-1001- The arrival of vampires

Throughout the night, the same news reports continued in every corner of Itogami City.

"The northern district of Itogami Island has been frozen for unknown reasons and has now turned into an ice field. Not only research facilities, buildings, and roads but also the residents of the northern district have been frozen, with no one spared."

"The Artificial Island Management Cooperative has dispatched the Security Force and professional research teams to the scene for investigation and exploration. The primary goal now is to safely thaw the frozen residents using the safest technology and rescue all the residents of the northern district. The regional thawing project will be delayed, and research facilities will be unable to operate for the next month, causing incalculable losses. The cause of this widespread unexplained freezing phenomenon is still under investigation."

"In addition, before the freezing of the northern district, the southern district also experienced destruction for unknown reasons, resulting in parts of the southern district becoming disaster areas, almost turning into ruins. Fortunately, there were no major casualties, but the damaged buildings and projects are still being assessed, estimated to cause losses exceeding trillions."

These reports continued, making the entire Itogami City extremely noisy.

"The southern and northern districts have become disaster areas?"

"One side is destroyed, and the other is frozen. What's going on?"

"My relatives happen to be in the southern district. They'll be fine, right...!?"

"My family works in the northern district!"

"Why did this happen...!?"

Similar comments and chaos kept appearing in every corner of Itogami City, causing roads to be filled with vehicles coming and going, communication channels almost occupied, and most people affected by the incident, plunging the entire Itogami City into a state of panic.

Believe it or not, the Artificial Island Management Cooperative was almost overwhelmed by all this. Not only did they dispatch numerous Security Forces, but also various medical teams, research teams, disaster relief teams, and professionals were sent out.

Countless armed helicopters and vehicles were deployed, with helicopters flying over Itogami City's airspace all the time, and speeding vehicles appearing in every corner.

One person stood at the highest point of Itogami Island, watching all of this.

"Blazing Banquet..."

Such a voice came slowly from the other person's mouth.

Looking closely, it was an extremely handsome man.

The man appeared to be in his twenties, dressed in a very refined and elegant white suit, with golden hair and blue eyes, resembling a nobleman at first glance.

In fact, the man was indeed a nobleman.

And, a vampire nobleman at that.

"As the opening of the banquet, this is much grander than the several ritual recorded in the past. Indeed, very good. Does this mean that this banquet is different from the past?"

The man smiled with joy.

"It's really interesting."

This was his response.

Not long after, the voice responding to him came from behind the man.

"You came after smelling the conflict, didn't you? Truly a crazy man as rumored."

A youth who appeared here at an unknown time said such words.

A young boy around twelve or thirteen years old.

The boy wore a loose white robe, adorned with bright golden ornaments all over his body. With black hair and tanned skin, he possessed a pair of golden eyes. His face was youthful, but it exuded overwhelming dignity like a young lion, gazing at the bustling Itogami City with a proud expression.

Seeing this boy, the nobleman was first surprised, then he showed a perfect smile and bowed to the boy.

"Isn't this Prince Iblisveil Aziz? I didn't expect His Highness to visit the Far East's Demon Sanctuary. It's truly awe-inspiring."

The nobleman said in a somewhat exaggerated manner.

However, if someone really recognized the identity of the boy in the conversation, they would never think it was exaggerated.

—Iblisveil Aziz.

He was the direct descendant of the Second Primogenitor, the second-generation heir who inherited the blood of the Second Primogenitor, the ninth prince of the dynasty of destruction in the Three Nights Empire, and the true heir of the Vampire Primogenitor.

In other words, this boy possessed power second only to the Primogenitors, and he was also a highly anticipated and prominent prince in the dynasty of destruction, commanding military fortresses in the eight northern states and adjacent warlord dominions.

Among the second-generation direct descendants of the Second Primogenitor, he was one of the top-ranking experts and had survived for hundreds of years. His power was strong enough to sink Itogami Island.

