-994- True Calamity


In the corner of the southern part of Itogami Island, a grand surge of magic erupted like a colossal intermittent spring. It shook the entire artificial island, reaching the skies and causing the surrounding sea to ripple.

In this demon sanctuary located in the central Pacific, the two most vicious Beast Vassals in history began their rampage.

"Rumble rumble...!"

Amidst the thunderous roar of the air, the scorching battle axe was swung heavily.

The enormous Minotaur Beast Vassal roared while wielding its battle axe. The power it carried erupted, shattering the space like it was being crushed, creating a terrifying roar.

This was not the power formed by massive magical energy but purely physical strength.

However, this sheer physical force was enough to crush everything, comparable to the destruction caused by a meteor striking the earth.

Faced with this power, Rozen unhesitatingly used the ability of "Magic Defence," creating invisible barriers covered with intricate magic circles and numerous runes. These barriers were of the highest level, making Rozen's "Magic Defence" defense power rival that of a Noble Phantasm.

The scorching battle axe landed on these barriers.


With almost no hindrance, the barriers were shattered by the heavy battle axe.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One after another, the rotating invisible barriers were shattered by the battle axe, turning into pure magical energy dissipated into the air.

The Minotaur Beast Vassal's strike demolished all defenses without losing its power, only slowing its descent.

However, for Rozen, this was already enough.


Abruptly, strange ripples in space appeared around the Minotaur Beast Vassal.

In these ripples, chains shot out like streams of light, entwining around the Minotaur Beast Vassal's body, tightly binding it.


The Minotaur Beast Vassal struggled, and the battle axe in its hand also stopped, causing its body to resonate with boiling magical energy. The chains on its body rattled as they were shaken.

Judging from the power displayed by the Minotaur Beast Vassal, even if it were a magical weapon, anything casually entangled with its body would be torn apart.

Unfortunately, Rozen's "Injunction Shackles" were crafted in imitation of the gods' "Lawbinding Shackles." They displayed true divine power and included runes like "restraint" and "imprisonment," as well as the binding jujutsu of the "Unmoving Golden Chains." Unless possessing an equal divine power or a special force that could produce a restraining effect, nothing could break free.

As a result, the Minotaur Beast Vassal could only struggle and roar, leaking power that shook the ground and caused the surrounding buildings' glass to shatter.

In this situation...


A dreadful hum suddenly echoed throughout the entire space.

It was a shockwave vibrating at an extremely high frequency.

Flying in the high altitude, the twin-horned war beast observed Rozen below. The two horns on its head resonated like tuning forks, emitting fierce vibrations.

This vibration could easily shatter mountains, tear the atmosphere, and even generate a violent storm. It was as if a tornado descended from the sky, heading towards the earth.

Its target was naturally Rozen.


Rozen couldn't help but be amazed.

"The Beast Vassals of the Primogenitor are truly comparable to natural disasters, just as expected."

Whether the Minotaur Giant or the Twin-Horned War Beast, their attacks could be described as earth-shattering. Any casual swing could shatter the earth, and any strike could create a violent storm, demonstrating astonishing destructive power.

This was also a common weakness of almost all Beast Vassals. Due to their nature as semi-materialized conglomerates of magical energy, they lacked endurance. However, their destructive power was quite astonishing.

Moreover, the Beast Vassals of the Fourth Primogenitor were not ordinary Beast Vassals.

Rozen's "Mind's Eye" had long detected that these two Beast Vassals possessed their own abilities.

"A Beast Vassal capable of transforming its magical energy into pure physical attack power, capable of penetrating any non-physical barrier, wielding an axe while turning the earth into molten lava, the second Beast Vassal—Cor Tauri Succinum."

"A Beast Vassal constantly emitting vibrations, able to destroy any tangible object through high-frequency wave resonance, the ninth Beast Vassal—Alnasl Minium."

This is the ability of two of the Fourth Primogenitor's Beast Vassals—one can manipulate lava, and the other can control violent storms. Combined with their immense strength, Rozen is essentially facing a live volcano and a tornado directly, making the situation extremely challenging.

It seems like they might be holding back, considering Itogami Island to avoid sinking it due to their attacks.

With these thoughts in mind, Rozen didn't hesitate at all and clapped his hands.

"————By this spell, I petition the Wind God Fūjin to quell all violence————"

A profound magical power was released from Rozen, turning into a wave of spiritual energy capable of calming everything, spreading to the surroundings.

Under the effect of this spiritual energy fluctuation, everything chaotic in the atmosphere was smoothed out.

Fūjin is the main god governing wind and atmosphere. By petitioning to Fūjin, violent storms can be calmed and turbulent waves can be stopped. Therefore, it's often used as a magical ritual for praying for favorable weather.

As a result of the spiritual energy fluctuation, the tornado that descended from the sky layer by layer weakened and eventually dissipated completely.

"To actually neutralize the attacks of the Fourth Primogenitor's two Beast Vassals...?"

As Balthazar Zaharias, who was waiting for Rozen to be miserably defeated, witnessed this scene, he couldn't help but be astonished.

Even though they might be holding back, the attacks of Beast Vassals at the level of the Primogenitors are not easy to block.

Rozen effortlessly resolved everything in an instant, almost as if it was child's play. This was enough to surprise Balthazar Zaharias.

However, despite the surprise, Balthazar Zaharias remained composed.

"No. 2, No. 9, go a bit more serious, quickly take him down."

Balthazar Zaharias casually ordered the two fairy-like girls.

The two girls immediately released even more substantial magical power, infusing it into the bodies of the two Beast Vassals.


The Minotaur Beast Vassal's body suddenly seemed to expand, emitting a roar. Disregarding the chains entwined around it, it raised the battle axe high and slammed it into the ground.


It was a world-shaking strike.

At this moment, the entire artificial island trembled.

The Minotaur Beast Vassal's strike not only shattered the earth but also turned it into lava, forming numerous scorching rocky mountains. Simultaneously rising and resembling giant spears thrusting out of the ground, they surged toward Rozen.

Even though the "Injunction Shackles" had the effect of blocking magical power, it couldn't completely seal the Minotaur Beast Vassal's power, allowing it to use its own abilities.

Not only that, but the Twin-Horned War Beast in the sky also let out a neigh. The horns produced even more powerful vibration waves, rumbling towards Rozen below.

For a moment, Rozen truly became an incredibly tiny ant. In front of him were countless lava mountains, like sharp spears protruding and rushing towards him. Above him was a vibration wave surpassing even a typhoon, stirring the atmosphere while descending as if trying to press Itogami Island to the ocean floor, incredibly terrifying.

This was the result of the Primogenitor-level Beast Vassals going all out.

Rozen's figure was engulfed by countless lava mountains, and he was enveloped by the enormous vibration wave, completely obliterated by the natural disasters.

If it weren't for the guardian spirit beasts protecting him.


Dazzling radiance bloomed.

"Come forth! Hokuto!"

Rozen's call finally resounded.

Then, countless lava mountains were shattered, and the swirling vortex of vibration waves from the sky was dispelled by the rising huge light ribbon.


The sound of a dragon's roar, as if from a distant era, shook the heavens and the earth.