-1051- Living spirit of a primogenitor

"You can't go."

In the midst of Altera's fierce battle with the primogenitor, causing constant rumblings ahead and the artificial island's land continuously crumbling, making the entire island seem precarious, Rozen tightly grasped Avrora's hand beside her and said without hesitation.

Just now, Avrora had mustered the courage, ready to enter the battlefield with Alrescha Glacies.

The purpose of this, naturally, needed no explanation.

"If you seal the Primordial again, then you must accompany her into eternal slumber. Do you really want to return to that state?"

Rozen said so.

Avrora's sealing of the primogenitor is not absolute. Just because she seals her within her own body doesn't mean the primogenitor won't become a threat and obediently fall into eternal sleep.

The fact that the fourth primogenitor could break free from Avrora and enter Nagisa's body proved this.

So, if Avrora truly didn't want the fourth primogenitor to return to the world, then she would have to seal the fourth primogenitor in the Ice Pavilion again, along with herself, falling into eternal sleep.

"I brought you here not to sacrifice yourself. Understand that."

Rozen stared directly at Avrora, his expression and tone leaving no room for doubt.


Helplessness immediately appeared on Avrora's face.

If possible, how could Avrora want to accompany the fourth primogenitor again, falling into slumber once more?

During the six months on Itogami Island, Avrora felt an unprecedented joy.

There were landscapes never seen before.

There were others caring for her clumsiness.

Being able to eat incredibly delicious ice cream.

Being able to go to school with Rozen and others, no longer needing to be alone.

Such a wonderful life, Avrora naturally didn't want to give up.

But if she didn't give up, then what should she do?

The original is the fourth primogenitor, a truly invincible vampire. Even the Devas can't kill her, only seal her. It can be imagined that the original's immortality among the primogenitor is exceptional.

Even if it's Altera, who can destroy civilizations, it's not certain she can truly kill the

original, right?

Furthermore, the original still occupies Nagisa's body. How could Rozen let Altera kill her?

Therefore, for everyone, for Nagisa, and also for Rozen, Avrora must reseal the original.


"Do you think there's anything you can think of that I wouldn't? Idiot!"

Rozen spoke up like this.

"I've already prepared everything."

At the words, Avrora couldn't help but be stunned.

Prepared everything?

What's prepared?

This question would be answered in the next moment.

"Indeed, sealing the original again is the best choice."

Rozen didn't deny this.


"However, it's not you who will seal her, but me."

Rozen made such a declaration.

This left Avrora bewildered.


Avrora almost doubted her ears.

However, this was Rozen's plan.

At this moment, Rozen remembered two people.

One is Tsuchimikado Natsume

The other is Dairenji Suzuka.

Both of them are Rozen's shikigami, who are still in the world of Tokyo ravens.

However, they are doing something very dangerous.

That is, with the assistance of the Tsuchimikado family, they will become living spirits.

Humans who serve as vessels for spirits, maintaining their own consciousness—living spirits.

Through this method, Natsumi and Suzuka plan to enhance their power.

Because, once becoming living spirit, they can to a certain extent utilize the power of the spiritual entities sealed within them, thereby greatly enhancing their strength.

For this, Natsumi intends to seal the spirit of the fox spirit enshrined in the branch family into her own body, while Suzuho intends to seal the unknown ogre born from Rozen's summoning ritual, thus becoming the living spirits of fox and ogre.

In this way, these two girls can use the power of the fox and ogre within them by taming them.

Now, Rozen wants to do the same thing as them.

In other words...

"I want to become a living spirit of a primogenitor."

This is what Rozen planned to do before coming here.

After all, Rozen has long understood the truth and essence of this ritual, so naturally he can also think that sealing the original is the best solution to deal with her.

However, if he wants to seal the fourth primogenitor, where should he seal her?

It's simple, seal her within his own body.

"In this way, I can solve the problem of magic power."

This is Rozen's plan.

As long as he seals the fourth primogenitor within her body and becomes the living spirit of this world's strongest vampire, then Rozen can, like Natsumi and Suzuka, use the power of the primogenitor as a human.

At that time, the magical power surpassing the Holy Grail, or even greater than the Holy Grail, will become Rozen's greatest reliance.

With the magical power comparable to the Holy Grail, Rozen's biggest problem that he has been trying to solve so far will be solved.

Of course...

"This...this won't do!"

Avrora hurriedly spoke up.

"It's too dangerous!"


It's too dangerous.

Although living spirits can use the power of the spiritual entity within their bodies, there is also the possibility of being devoured and corrupted by the other party.

If Rozen cannot perfectly seal the fourth primogenitor, or even control the power of the primogenitor perfectly, then he will immediately be possessed by the original, devoured, and corrupted, becoming the new fourth primogenitor, bringing calamity to the world, right?


"Don't worry."

Rozen smiled confidently.

"In terms of commanding, controlling, and harnessing, no one can surpass me, no matter in which world."

Even if the opponent is the world's strongest vampire, the fourth primogenitor who should not exist, Rozen has the confidence to perfectly seal her.

As for the issue of corruption, as long as Rozen does not release all the seals within his body, with Rozen's ability, there is no need to worry at all. At most, he will be able to utilize the power to a certain extent.


"If you are willing to believe in me, then come and help me, Avrora."

Rozen looked straight at Avrora, speaking word by word.

"We will go back together, go to Saikai Academy together, save Nagisa, and then invite Kojou, Asagi, and Motoki to eat ice cream together."

The beautiful future described by Rozen finally made Avrora waver.

And then...

"I...I believe in you!"

Avrora shouted loudly.

"I'll entrust all my power to you! Nichiyo!"

Avrora said with tears in her eyes.


Rozen patted Avrora's head, smiling at her.

"Then let's begin."

So, to end this ritual, a new ritual began.

However, this time, the ritual was not to awaken the fourth primogenitor, but to make the fourth primogenitor sleep.

To sleep within a young man's body, to be used by him.