-900- No backing down

Having comprehended the divine-level "Mind's Eye," Rozen gained a deeper understanding of the power of spells.

This included more effectively harnessing the power of command spell, enabling them to provide more potent enhancements.

In the past, Masters only gave commands when using command spell, with the rest, including executing the plan, is handled by the command spell itself.

However, Rozen could now reverse control over the command spell, allowing for a more perfect utilization of the vast magical energy liberated after unleashing the command spell.

As a result, when Rozen unleashed the power of the command spell, its effects became several times more powerful than before.

For instance, when strengthening Mash with a command spell, comparing the Rozen who first used a command spell in the singularity in Fuyuki to the current Rozen, the command spell's reinforcing effect was several times greater now.

With this ability, even Servants with a high rank in "Magic Resistance" would be unable to resist Rozen's commands under the command spell.

Thanks to this, the enhancement Mash received was beyond description compared to the past.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Under the trembling of the earth, Mash raised her shield and charged forward.

Her charge made the air wail.

Her charge stirred up dust clouds.

Mash, carrying unparalleled momentum, rushed to the front of Cú Chulainn, who had been sent flying by her own attack, and once again fiercely collided with him.


Like a meteor striking, the thunderous roar echoed, creating shockwaves that manifested as a storm and surged out.

Facing such an impact, at a critical moment, Cú Chulainn seemed to react in time, swiftly turning to control his flying body. Immediately afterward, he swung his heavy claws, meeting the oncoming force that had created such an astonishing spectacle.

However, this spectacle only lasted an instant.

Mash, as if disappearing in the moment of collision, suddenly flashed and, like a phantom, swiftly glided to the side. Leaving an afterimage in her original position, she transformed into a meteor once again, crashing into Cú Chulainn.


The second thunderous roar rang out, causing the ground to shatter and fracture.

However, this time, Mash's shield smoothly landed on Cú Chulainn, sending him flying once again.


Cú Chulainn couldn't help but click his tongue. Trying to stabilize his posture, the force was too powerful, forcing him to roll on the ground, shattering rocks along the way before finally coming to a stop.

But at this moment, Mash had already swiftly approached Cú Chulainn.

In her hands, the heavy shield was now covered with an invisible blade of psychic energy, and the sharp magical power protruded from the front.


With a powerful swing, Mash made her shield flash like a gleam, bringing forth a splash of blood.

Cú Chulainn's chest was cut open by the invisible psychic blade, and blood splattered.

If Cú Chulainn hadn't promptly stepped back, he might not have suffered a cut to the chest but would have been cleaved in two.

"Well done!"

Cú Chulainn exclaimed loudly.

"This is true combat! This is the war of myths!"

The term "war of myths" doesn't solely refer to the battles between servants from the three mythological systems of Celtic, Greek, and Indian myths but also to the wars ignited by ordinary humans challenging the heroes of myths.

As the most renowned hero in Celtic mythology, Cú Chulainn had the qualifications to accept such a challenge.

"If you want to kill me! Come at me with everything you've got!"

Cú Chulainn declared boldly and, like a wild beast, charged towards Mash, who had been inflicting powerful blows on him.


The ominous magical energy surged again from his body, seemingly limitless, escalating step by step.

"He became even stronger!?"

Mash gritted her teeth but decisively faced him.

"This is it!"

Rozen, in the rear, also spoke loudly, subsequently focusing his entire attention on controlling Mash.

In order for Mash, who received the power of the command spell, to exert her full potential, Rozen wholeheartedly supported her.

Instead of using magic and spells for attack and hindrance, he fully opened his "Mind's Eye," guiding her in battle through the connection established by the contract and the flow of magical energy.

Faced with Cú Chulainn's claw strikes, Mash, with Rozen's "Mind's Eye" foreseeing their trajectories, was no longer merely on the defensive. She moved like a fragile boat enduring in a storm, swaying left and right, avoiding all attacks and, using the shield strengthened by "Magic Resilience," swung it as if it were a colossal blade. With apparent ease, she struck Cú Chulainn, leaving one wound after another on his body.

Cú Chulainn, however, paid no heed to his own safety. He passively endured all of Mash's attacks, even though blood spattered and flesh flew, continuing his relentless onslaught.

During this period, Cú Chulainn was also becoming stronger.

In the blink of an eye, Cú Chulainn had reached the pinnacle of a strategic level. Taking one step further, he would truly surpass the level range set by Rozen.

If it weren't for this, abandoning defense and persistently attacking like Cú Chulainn would lead to a miserable end.

Now, in a state of getting stronger with each passing moment, the pressure brought by Cú Chulainn's fierce attacks was extremely formidable.

Mash could only grit her teeth and endure, following the will conveyed through the magical energy flowing from Rozen. She dodged all incoming claw flashes using "Mind's Eye" and countered with a series of slashes.

"Splurt!" "Splurt!" "Splurt!"

Amidst the tearing sounds, Cú Chulainn's body no longer had an intact spot.


At this moment, Cú Chulainn finally coughed up a mouthful of blood.


However, this mad king continued to roar, and his magical energy surged once again.

"Can he still get stronger...!?"

Mash's complexion truly started to pale.

Rozen's expression kept changing.

In the end...

"I refuse to believe that you are truly immortal."

A glint of determination flashed in Rozen's eyes.


On his left hand, the three interlocking rings of the spell finally emitted a dazzling light.

Just as Rozen was about to unleash the full power of the "Crimson Wing Formation" regardless of the cost...


Accompanied by a sharp breaking sound, a magical spear pierced through the air like a flash.


In the loudest tearing sound until now, the magical spear pierced through Cú Chulainn's abdomen.


Cú Chulainn widened his eyes.

Not only Cú Chulainn, but Rozen and Mash also stood stunned. Then, they quickly turned their heads to look at the direction from which the magical spear came.


There, Scáthach maintained a throwing posture, her body covered in wounds similar to Cú Chulainn's, with burn marks scattered all over.

And around Scáthach, a total of fourteen giant dragons lay lifeless, devoid of any breath.

This queen of the foreign land had actually taken advantage of this time to kill off the seven dragons besieging her and the seven dragons attacking Mash and Rozen.

"Now is the time!"

Scáthach shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Rozen snapped back to reality.


The next second, Rozen suddenly clapped his hands.


A brilliant light shone on the battlefield.

Those were runes that had unknowingly covered the surrounding space.

There were a total of eighteen runes.

Surprisingly, all of them were Primordial Runes.

"This is...!?"

Cú Chulainn thought of something, and his expression finally changed.

Unfortunately, realizing it now was too late.

"Great God's Inscription (Ochd Deug Odin)!"

Rozen unleashed the power of the Noble Phantasm that originally belonged to Cú Chulainn.

Then, a annihilating white light illuminated the heavens and the earth.