-857- I don't see it


Beneath the crisp clash of their weapons, two crimson lightning bolts, as if directly biting into each other, erupted with astonishing force upon contact.

Facing Cu Chulainn's merciless full-force strike, Scáthach displayed her divine spear skills, seemingly without a second thought.

The spear moved naturally, tracing an enigmatic trajectory and catching up to Cu Chulainn's demonic spear, colliding with it.

"...I didn't expect that even with the power of the Holy Grail, you would easily block my attack. You're still as excessively strong as before, truly a troublesome woman."

Cu Chulainn remarked in amazement.

"Unfortunately for you, I'm the one who doesn't lack strength. Moreover, it's not as easy as you think. It's clear, yet you still talk like this. It seems I should really teach you the attitude one should have towards a mentor, Setanta."

Scáthach stared sharply at Cu Chulainn's face, as if her gaze had transformed into two spears, exceptionally sharp.

Obviously, Scáthach only harbored displeasure and anger towards Cu Chulainn in his current state.

As for the name "Setanta," it was Cu Chulainn's childhood name. If it were the usual Cu Chulainn in the ordinary state, being addressed by Scáthach with a childhood name would probably be annoying, right?

Unfortunately, the current Cu Chulainn had no trace of such emotions.

"Even if I have to guess, the reason you've become this unpleasant appearance in the current state is all because that woman Medb made a wish to the Holy Grail, right?"

Scáthach applied force to her magical spear while speaking.

"That woman is particularly loyal to desires. She was once infatuated and resentful of the bravery and loyalty you showed in your previous life. Rarely obtaining the convenient Holy Grail, she definitely wanted to act recklessly. So, she made a wish to the Holy Grail, not only summoning you but also having the Holy Grail transform you into an evil king capable of standing alongside her. Thanks to this, you turned into this annoying appearance, right?"

Because of this, Cu Chulainn became so ruthless, cruel, and devoid of mercy and justice.

It's because of this that Cú Chulainn has become completely different from before, not only gaining increased strength but also a change in Noble Phantasms.

For example, the Noble Phantasm designed to counter Rozen's release, the "Gáe Bolg," with its curse of inevitable heart-piercing, should originally be a B-rank anti-unit Noble Phantasm.


"If it's you now, you would disregard the fragmentation of your own body, fully throw the spear, enhancing both the power and effective range of the Noble Phantasm. It would probably become a B++ rank Noble Phantasm for an army.

Scáthach, like a sage seeing through everything, exposed these truths.

"The Noble Phantasm just now, at the moment of its release, your body probably collapsed due to the reckless throw, but you're intact now. It's only because you used pre-engraved runes to repair it. You probably experienced pain during the collapse and immediate regeneration, right?"

Scáthach turned her words into sharp magical spears, piercing towards Cú Chulainn.

But Cú Chulainn was completely unfazed.

"So what?"

Cú Chulainn spoke expressionlessly.

"If it can be repaired, then it's not a problem."

"If it can kill, then it's not a problem."

"Not putting everything into battle is simply playing around."

"I kill, my enemies also kill. All for the sake of killing. Who cares if it hurts or not?"

Cú Chulainn spoke these words as a matter of fact, causing everyone present to involuntarily feel a chill in their hearts.

Just from these words alone, one could see how extraordinarily abnormal Cú Chulainn has become.

He's no longer human, but an existence akin to a fierce beast.

He's no longer a Child of Light, but a true and legitimate King of Slaughter.

In this person's mind, strength is just a weapon for slaughter, and the meaning of existence is death. Regardless of whether the enemy is good or evil, an enemy or a former comrade, as long as they stand opposite, they will all be exterminated.

He won't enjoy the pleasure of battle as typically summoned, nor will he uphold beliefs as he did in life. Instead, he executes slaughter in a monotonous, tedious, and meaningless manner.

As Karna stated, this person, despite being a king from the northern Celtic region, is a Mad Warrior.

Possessing reason but only considering moving forward.

Possessing strength but only considering killing.

He sees himself as a machine for combat and slaughter, a tool of spear tips and sword edges. He will not resist any absurd tasks and ignores anything outside of battle. His intense will is to kill enemies, and everything else is inconsequential.

This is the current Cú Chulainn.

Therefore, the current Cú Chulainn is not summoned as a Lancer class but as a genuine Berserker.

Dialogue is futile with him because he won't choose any option other than achieving his goal. Otherwise, with the power that surpasses even Karna and Scáthach, he wouldn't directly attack a human Master and unleash his Noble Phantasm.

"Although just a human, that human is the 'king' on your side, right?"

Cú Chulainn straightforwardly spoke.

"In that case, it's simple. Kill him directly with the strongest power, then deal with the rest of you one by one."

So, he is the King of Slaughter, the King of Evil.


Scáthach's expression darkened, and anger flared in her eyes.

This is not just frustration with her current disciple but also anger at his actions.

Cú Chulainn naturally perceives this.

"Are you angry about that human being killed by me? Quite rare."

Cú Chulainn smirked strangely.

"Back when you foresaw my fate, you still looked down on me, just advised a few words, and sent me to the battlefield. Now you're actually getting upset about a human Master like this. Could it be that your spirit and personality have changed after being summoned as a Servant?"

With that said, without giving Scáthach a chance to respond, Cú Chulainn restrained his expression.

"Anyway, I'm stronger now. I will kill you, and you will taste the death you've always dreamed of, Scáthach."

Sinister magic instantly erupted from Cú Chulainn.

Seeing this, Scáthach's gaze solidified, and her expression became grave.

Just then...

"Now you're stronger? I don't see it."

When these words spread from the basin, entering everyone's ears, the expressions of everyone present changed.


Scáthach, Karna, and even Rama showed joy.


Those who had been observing, including Jason, Medea, and Atalanta, were surprised.


Even Berserker turned his head towards the source of the sound.


"Sen... Senpai!"

Mash, who had been shedding tears since earlier, suddenly raised her head and looked forward.

There, a figure unsteadily approached from the direction of the stone wall piled with countless boulders.

"Cú Chulainn, right?"

Rozen covered his bloodied chest and walked over, speaking in a deep voice.

"While I already guessed some clues from the teacher's actions and suspected that the king on the Celtic side might be you, I didn't expect you to turn into this appearance. It really makes people wonder whether to feel sad or happy."

Sad because a comrade who once fought side by side nearly killed him.

Happy because the change in the opponent allows Rozen to completely let go of his concerns.

What concerns?

"Now, I can end you without any mercy."

Rozen stared at Cú Chulainn.

In his eyes, cold emotions were churning.