-1054- For the sake of such a future

"————There are three seals on the souls————"

In Rozen's heart, such a sentence naturally emerged.

"————The first seal is the gate————"

"————The second seal transforms into a barrier————"

"————The third seal reveals divine power————"

Therefore, all living beings will set up three seals in their bodies to completely seal off dangerous spiritual existences that threaten their own existence, in order to avoid assimilation, corruption, and spiritual consumption.

If it is a spiritual existence that poses no danger, it's another matter.

However, if there is a risk of losing one's own existence, and being assimilated, corrupted, or consumed, then living beings must strengthen the seals in their bodies, with a minimum of one seal and a maximum of three seals, to maintain their human will and identity and avoid destruction.

Once, Ato Touji received treatment from Tsuchimikado Takahiro. As a ogre inhabiting his body, he was set with three seals by Tsuchimikado Takahiro.

Now, what Rozen needs to seal is the Fourth Primogenitor who can kill even gods, the king of vampires, the progenitor, and the oldest existence. These three seals naturally must be of the highest level, otherwise, there is still a risk of being consumed.

For this reason, Rozen has long engraved the spells required for the seal on his body.

At this moment, on various parts of Rozen's body, extremely mysterious and profound runes emerge.

Those are Rune magic.

And it's not just any Rune magic.

Small runes are connected in series, like a series of enchantments, crawling all over Rozen's body, and passing through eighteen nodes in succession, surrounding those eighteen nodes, forming a cycle in Rozen's whole body.

Those eighteen nodes are the eighteen Primordial Runes.

Rozen uses the eighteen Primordial Runes as the key points of the seal, supplemented by other minor runes, forming an extremely vast and terrifying seal.

Moreover, this seal is based on the principles of the three major seals, and even connects with the spells on Rozen's left and right hands, causing Rozen's whole body to shine with the brilliance of spells and runes, full of sanctity and divinity, and finally even reveals an indescribable demonic nature, releasing waves of terrifying fluctuations from his body.

It can be said that this seal symbolizes the pinnacle of Rozen's life, using all the magical knowledge and spell knowledge in his mind to create a top work.

With the eighteen Primordial Runes as the source of the seal, powered by spells, and supplemented by the divine energy of Kinu and Gyokuto, the seal exercised by Rozen is afraid to reach a realm where no one has come before, except for himself, who can break it?

So, after the existence called the fourth primogenitor was taken into Rozen's body, the seal began.


Rozen closed his eyes tightly, sitting cross-legged, and formed seals, chanting spells to guard his mind, while countless runes and enchantments appeared all over his body, shining brightly with the seals on his hands.


Inside his body, the existence known as the fourth primogenitor seemed to be roaring, raging, struggling desperately, fiercely impacting Rozen's mind, trying to devour him, occupy his body, and make him fall into a primogenitor of vampires, bringing disaster to the world.

However, no matter how it struggled, it still couldn't break free from this seal composed of all aspects of divine wisdom, ancient runes, and modern magical knowledge and spell systems. It couldn't even shake Rozen's mind.

Gyokuto had already turned back into a ring, worn on Rozen's hand, guarding his body and mind.

Even Kinu turned into a cloak, draped over Rozen's body, suppressing the fierce existence within him.

In addition, Rozen had long been prepared, with the entire seal planned and schemed beforehand. There was no hesitation in its implementation. He raised his hands flat, chanted spells, and his magical power turned into thought power, continuously drawing runes and enchantments all over his body.

If it was just a simple seal, in fact, Rozen could be considered successful when the fourth primogenitor was taken into his body.

Believe that with this seal based on eighteen Primordial Runes and powered by spells, even if the original is extremely powerful, unless there is a power like Solomon that renders all magic and spells ineffective and controls them, it won't be able to break free, right?

Rozen not only needs to seal the fourth primogenitor but also needs to be able to draw its power.

Rozen is constructing a seal for this purpose.

According to Rozen's plan, the command spells on his right hand will be transformed into sealing spells to maintain the seal.

In this way, Rozen's three command spells will become three sealing spells, detached from the Chaldea Heroic Spirit Summoning System. Perhaps they will no longer be used to command Servants or to be liberated as crystallized magical power for huge magical energy.

But they will also become Rozen's own power. Each time one is released, a corresponding seal inside the body will be lifted, thereby gaining the corresponding ability.

Rozen even connects them to the command spells on his left hand to cooperate with the Crimson Wing Formation.

Because the primogenitor possesses an extremely terrifying vitality and regeneration ability, even if it consumes the Crimson Wing Formation, perhaps, if it's a primogenitor, it can completely offset it with its regeneration ability, right?

