-886- I'll come to save you now!

If the final showdowns on the other two battlefields could be described as intense, the duel taking place here could only be characterized as gruesome.


With the sound of flesh tearing, an arrow cut through the air, directly piercing Rama's shoulder and leaving a trail of crimson blood.


Rama involuntarily halted his steps, trying to evade the arrows that were rapidly shooting towards him. He emitted a muffled cry, then reached out, gripping the arrow embedded in his shoulder and forcefully pulling it out, causing another burst of fresh blood.

"Hah... hah... hah..."

Rama gasped in pain, his body riddled with wounds. Severe injuries marked his abdomen, and various parts of his body bore the traces of arrows.

However, compared to the physical agony, it was the inner torment that truly haunted Rama.


Rama painfully called out the name of his wife.

In response, Sita, who was currently stringing her bow, displayed a smile that was a mix of beauty and malevolence.

"You finally call my name, Lord Rama. In such a desperate, powerless, and painful manner."

Sita spoke with resentment.

"When I, carrying your child, was abandoned by you by the river, I also called your name in the same way, Lord Rama. Do you know that?"

With these words, Sita released the arrows strung on her bow. Three arrows streaked through the air at astonishing speed, closing in on Rama.

"Clang!" "Clang!" "Clang!*"

Rama immediately swung the Immortal Blade, deflecting the incoming arrows with several iron-clashing sounds.

Yet, behind these three arrows hid a fourth one. Taking advantage of Rama's Immortal Blade not yet being fully recovered, it heavily landed on his thigh.


In the sound of yet another tear, the arrow pierced through Rama's thigh.


Rama involuntarily dropped to one knee.

"Hehehe... hehehehe..."

Watching Rama's miserable state, Sita smiled with a mix of delight and malice.

"Let me hear more of your agonizing cries, Lord Rama. More... more... enough to cover the depth of my hatred!"

Sita, like a vengeful spirit, uttered these words while continuing to shoot arrows at Rama.

Rama could only pull out the arrow from his thigh, struggling to stand up. He dodged desperately, using the Immortal Blade to deflect the incoming arrows, barely protecting his vital points from being hit.

In theory, Rama should not have fallen into such a dire situation. Even if he was summoned not in his adult form and not as an Archer class Servant, Rama was undeniably a top-tier Servant. Facing Sita, even if he couldn't establish overwhelming dominance, he shouldn't have ended up being unilaterally shot and wounded.

However, even with immense combat prowess, how could Rama showcase it against Sita?

"I hate you...! I hate you...! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you...! Rama...!"

Sita continuously voiced her resentful words while releasing arrows towards Rama.

For Rama, each word filled with hatred from Sita was like the sharpest arrow in the world, continually piercing his heart.

What truly harmed Rama wasn't the arrows piercing his body but the arrows piercing his heart.

Reflecting on everything he had done to Sita in his lifetime and witnessing Sita's agonizing curses, Rama's heart became riddled with wounds.

"Do you hate me so much, Sita?"

Rama was left with this question.

And then...

"Yes, Rama, I hate you, Hate you immensely."

Sita declared this with a malevolent joy.

"So, can I ask you to die?"

This became the final arrow piercing Rama.

"Splurt!" "Splurt!" "Splurt!"

Rama's body was successively pierced by arrows. Shedding blood, he finally seemed unable to continue the fight, slowly collapsing to the ground.

"Ah, it's over... Lord Rama..."

Sita spoke, appearing both joyful and regretful.

"I wanted to give you more despair, more pain, but it seems it can only go this far."

Saying so, Sita raised the bow, aiming the arrows towards Rama.

"Don't worry; I will grant Lord Rama release. Lord Rama doesn't have to fight anymore."

Sita's words entered Rama's ears, penetrating his heart, already filled with wounds.

(Oh... is it over...?)

Rama lay on the ground, watching as Sita raised her bow. Inwardly, he couldn't help but feel a sense of self-mockery.

(Perhaps, this is the ending that suits me.)

Summoned in his youth, loving Sita with single-minded devotion – Rama found immense satisfaction in that. He believed that only his present self had the right to seek Sita, and only now could he sacrifice everything for her, ultimately compensating her and giving her what she deserved.

But, it was all wishful thinking.

Sita didn't care about his compensation. Even if there were any feelings towards him, hatred was undoubtedly the first and foremost. After all...

(This is the cost of abandoning Sita. This is the retaliation I deserve.)

So, this was fine.

(If this can bring a bit of redemption to Sita, it's enough.)

This is what Rama thought.

And the result...

(The curse still remains a curse.)

The curse that forbade them from ever meeting, and even if they did, they couldn't enjoy the joy of reunion, was truly taking effect at this moment.

(Even if we meet, this is the only outcome.)

Rama closed his eyes as if resigning himself.

Just as Rama was about to close his eyes...


Rama unintentionally saw Sita's face as she prepared to deliver the final blow. He froze on the spot.


"Farewell, Lord Rama."

Sita smiled wickedly.

However, perhaps she herself didn't realize it?

While she smiled, tears had unknowingly covered her face.


She cried.

Sita cried.

Seeing this, Rama instantly understood.

(Sita... doesn't truly hate me!)

It made sense.

How could that Sita ever hate him?

Just as he loved her throughout, Sita had always loved him.

Thinking of this, Rama's heart, riddled with wounds, ignited.

It was his anger towards himself.

"To doubt that you hate me?"

This was the greatest distrust.

In his previous life, Rama had already shown distrust towards Sita, causing her to suffer unjust accusations.

Now, he was displaying this distrust again, fueling Rama's anger towards himself.


At this moment, Sita had already released the arrow.

The arrow, cutting through the air, shot towards Rama's head.


Rama roared.


The Immortal Blade swung more forcefully than ever before, fiercely deflecting the incoming arrow.


Sita was momentarily stunned.

While Rama struggled to climb from the ground.

"I'm sorry, Sita."

Rama gazed at Sita, speaking with unprecedented determination.

"I was wrong; I shouldn't have thought that I could resolve everything by appearing in my youthful form."

If a person manifested in their past state, the trials they faced should also reappear accordingly.

"Right now, you must be held captive by the 'Demon King' that I cannot see, right?"

Rama wiped away the blood from his mouth, his eyes gleaming.

"Wait for me, Sita."


"I'll come to save you now."