-940- [ Nichiyo ]

As a witch, especially a pure-blooded one, Minamiya Natsuki naturally wouldn't refrain from using magic.

More than that, not only proficient in magic, Natsuki is a genius in the field of space manipulation magic.

Space manipulation magic refers to the entire series of magic that can directly control space. In this world, such magic is collectively referred to as space manipulation magic, and manipulating space is considered one of the highest-level magics in any world.

In Itogami, the ability to manipulate space is considered grand magic, restricted to only a few elite mages. Similarly, in the Automaton World, space magic is highly advanced, requiring multiple powerful mages to collaborate successfully.

Natsuki, however, is naturally gifted in manipulating space, a high-level magical ability that usually requires advanced mages to wield. Despite its difficulty, she has mastered it at the tender age of ten.

Now, Natsuki utilized her rare talent, manipulating the powerful magic that rivals high-level demons, causing ripples in the space around her.


The nearest citizen to Natsuki suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

In a chain reaction, the citizens suffering from heatstroke around Natsuki vanished one after another. It was evident that Natsuki executed a large-scale spatial transfer, moving all the citizens away from this dangerous area.

If ordinary citizens remained in this vicinity, they would not only face the risk of melting due to the high temperature but also suffer from dehydration and inevitable death. The fact was consistent with this concern.

The sun-like entity continued its descent, breaking through numerous barriers, and finally touched the ground.


Almost simultaneously, the road under the entity's location melted like butter, becoming extremely fragile.


Around them, alarm bells began to ring loudly.

Being a Demon Sanctuary, Itogami Island naturally had a complete alarm system. Once the magical activity or aggressive force was detected in this area, the alarm would ring, guiding the citizens to evacuate.

However, the alarm came too late, as all the citizens had already been moved away.

Only one person remained.


Natsuki raised her hand, desperately blocking the incoming hot wind and flames.

Under this fierce heat and flame, the surrounding air had long twisted, and the road was hissing as if it could melt at any moment, leaving people astonished.

If it weren't for the defensive barrier created by manipulating space, Natsuki would have undoubtedly melted.

Before Natsuki stood such a formidable presence.

At this moment, Natsuki finally saw what was inside the sun-like entity.

Without any warning, the sweeping flames and heat suddenly disappeared.

The three-legged crow, which was like a sun, revealed its true form. Instead of staying within the sun's disc, it danced before Natsuki like a crow that could only emit sparks.

Natsuki was momentarily surprised, but soon she understood what had happened.

"Has it run out of power?"


It had run out of power.

The master summoning this familiar was no longer in a state to wield magical power. Given the audacious actions of this three-legged crow, it was strange if its magic power hadn't run out.

Therefore, even the legendary solar messenger, the three-legged crow symbolizing the sun, lost all its power.

But it doesn't matter.

Because the three-legged crow's mission is essentially completed.


The three-legged crow, dancing in front of Minamiya Natsuki, suddenly transformed into a magnificent black coat.

Within this coat, there was a life being cradled.

"This is..."

When Natsuki saw the life wrapped in the black coat, this pure-blood witch was completely stunned.

"A child?"


Wrapped in the black coat was a child who looked as if they had just been born.

The child was peacefully sleeping, appearing ordinary, but on the back of the tiny hands were patterns formed by interlocking three rings. On the small fingers, there were even two mismatched rings.

The coat transformed from the three-legged crow enveloped the child and gently flew over, landing on Natsuki's outstretched hands while she was still in a daze.

Natsuki hugged the child.

As for the coat, it had completely lost all its extraordinary features, turning into an extremely ordinary piece of clothing.

"What... is this..."

Natsuki was bewildered.

After a while, this witch finally snapped out of it.

"A godsend child from the Sun God... perhaps?"

Natsuki looked at the child lying peacefully in her arms, and her eyes revealed ripples of emotions.

There were many things she didn't understand.

Many things that puzzled her.

Even the origin of this child and whether the three-legged crow was a true god or whether it had truly transformed into the coat that enveloped the child, Natsuki had no idea.

But there was one thing Natsuki knew.

She had been chosen.

Chosen as the caretaker of this child.

"Letting a witch raise a divine child... gods really are a bunch of casual individuals."

Natsuki chuckled.

However, as she looked at the child in her arms, Natsuki's face revealed a smile that seemed to say, "I am indeed unparalleled."

"In that case, let's see what changes you can bring to this island, this world, and me."

Natsuki decided to take in this child.

Although, with this decision, there would undoubtedly be many problems with the Island Management Cooperative.

Even so, troubles would come one after another.

But that was better than remaining unchanged.

"You shall be my little brother."

Natsuki spoke to the child in her arms.

"As for your name, since you are a child sent by the sun, let's call you Minamiya Nichiyo."

—Minamiya Nichiyo.

With this, Rozen once again received a new name, along with new family, and a new place of existence.

//// Here we are again with the MC's new name..... Another "sounds cool in Chinese but akward in Japanese" name. So here's the thing, his name this time is "曜日" which roughly translate to Bright/Shining/Brilliant Sun. Well you see, in Japanese the 曜 is used in every day of the week like 日曜 (Nichiyō) - Sunday, 月曜 (Getsuyō) - Monday, 火曜 (Kayō) - Tuesday, 水曜 (Suiyō) - Wednesday, 木曜 (Mokuyō) - Thursday, 金曜 (Kinyō) - Friday, 土曜 (Doyō) - Saturday.

And as you might noticed, the Nichiyo actually means Sunday... Well that's because the formal translation of 曜日 is day of the week and in Japanese it would be (yōbi)..... You wouldn't want Rozen to be called Minamiya Yobi.... right..... So after burning a couple of braincell thinking of an alternative name, I decided to flip 曜日 into 日曜 cuz Nichiyo sounds fine. And I belive some people also use Friday or something as their name (I'm talking about the one Tony Stark use!) Well anyway that's the best I can come up with. Once again, hope this works....////