Of course, the primogenitor's power comes from blood. If the Crimson Wing Formation consumes blood excessively, it will also cause the primogenitor's power to weaken, including its regeneration ability.

So, after careful consideration, Rozen made careful arrangements.

First, Rozen turned the command spells on his left hand into three secret spells, while the command spells on his right hand turned into three sealing spells for connection.

When the first seal is lifted, Rozen will be able to use one-tenth of the Fourth Primogenitor's power.

At the same time, the first secret spell will be released along with it, autonomously activating the power of the Crimson Wing Formation, amplifying magical energy twentyfold.

This is just enough to offset Rozen's regeneration ability when the first seal is lifted.

If increased further, with only one-tenth of the Fourth Primogenitor's power, Rozen's regeneration ability won't keep up with the blood consumption of the first secret spell. Therefore, this is the best allocation.

As a result, although Rozen only obtains one-tenth of the primogenitor's power, after the first secret spell's amplification, with only one-tenth of the magical power increased twentyfold, his magical power becomes twice that of the Fourth Primogenitor's, which is extremely terrifying.

And when the second seal is lifted, Rozen will be able to use half of the Fourth Primogenitor's power, and the second secret spell will also be released, amplifying magical energy fiftyfold.

As a result, Rozen will gain magical power equivalent to twenty-five times that of the Fourth Primogenitor's, becoming even more terrifying.

Finally, when the third seal is lifted, Rozen will be able to use all of the Fourth Primogenitor's power, and the third secret spell will have the highest level of amplification, allowing Rozen to gain magical power equivalent to one hundred times that of the Fourth Primogenitor's.

One hundred times the magical power of the Fourth Primogenitor!

What is that concept?

The Fourth Primogenitor itself already has magical power surpassing that of ley lines, comparable to, or even exceeding, the Holy Grail. Amplifying it one hundredfold would be terrifying, perhaps even surpassing Solomon's magical power.

As for the usual situation, when the seals and secret spells are not released, Rozen can simply use the Crimson Wing Formation with a tenfold amplification.

With only tenfold amplification, Rozen's current abilities can fully withstand its consumption and be used for a considerable amount of time.

The magical power problem troubling Rozen will be solved afterwards.

Of course, such power cannot be used recklessly.

After all, once the seals are released, Rozen will suffer backlash from the Fourth Primogenitor inside him. The more seals are released, the stronger the backlash, and the more likely it is to lead to his downfall.

Once fallen, Rozen will truly be doomed.

In summary, Rozen cannot use the power of the Fourth Primogenitor as he pleases.

However, compared to the previous situation limited by magical power, this is the best temporary solution. Rozen doesn't believe that obtaining power through such shortcuts comes without any cost. He is fully prepared for the consequences and has the resolve to bear them.

However, Rozen still has confidence in controlling the seal and preventing himself from being consumed. What needs to be avoided is being too immersed in the powerful force, forgetting the original intention, and forgetting to improve himself, thus excessively using the power of the primogenitor and eventually meeting his downfall.

That is the true fall.

However, Rozen also has no intention of frequently releasing the seal.

Because even if Rozen does not release the seal regularly, when summoning familiars, he can completely extract the magical energy needed to maintain the familiar's existence and combat from the seal, using the power of the primogenitor inside the seal to pay for it.

Just like at Chaldea, the familiars summoned by Rozen can receive magical energy from the Heroic Spirit Summoning System provided by Chaldea, without Rozen having to pay for it himself. Rozen has long understood the principle behind it. Even without releasing the seal, he can use the power of the primogenitor inside the seal to pay for the magical energy needed by the familiars.

That is Rozen's goal.

"In this case, even if the magical energy required for summoning still needs to be paid by me personally, once the summoning is completed, all other consumption can be handed over to the seal. I only need to consume the magical energy required for the summoning ritual."

In that case, whether it's Altera, Kinu, Gyokuto, or Mash, who he will contract in the future, they can all continue to operate outside without worry, freely engage in combat, and Rozen's magical energy can be used to support and strengthen them, or even use magic and spells himself.

Believe that with the astonishing magical power of the Fourth Primogenitor, any kind of consumption can be sustained, right?

Altera can fully exert her destructive power, Kinu and Gyokuto's abilities can also be fully realized, and even if Mash is contracted in the future, there won't be any worries about supporting their existence.

For the sake of such a future, Rozen is diligently constructing all the spells.

On his body, runes and spell patterns have been flashing continuously, never ceasing.