-958- Hyper Adapter

"Sorry to keep you waiting~~~"

Just as the conversation between Rozen and Gajou grew silent, making the atmosphere somewhat heavy, a cheerful voice came from behind.

Rozen and Gajou immediately turned around, looking back to see Kojou and Nagisa walking towards them.

Upon closer inspection, Kojou hadn't changed much, still casually following behind his sister.

However, Nagisa had changed her clothes, now wearing a miko (shrine maiden) outfit.

"A miko outfit?"

Seeing this, Rozen suddenly understood.

"Could it be that Nagisa is an exceptionally talented spirit medium?"

If that were the case, it would make sense why they called this girl over. If Nagisa was a highly skilled miko with the ability to communicate with lingering thoughts inside the ruins, she could potentially unlock the seal leading to the third floor.

Rozen's guess was correct.

Gajou and the others indeed planned to utilize Nagisa's spirit medium abilities.


"Nagisa isn't just a spirit medium with exceptionally high spiritual abilities; she's also a Hyper Adapter."

Gajou proudly and confidently stated.

"Hyper Adapter?"

This time, Rozen raised an eyebrow.

The term Hyper Adapter refers to individuals who possess special abilities naturally, independent of magic or specific skills. Essentially, they are what one might call superhumans.

Their abilities are often extremely rare and unique, usually limited to a single skill or an extension of that skill. They exhibit phenomena that challenge science and magic, similar to the impossible occurrences caused by demons.

Compared to demons, the number of Hyper Adapters is even smaller, and even within the Demon Sanctuary, Rozen had never encountered such an individual, or at least, wasn't aware of encountering one.

Moreover, these Hyper Adapters usually have a hereditary aspect. If one of the parents is a Hyper Adapter, there's a high likelihood that their descendants will inherit this peculiar ability.

Clearly, Nagisa belonged to this category.

No, not just that.

"Although she hasn't undergone formal training, Nagisa's mother is a Hyper Adapter, and her grandmother is a powerful Attack Mage who served as a priestess at the Kamioda Shrine. Nagisa inherits talents from both sides of her maternal lineage, possessing outstanding spirit medium qualities as well as being a Hyper Adapter. She's an extremely rare hybrid, excelling as a miko even her grandmother, that old hag, can't criticize. In the past, she located several hidden ruins, read ancient inscriptions that couldn't be deciphered, and has been engaged in voluntary services for universities or specialized institutions in this field."

Gajou introduced Nagisa with great pride, then sighed in frustration.

"On the other hand, my son didn't inherit any Hyper Adapter traits, has zero qualities as a spiritual ability user, and apart from playing basketball, he doesn't have any strengths. His brain isn't bright either. Hoping he could become a professor or a doctor is just wishful thinking. Whether from his father's or mother's side, he didn't inherit any talents. Really... Why didn't I just bust it on the wall back then?"

Such straightforward sighs and complaints made Nagisa tilt her head, looking puzzled, while Kojou went berserk.

"I'm really sorry for not having no talent! Bastard! What are you saying in front of Nagisa!?"

Kojou was ready to punch Gajou in the face, but Gajou effortlessly restrained him.

"Come on, Gajou-kun, Kojou-kun, you two are at it again."

Nagisa, under her father's enthusiastic praise, became embarrassed and shy. She kept stealing glances at Rozen's reactions and, when Kojou and Gajou started scuffling, puffed up her cheeks like she was looking at two mischievous little brothers, showing a hint of annoyance.

"Being treated like a child by elementary schoolers. You two are really..."

Even Rozen couldn't help but chuckle.

Perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed, Kojou and Gajou reluctantly stopped.


Gajou glanced at his watch and said so.

"It's around 4 a.m. now. Before dawn, the senses of supernatural ability users are most acute. Working at this time is the best. Let's go inside now."

After saying that, Gajou didn't bother to notify Rozen and the others, just walked into the ruins on his own.

"Wait...! Don't just walk away! You old man!"

Kojou hurriedly followed.

Seeing this, Rozen and Nagisa exchanged glances, both looking somewhat helpless.

Clearly, the most important miko was still here, yet the two men rushed in like it was a competition, completely ignoring this side. It was truly speechless.

"I'm sorry; my dad and brother are just like that..."

Nagisa lowered her head as if feeling ashamed.

"It's okay. Your father and brother have strong personalities. I've become quite adept at dealing with people with unique personalities."

Rozen responded to Nagisa with the same impeccable image, accompanied by an impeccable smile.

Of course, Rozen's words weren't entirely false.

Basically, even if not considering other worlds, just living with an extremely unique sister for over a decade, he had become used to it. Moreover, Rozen himself was a character with a distinct personality, so he couldn't be too picky.

"Well... that's good..."

Unaware of the situation, Nagisa thought Rozen was overly gentle and modest.

If Kojou and Gajou knew that while they were competing, their most beloved daughter and sister was being deceived by another guy here, they would probably be infuriated, right?

"Alright, let's go in too."

"Ah, yes."

Under these circumstances, Rozen and Nagisa entered the ruins.

The scene once again fell into silence.

However, at some point, a subtle miasma began to permeate the camp around the ruins, bringing a sense of killing intent and hostility.

Not long after...


In the camp, the ground suddenly cracked open, making a snapping sound.

From inside, a hand reached out, lifting the curtain on a tragic prelude.