-916- The power to destroy myth

Regardless of the type of magecraft, three fundamental conditions are required for successful activation:

1. The power required for casting the spell.

2. The procedures required for casting the spell.

3. The commands required for casting the spell.

The first condition refers to magical energy; without sufficient magical energy, any type of magecraft cannot be successfully activated.

The second condition refers to the spell itself, including the magic circle, ritual, and magical materials. The third condition refers to the incantation and spells.

Magus need the ability to construct, establish, and depict spells. By chanting spells that can interfere with phenomena, they inject the necessary magical energy into the spell, resulting in the manifestation of magecraft.

Although there are additional conditions for activating magecraft, and external factors can influence the activation of magecraft, fundamentally, as long as these three conditions are met, magic can be successfully activated.

The same principles apply to the summoning of Heroic Spirits. Leaving aside the Grand Ritual Magic used to save the human world from major disasters, the reason regular Heroic Spirit summoning typically fails is due to the immense magical energy required and the complexity of the summoning ritual.

In other words, the failure is due to the inability to meet the first and second conditions, leading to unsuccessful summoning. Therefore, the Holy Grail War ritual requires the Holy Grail to assist.

The Holy Grail is the only thing capable of providing the necessary magical energy for summoning and facilitating the intricate large-scale ritual. This allows for the fulfillment of the first two conditions, and all that remains is the correct chanting of incantations and the proper activation of the Holy Grail's summoning system to complete the summoning.

Chaldea's summoning system follows a similar principle, utilizing the entire facility's power to operate the entire ritual. By converting electricity into magical energy, it fulfills the first two conditions, allowing Chaldea to summon Servants.

However, compared to miracles like the Holy Grail, Chaldea's summoning system, relying entirely on human resources, has many limitations and imperfections, which is why it has been continually improved.

On the other hand, Rozen, due to reaching the divine realm with his "Mind's Eye," can construct even the most complex, intricate, and precise rituals perfectly.

Even large-scale rituals that would typically require the resources of the entire Chaldea facility can be accomplished by Rozen alone. This is the reason Scáthach was amazed by Rozen's skills.

Therefore, Rozen already possesses the technical ability to build spells. However, if he still cannot successfully summon, it means that Rozen lacks power.

In other words, insufficient magical energy.

Otherwise, Rozen wouldn't make mistakes in the chanting of incantations, considering his abilities. Given this, Rozen's summoning fails simply because the first condition has not been met.

It is only natural to think about it.

"Leaving aside the magical energy required to maintain the existence of a Servant and engage in battle, just the magical energy required for summoning and the magical energy to form a Servant's core and foundation are beyond the reach of human capabilities. Even if you use a secret technique that greatly enhances magical energy, combined with the magical energy for incantations, it would only be barely sufficient."

Despite the fierce conflict on the battlefield, Scáthach explained wholeheartedly to Rozen in order to seize the only opportunity.

"To open a path connecting to the outer world 'Throne,' extract its records, replicate its soul, and summon it to this world, you can imagine how much magical energy that would require. Not to mention constructing the magical energy for the summoning and the magical energy for forming a Servant's core and foundation."

This is still the magical energy required for summoning a Servant under normal specifications.

If Rozen is summoning the Heroic Spirit he has been attempting to summon, he might need to simultaneously release three bounded-field incantations along with the amplification from "Crimson Wing Formation" to meet the conditions.

Of course, this is only a possibility.

Therefore, Rozen's summoning has consistently ended in failure. As long as the magical energy issue is not resolved, even with Rozen's exceptional skills, summoning cannot be achieved.

This is not to say that Rozen's magical energy is too weak. It's simply that the magical energy required for summoning a Servant is too vast. Unless it's almost infinite magical energy like the Holy Grail, even Chaldea needs to carefully consider whether it's worth expending vast resources and straining to summon a Servant.

Considering the stringent requirements for magical energy and the technical expertise needed to establish the ritual, summoning a Heroic Spirit is almost impossible for humans.

Rozen reached the divine realm because of his "Mind's Eye," satisfying the latter condition, but the former is something beyond his control.

After all, a magus's magical circuits are inherently fixed, and the amount of magical energy they can hold is unchangeable.

Rozen can utilize the vast magical energy of the "Mana" using the "MInd's Eye", combined with "Crimson Wing Formation" to enhance his magical energy. This, in itself, is already a miracle.

In short, humans cannot independently achieve the mystery of "Heroic Spirit Summoning."

At this moment...

"You need to rely on other powers, Rozen."

Scáthach advised Rozen in this way.

This left Rozen silent.

Following that, Rozen took something from the inside of his coat, something that Scáthach had given him not long ago.


A dazzling light radiated.

Rozen held the radiant golden chalice, his eyes flickering slightly.

——The Holy Grail.

Crafted by Solomon, sent to this era, and subsequently becoming a relic of power that created this singularity.

After defeating Cú Chulainn, Scáthach handed this Holy Grail to Rozen.

"Use the magical energy inside it."

Scáthach spoke.

"This way, you will surely be able to summon successfully."

Leaving behind these words, Scáthach turned away, no longer paying attention to Rozen. It was as if she had entrusted all decision-making to Rozen. She leaped into the battlefield like a soaring spear, joining the fierce assault against Solomon.

To call it a fierce assault was, in reality, just buying time.

All the Servants seemed to tacitly engage Solomon, as if understanding what Rozen was preparing to do. Whether it was martial arts, tactics, magecraft, or Noble Phantasms, everything was unleashed to the fullest.


The familiar voice of the girl entered Rozen's ears, causing Rozen to tightly grip the miracle in his hand.

"Humanity's incineration..."

This was Solomon's grand endeavor to deny humanity.

"Mythological War..."

This was Cú Chulainn's struggle to exterminate the humans on this continent.

Whether facing humanity's incineration or the Mythological War, humans were like tiny ants, forced to endure suffering.

Even Chaldea could only send one human to various singularities, all for the sake of grasping the last glimmer of hope.

Solomon also said, didn't he?

"Humans must be killed, must be incinerated."


"In my myth, there is no need for humans like you to exist."

This was the proclamation of the wise king as a representative of the gods.

If, indeed, the so-called mythology meant the complete denial of humanity...

"Now, give me the power to destroy this myth!"

This was Rozen's wish to the Holy Grail.


In Rozen's hand, the golden jug radiated an unprecedented brilliance.

At the same time...


On Rozen's right hand, the golden ring similarly shimmered, becoming incredibly dazzling.

This scene caught the attention of everyone present.

Including Solomon.


"That is...!?"

When Solomon saw the radiant ring in Rozen's hand, his pair of eyes widened instantly, showing shock, astonishment, and even rage that had not been seen before.

And at this moment, Rozen had already begun chanting.

"—I hereby declare—"