-984- [ Banquet ]

"Now... what exactly is going on?"

"Hey, Kojou-kun, you need to figure something out. The atmosphere is getting really tense and scary. Come on, think of a solution!"

"Ah! Stop bothering me! I don't know what to do either!"

"That's why I say Kojou-kun is useless! After giving up basketball, there's nothing he can do!"

As the situation becomes increasingly tense, Kojou and Nagisa are panicking on the sidelines, calling out to each other, looking completely clueless about what to do.

Even Veldiana is watching with a pale face, too afraid to intervene.

Rozen and Shizuka Koyomi, on the other hand, exchange indifferent smiles and calm expressions while facing each other.

Perhaps both of them are looking for an opportunity to strike or assessing each other's capabilities before deciding whether to act.

Although Shizuka Koyomi is the leader of the "Three Saints" in the Lion King Organization, one of the strongest human Attack Mages, capable of challenging even the Primogenitors of vampires, it is only natural for him to hesitate.

Rozen is a special existence closely monitored by the Lion King Organization, with a mysterious connection to gods, and Shizuka Koyomi hasn't confirmed Rozen's true strength. There is a mutual wariness between them.

On the other hand, Rozen is also cautious about Shizuka Koyomi. Despite significant progress in his abilities, mastering various summoning spells for familiars of different levels and achieving the summoning of the top-tier familiars, including Hokuto's full growth, Rozen remains wary of an opponent who can rival Primogenitors. The current Rozen, without going all out, doesn't have the confidence to defeat such formidable foes.

After all, not to mention that the three recognized Primogenitors are monsters capable of controlling double-digit numbers of Catastrophe-class Beast Vassals.

Each Beast Vassals is unquestionably of strategic significance, capable of commanding double-digit numbers of strategic-class Beast Vassals. Even with Rozen's current abilities, without fully committing, there is no confidence in victory.

The fact that this young girl before him can compete with the Primogenitors makes Rozen's caution understandable, and it's only natural for a sense of awe to arise.

Of course, if Rozen were to go all out, given his current capabilities, there would be no need for excessive fear, at most just a sense of caution.

Therefore, both parties have their reservations at the moment, hesitating to take action in this standoff, which is entirely normal.


"I think your sister wouldn't want you to get involved in the upcoming turmoil," Shizuka Koyomi says.

Rozen squints his eyes at this remark.

"That's true," Rozen casually says, "Even the leader of the 'Three Saints' from the Lion King Organization is here on Itogami Island. It would be strange if nothing significant happened next."

These words confuse Kojou and Nagisa even more, while Veldiana bites her lip in silence.

Clearly, something is happening in Itogami City that has forced the involvement of the leader of the "Three Saints."

And undoubtedly, this something is related to the Fourth Primogenitor.

"The strongest vampire, a terrifying incarnation surpassing the other three Primogenitor."

Rozen raises the metal rod in his hand and speaks calmly.

"Are you saying that this so-called 'Key' is meant to awaken that Primogenitor?"

What does this imply?

"Is the legendary Primogenitor about to awaken on this island?"

Rozen poses this question.

Shizuka Koyomi's response is very straightforward.

"Yes," Shizuka Koyomi says without any intention of concealing the truth, "So, please hand over the 'Key' to us. The Lion King Organization will do its best to minimize the losses."

Shizuka Koyomi utters these somewhat chilling words.

This makes others unable to bear it any longer.

"Hey, Miss Senpai," Kojou interjects with suspicion, "What's with this talk about losses?"

"It feels... scarier and scarier..." Nagisa is terrified, saying, "What is going to happen? What are you guys talking about? I don't understand anything!"

It seems that this brother-sister duo is already deeply entangled in the unsettling topic being discussed.

It's quite normal, even though their backgrounds are somewhat unique, Kojou and Nagisa are ultimately just ordinary citizens. They naturally can't keep up with the current discussion and standoff.

However, Shizuka Koyomi glanced at them, or more precisely, just at Nagisa.

"Also... this is for the sake of your friend, Your Highness." Ignoring others' reactions and focusing solely on Rozen, Shizuka Koyomi indifferently said, "If you carry the 'Key,' what will happen next won't be a pleasant experience for Akatsuki Nagisa. Even so, you still don't intend to let go?"

This statement surprises Nagisa, and Kojou takes an irritated step forward.


Kojou wanted to say something but was stopped by Rozen.

"Are you threatening me?"

Rozen's expression remains unchanged, but his gaze towards Shizuka Koyomi becomes somewhat icy.

Seeing this, Shizuka Koyomi understands.

Continuing this conversation has no meaning.


Shizuka Koyomi closes their eyes, then opens them again.

"In that case, as the arbiter of this 'Banquet,' we, the Lion King Organization, acknowledge Your Highness's right to intervene. However, whether to designate Your Highness as the candidate emperor is another matter."

Leaving behind these words, Shizuka Koyomi turns around, seemingly ready to leave.

Watching this, Rozen furrows his brow.

"A 'Banquet'? What is that? And what are arbiters and candidate emperors?"

Rozen doesn't have the chance to ask these questions because...

"Wait... wait a moment! 'Paper Noise'...!"

For some reason, Veldiana suddenly shouts excitedly.

"What about the Caruana family!?"

Veldiana asks this question, but it only earns her Shizuka Koyomi's cold gaze.

"The Caruana family lost its territory long ago. From that moment, you lost the qualification to be a candidate emperor."

After saying this, Shizuka Koyomi doesn't spare a glance at Veldiana and simply leaves.

"Wait! Wait, please!"

Veldiana's voice is filled with fear and anger, but it doesn't halt Shizuka Koyomi's departure.

Seeing this scene, Veldiana is both angry and resentful.

"I won't accept it...! Absolutely won't accept it...!"

Veldiana mutters in a low voice.

This leaves Kojou and Nagisa still bewildered, while Rozen observes everything, lifting his head and looking towards the direction of the sea.

"It seems like troublesome times are ahead."