-1157- My life is fulfilled


A faint exhale escaped from La Folia's slightly parted lips as she closed her eyes and raised her head, involuntary, making one's blood boil.


Rozen couldn't help but swallow hard, his heartbeat intensifying like never before, even making him lose his composure.

This couldn't be blamed on Rozen. Even with the highest intellect and strategic prowess, facing such a scene, no man could remain composed.

After all, the one asking for a kiss wasn't just anyone but a princess with the reputation of a reincarnation of a goddess, a legitimate princess of a country.

Looking at the enticing face so close and seemingly allowing him to take what he desired, who could remain calm?

At least, Rozen really couldn't. Despite his lack of assertiveness, Rozen was still a man.

With such a beautiful girl and such a happy request, who could resist?

If it were any other man, Rozen could be sure that they would bow before this wonderful request and seize the girl's first kiss regardless of everything.

The reason Rozen didn't do so wasn't because of his strong will, but rather because he was making a final struggle.

"Is this really okay?"

Rozen asked himself countless times, even more times wanting to ask La Folia.

As La Folia said, she just very much fancied Rozen, perhaps not yet to the extent of love, and yet she was offering her precious lips so readily. Wasn't that a bit hasty?

Of course, Rozen was just taking advantage, and no matter how he thought about it, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage. But he was still making a final struggle.

In simple terms, Rozen was just cowardly.

No matter how much he had pondered, he didn't have such experiences, so how could he just go for it?

This was the aftermath of someone who always planned ahead before acting, always overthinking!

Therefore, Rozen had not been able to kiss La Folia's lips for a long time, and he felt somewhat stiff all over.

La Folia, on the other hand, wasn't anxious at all, maintaining the kissing posture and waiting silently.

Looking at La Folia like this, Rozen recalled the girl's words.

"Can't you let me taste the feeling of true love?"

This was the girl's desire.

"For me, perhaps this is really the last chance to fulfill my wish."

This was the girl's lament.

"Please fulfill my wish."

This was a small hope deep in the girl's heart.

At this moment, La Folia was not pursuing all this as a princess but as an ordinary girl, sincerely hoping to fulfill this wish.

Perhaps, after this, La Folia would be satisfied and proceed to fulfill her role as a princess by marrying someone else.

Perhaps, after this, La Folia would no longer have any regrets, and her life would be able to continue perfectly.

Thinking of this, Rozen's last shred of resistance vanished smoothly.

"To hell with it!"

Rozen decided.

Then, Rozen took a deep breath and slowly lowered his head towards the delicate and beautiful face in front of him.



The lips of the boy and the girl finally touched.

At this moment, both Rozen and La Folia's hearts trembled slightly.

Rozen felt like he had forgotten how to breathe.

La Folia's beautiful face finally showed a faint blush, but she showed no intention of leaving.

Both of them began kissing each other without any hesitation, feeling the warmth and taste of each other's lips, and then kissed passionately, seeking each other desperately.


In the midst of their breaths, the boy and the girl kissed each other several times, repeatedly exchanging kisses and turning their heads, then tightly kissing each other, desperately seeking.

Rozen, naturally, as a man, was completely blank in his mind at this point, leaving only the burning impulse and desire.

La Folia, too, lost her resistance and restraint to the warmth that touched her lips and touched her soul.

Neither Rozen nor La Folia was the active one, nor the passive one. They continued to kiss each other extremely tacitly, feeling their body temperature rising.



Unconsciously, who knows who started it first, the tongues of the two people simultaneously broke free from their constraints and intertwined each other.

The moment was so wonderful that neither Rozen nor La Folia had ever experienced anything like it before.

But precisely because of this, both of them completely lost their resistance to each other.

Clearly, they were two extremely intelligent individuals, but now, their heads were unusually completely devoid of any calculation or thought, leaving only impulse and instinct.

This was very rare for both Rozen and La Folia.

But it had to be said that this was the charm of kissing.



After who knows how long had passed, both of them unconsciously separated and opened their eyes, looking at each other's faces, breathing slightly heavily.

Looking at the flushed cheeks, moist eyes, and expressions that were definitely impossible to see on the face of this princess, Rozen's heart had only one thought left.

"My life is fulfilled."

This was the only thought in Rozen's heart.

As for La Folia...

"So, this is... kissing..."

La Folia used a delicate hand to stroke her lips, as if savoring the feeling just now, her expression full of intoxication.

That appearance almost made Rozen lose control again and take away her lips once more.

After experiencing this, Rozen completely understood the taste between men and women, and his self-control was no longer as high as before, nor was it as good as before.

Given this, Rozen really wanted to take away the lips of the girl in front of him again.

And La Folia seemed to have sensed it, as she was about to close her eyes again.


"Those... those two are so bold..."

"To do that in such a place..."

"Young people nowadays..."

"So...So impressive..."

Such voices finally reached the ears of Rozen and La Folia.


Rozen and La Folia finally remembered where they were.

This was neither some deserted place nor a dark night; it was an outdoor restaurant in a park in broad daylight.

The two of them were kissing each other so passionately in such an environment.

Now, pedestrians were watching this scene, either astonished, shocked, embarrassed, or regretful, making the two of them the center of attention all of a sudden.

Subconsciously, the two of them moved apart as if recoiling from each other.

"It's... it's really hot today..."

Rozen laughed awkwardly, his tone extremely embarrassed and awkward.


La Folia regained her composure, looking at Rozen like that, unable to help but laugh.

But both of them were recalling the feeling from just now.

Immediately, there was a subtle change in the way they looked at each other.

An ambiguous atmosphere emerged between Rozen and La Folia.

Believe it or not, after today, the thoughts of both of them would undergo some changes.