-837- [ Rakshasa-Piercing Immortal ]


As the rushing wind accompanied the figure that shot towards Rozen, a menacing and sharp blade descended like thunder from the sky, cutting through the air with astonishing speed. In the sharp sound of breaking wind, it ruthlessly slashed towards Rozen.

Undoubtedly, this was an absolutely lethal strike.

The assailant showed no mercy, carrying vast ferocity and a chilling intent, delivering a head-on cut towards Rozen.

The first to react was not Karna or Scáthach, but Mash, who had returned to the closest position to Rozen in the gathering.


Without any hesitation, Mash stepped forward, getting ahead of Scáthach and Karna, standing in front of Rozen.

With a mighty shield raised, Mash faced the incoming slash.


In a loud impact, the sharp blade heavily struck the sturdy shield. The shockwave exploded like an impact, radiating in a circular pattern. The ground beneath Mash instantly shattered, sinking down, and the surrounding terrain broke like a spider's web under the violent shockwave.

With just this one strike, Mash understood.

"This is A-rank strength..."

Only at the highest level of strength could such force be exerted.

However, Mash successfully blocked it.

After all, considering strength alone, the Berserker from Greece even surpassed the present assailant. If Mash could withstand such a fierce attack, she could undoubtedly endure this person's assault.

At the same time...

"A good strike, but too impatient."

Scáthach appeared on Rozen's left.

"Sorry, can't let you harm my Master."

Karna, on the other hand, appeared on Rozen's right.

Both spear wielders, positioned at the pinnacle of Heroic Spirits, raised their weapons simultaneously.

One, making the demonic spear emit an ominous aura, the other causing the divine spear to exude astonishing heat. They turned into flashes, erupting from Rozen's left and right at the same time, like two lightning bolts, striking towards the direction of the attacker.

Regardless of whether it was Scáthach or Karna, their attacks were faster and sharper than the assailant's sudden strike.


The assailant's expression changed, instantly realizing the dreadful nature of these two attacks.


"Don't underestimate me!"

Responding with a voice carrying a trace of childishness but exceptional arrogance and power, the assailant replied to Scáthach and Karna.

Without hesitation, the assailant swiftly spun, wielding the sword in hand. The blade traced two curved paths like shooting stars, picking off the incoming magic spear and divine spear.


In a crisp sound, Scáthach's magic spear was deflected by the meteor-like sword blade, sparking numerous sparks. While deflecting Scáthach's attack, with the collision's force, the sword blade's speed dramatically increased, catching up with the approaching divine spear.


In a louder collision than before, the sword blade, now accelerated, knocked away the powerful blow of the divine spear.

With such extraordinary skill, the assailant neutralized the attacks of two top-tier Servants.


Scáthach was not alarmed but rather pleased. Her eyes brightened, seemingly appreciating the opponent's performance.

"Not just strength, but exceptional martial skills too?"

Karna, in his calm analysis, acted like a perfect machine executing a guard mission. Once again, his divine spear turned into a flash of flames, thrusting at the opponent with even more astonishing speed than before.


Under the bell-like sound, Karna's forceful strike was blocked by the opponent's sword blade. However...


A terrible wave of heat erupted from Karna, forming astonishing flames. Through his body, it surged into the divine spear held in his hand. Immediately, it exploded over the sword blade that blocked the attack.

The opponent was blasted away by the exploding flames, resembling someone set on fire. They slid across the ground, emitting smoke from the scorching, retreating a considerable distance.

Yet, this gap was instantly closed.

"Let me witness your sword."

Scáthach swiftly darted out before Karna's flames erupted, effortlessly catching up to the assailant who had been blasted away. The two crimson magic spears in Scáthach's delicate hands, as if transforming decay into the miraculous, shrouded the opponent with resonating magical power.

"So strong...!"

The opponent was immediately surprised, raising the blade in hand without any delay, meeting Scáthach's fierce onslaught.

An exceptionally intense exchange of offense and defense unfolded before everyone's eyes.

Witnessing this, Scáthach seemed to completely unleash her skills, probing the opponent's strength. Her hands wielded the magic spears, creating multiple layers of spear shadows that pierced from all directions. It was as if countless invisible masters of the spear were besieging the assailant, with a ferocious and highly skilled attack that was awe-inspiring.

Facing Scáthach's skillful and fierce assault, the opponent showed no fear. The blade in hand not only didn't retreat a bit but turned defense into offense, meeting the incoming spear strikes with a series of parries.

The warrior seemed unyielding, almost like a stubborn king. Scáthach had to wield her magic spears multiple times to defend against the relentless onslaught, revealing the opponent's exceptional martial skills.

However, this display only fueled Scáthach's enthusiasm, and the attacks from her spears became even more vigorous and swift. It seemed that Scáthach still had some reserve strength, or perhaps she couldn't restrain herself from escalating the fight. Truly, she lived up to her reputation as a combat enthusiast.

In contrast, Karna stood quietly by Rozen's side, guarding him alongside Mash. It wasn't that Karna disdained cooperating with others. If necessary, he would gladly join forces with others to subdue the assailant. However, he judged that there was no need for it at the moment.

Rozen shared the same judgment, thanks to the ability of his Mind's Eye. With it, he could see that as Scáthach's attacks grew more intense, the opponent gradually showed signs of being unable to keep up.

Clearly, despite the opponent's outstanding skills, facing Scáthach, the mentor of many renowned heroes, they were inferior.

"It's over!"

At a certain moment, Scáthach shouted triumphantly, and her magic spear burst forth. Incredibly, it pierced through all of the opponent's defenses and struck their sword blade with tremendous force.


In another clear clash, the opponent's sword blade was finally knocked away.

No, not only knocked away, but it was also directly shaken loose, flying into the air.

"We won!"

Seeing this scene, Mash couldn't help but feel joy.


"Not good!"

Rozen, on the other hand, revealed a shocked expression.

Almost simultaneously...


The airborne sword blade began to rotate automatically and erupted with astonishing magical power.

Countless electric arcs concentrated on the rapidly spinning blade, turning it into a dazzling disc of light.

"Take this!"

The opponent shouted.

"〈Rakshasa-Piercing Immortal (Brahmastra)〉!"

The true name of the Noble Phantasm was released.