Such a level of vampire actually came to Itogami City, so the nobleman's words didn't seem so exaggerated anymore.


"Are you mocking me?"

Iblisveil Aziz turned his gaze and looked at the nobleman.

In their eyes, there was neither disdain for those of lower lineage nor contempt for those weaker than themselves; instead, there was the murderous intent and hostility one would feel when facing a formidable enemy.

"You've come here personally not only because the banquet will be held here but also because you know that strong adversaries like me will also come, so you're itching for a fight, aren't you?" emanated a terrifying aura from Iblisveil Aziz's body.

"What? Targeting my 'blood' already?" Iblisveil Aziz pressured.

Indeed, this young man was a direct descendant of the Primogenitors, a second-generation vampire, a prince of the bloodline second only to the Primogenitors themselves. Generally speaking, even elders of the third generation, if not ancient beings, would not be regarded highly.

Because, in the world of vampires, blood is the source of power. The closer the lineage to the Primogenitors, the stronger.

However, for impure bloodlines and younger generations of vampires, there are ways to rapidly gain power, one of which is by devouring powerful vampires to absorb their blood and strength.

This practice is called "cannibalism among kindred."

Typically, vampires cannot devour those stronger than themselves; even if they drained the target's blood, they would risk being consumed from within. This is the danger of "cannibalism among kindred."

But the nobleman before them was an exception. With his own ability, he had successfully devoured two elders of the third generation.

In other words, this nobleman possessed the power of two elders of the third generation in addition to his own. He had long surpassed the third generation, making him a formidable opponent even for the second generation.

Therefore, this man was considered one of the closest existence to the Primogenitors, receiving the attention of the first Primogenitor, Lost Warlord, holding extensive territory and rights in the Warlord Dominion, and commanding an army comparable to that of several Western European countries.

Many vampire nobles even attached themselves to him, both in power and status not inferior to the royal family of the second generation.

Because the beast vessel he commanded were all serpentine, people called him the "Snake Charmer."

And his name was Dimitrie Vatler.

With this in mind, Vatler wasn't intimidated by Iblisveil Aziz's terrifying aura. Instead, he greeted him with joy.

"How could it be?" Vatler smiled softly. "Without a certain victory, even I wouldn't dare to casually devour the Second Generation."

Upon hearing this, Iblisveil Aziz instead revealed a sinister smile.

"What? Are you saying that if you had the upper hand, you'd devour me?" Iblisveil Aziz revealed his madness.

This time, Vatler remained silent, smiling.

The two men faced each other, with a silent magical conflict brewing between them, causing the atmosphere to tremble.


"Interesting, to witness the standoff between the Warlord Dominion and the Kingdom of Destruction before the banquet even begins, it's quite amusing. I'd like my daughters to learn from you both," a somewhat cheerful voice rang out, accompanied by an overwhelming surge of magical power.

Under this surge of magic, the magical powers of both Iblisveil Aziz and Dimitrie Vatler were dispersed, unable to resist even the slightest. They disappeared without a trace.

Both representing the Warlord Dominion and the Kingdom of Destruction, the two men turned around simultaneously, looking in the direction of the surging magical power.

There, a young girl appeared.

She had light green hair, wore scanty clothing, and her eyes were deep emerald pools. She had a beautiful yet resolute face, revealing cute fangs as she smiled at Vatler and Iblisveil Aziz.

From her body emanated a heart-stopping magical power.

Though not causing any commotion, no one doubted that once released, this power would shake not only Itogami Island but also the entire ocean.

"You are...!" Iblisveil Aziz gasped.

"...I never expected you to grace us with your presence," Vatler's pupils contracted, followed by a wild smile.

The girl seemed oblivious to the two men, turning her head to look in the direction of Itogami City.

"The Fourth Primogenitor is about to awaken once again," the girl said, as if reminiscing about something or feeling happy about something, smiling cheerfully.

"It's really something to look forward to."