a casual term.


"In terms of martial skills, I am indeed superior to either of those two. Even if facing both simultaneously, I am confident in victory. However, those two are also unparalleled heroes globally. The reason they fear me is only because we come from the same mythology, so the intimidation I can generate is relatively high. Also, the fact that individuals they consider 'king' have some connection to me."

Scáthach calmly stated.

"From the same mythology?" Mash felt somewhat surprised.

"Meaning..." Rozen also had some comprehension.

Therefore, Scáthach, with a stern expression, provided valuable information.

"The leaders currently vying for dominance in this continent come from heroes of two different mythology."

"The Servant in the southern nation is from Greek mythology."

"The Servant in the northern nation is from Celtic mythology."

"The ongoing conflict is essentially a war between two mythologies."

"This is the current situation in this era."