-1187- The entrusted wish

--- Kiffa Ater .

With a blade length that effortlessly exceeds a hundred meters, it resembles a living weapon like the Three Cobalt Swords.

It is said that it was once the sword used by the gods to vanquish demons. Although it is a weapon in itself, it has transcended the category of weapons and is truly a divine sanction.

Once it falls, it will cause fatal destruction to all within a radius of tens of kilometers. In addition to its ability to manipulate gravity, it can accelerate its descent, maximizing its power. This beast vassal is specialized in destructive power, even more terrifying than nuclear weapons.

Therefore, when such a beast vassal is summoned by Rozen, even with the amplification of the Crimson Wing Formation, it still cannot fully restore its former glory.

However, its power is still terrifying beyond measure. It's as if the sky is falling, and when it lands on the Minelauva Iris, the destructive power of its shockwave has already lifted the atmosphere, dispersed the clouds, and even caused the surface of the prison barrier below to collapse. The entire island fractures like glass, and even the ocean around the island is churned up by huge waves, expanding in all directions, flooding the northern coast of the Itogami Island.

Thanks to this, the ports on the coast are destroyed, and ships are sunk one after another, causing even the foundation of Itogami Island to creak as if it's about to collapse, which is terrifying.

This is the power of the "Kiffa Ater".

Among the twelve beast vassals of the Fourth Primogenitor, in terms of destructive power alone, it definitely ranks first.

Even though its power is not fully restored now, the damage it brings still completely disperses the Minelauva Iris, leaving behind not a trace of magical aura.


In the dilapidated sanctuary below, the magic backlash surged back to No. 6, causing her to spew out a mouthful of blood, nearly collapsing.

But, No. 6 persevered.

"It's not... over yet...!"

While vomiting blood, No. 6 continued to shout loudly.

"Lend me your power again! Minelauva Iris!"

No. 6 seemed to want to squander all of her own strength, causing the magic to surge again, her body accelerating its collapse, making the rainbow-colored Valkyrie's figure flicker behind her, once again summoned.


"No, it's already over."

Rozen reached out, causing the beast vassal in the sky to descend.

The descending beast vassal is the eighth Beast Vassal — "Shaula Viola".


The human-faced lion-bodied scorpion-tailed beast, burning with purple flames, roared and pounced down, opening its long, jagged teeth like a sabertooth tiger, fiercely biting into the shoulder of the rainbow-colored Valkyrie.


The Valkyrie let out a scream of agony.

Her body slowly turned purple, showing signs of poisoning.

The human-faced lion-bodied scorpion-tailed beast injected the venom it produced into the Valkyrie's body, and even took the opportunity to seize the Valkyrie's magic.

At this moment, Rozen could feel a tremendous amount of magic flowing into his body through "Shaula Viola", replenishing the magic he had consumed, and even surpassing it, causing the power of the summoned beast vassals to skyrocket together.

Under such circumstances, the Valkyrie gradually weakened until she completely disappeared, even No. 6's entire body turned into light particles, already incomplete.

At this point, No. 6 had to admit.

"Is this how I lose?"

No. 6 spoke with a bitter smile.

"Clearly, your powers aren't fully restored, I thought there might still be a chance..."

Just like expressing her own unwillingness to admit defeat to her fellow comrades, No. 6 spoke such words.

However, there was an indescribable sense of satisfaction in No. 6's expression.

"It ends here, No. 6."

Rozen recalled the silver-shelled beast, the human-faced lion-bodied scorpion-tailed beast, and the demon-slaying divine sword, canceling the summoning.

The beast vassals returned to Rozen's blood, but Rozen could feel that they were all "watching" the scene outside, watching the disappearance of No. 6.

"Ah, it seems this is where it ends,"

No. 6 admitted unexpectedly calmly.

Then, she slowly collapsed.

Seeing this, Rozen did not approach.

This was No. 6's chosen end, and Rozen merely settled grievances with her, with no reason to intervene further.

Of course, Rozen had no reason, but others might.

"No. 6!"

When No. 6 fell, Avrora somehow rushed over and embraced her.

Looking at the fading figure of No. 6, Avrora's eyes were filled with sadness.


Seeing this scene, Rozen silently cancelled the use of the Crimson Wing Formation, causing the red wings behind him and the red light in his eyes to disappear, while silently watching.

No matter what, No. 6 was Avrora's sibling, born from the same matrix as her, no different from a biological sister.

Seeing her sibling vanish, it was impossible not to feel sad.


"Don't look at me with such sad eyes, No. 12."

As No. 6 dissipated, her face became somewhat blurry, yet she looked at No. 12's face and smiled bitterly.

"I forced you into this Blazing Banquet, you should resent me for it."

No. 6 expressed this way.

But Avrora shook her head tearfully and whispered softly.

"You... never intended that..."

At this point, Avrora also understood.

"You just wanted to choose an appropriate end for yourself, not to hold another Blazing Banquet."

If No. 6 truly intended to hold another Blazing Banquet, she wouldn't have completely unsealed the beast vassals and then disappeared like this.

In other words...

"You lied about wanting to devour Nichiyo, involving me only to witness your end...!"

So, No. 6 had said earlier that Avrora only needed to witness.

This time, No. 6 only wanted to respond to fate and see her siblings.

And, No. 6 didn't deny this either.

"Although we, the twelve matrices, were given the mission to seal the twelve beast vassals, other than that, we have no other reason to exist."

No. 6 murmured as if speaking to herself.

"Having existed for countless ages, we only have this duty, so we never hoped to survive."

Just like the old generation of vampires, who had experienced all the ups and downs of the world, eventually losing all passion but unable to die, only able to find meaning in existence through death battles and fierce fights.

Besides Avrora, all the other matrices were awakened from their slumber, seeing the world's vicissitudes, combined with their mission and meaningless lives, naturally no one hoped to continue living.

This was also the reason why the matrices obediently accepted the management of various candidates, even obeying weapons dealers like Zaharias.

They no longer hoped to have their own will or their own lives.

Including No. 6.

In view of this, when learning that the beast vassals had changed owners and accepted a human as their master, and with Giada also thinking of coming to this island, No. 6 almost thoughtlessly volunteered to come.

For the sake of obeying her siblings' decision and seeing if Rozen was qualified to bear them, to let herself recognize him as their master.

"But you're different, No. 12, no, Avrora."

No. 6 looked at Avrora, reached out, and gently touched her face.

"You are the only one among us who hopes to continue living in this world. To us, you represent all our hopes, hoping that you can prove to the world that we are not here in vain, and that we have the right to continue living."

No. 6 would want to involve Avrora not just to witness her end but also to entrust her with the wishes of all the matrices.

In fact, including No. 6, all the matrices had only one wish.

That is...

"Our youngest sister, I hope you can continue to live."

"Your existence is our wish."

No. 6's sincere words finally made Avrora unable to hold back her tears.

After all, No. 6 involving her was just to see her and spend some time with her.

Even if she treated her with hostility, No. 6 didn't mind.

Because Avrora was the sister of all the matrices, including her, and also their last hope.

This time, No. 6 came to Itogami Island just to entrust her.

To entrust the wishes of the matrices.

And then, to entrust the wishes of the beast vassals, the wish to follow a more powerful, reliable, and worthy master, to Rozen.

"Are you there, Minamiya Nichiyo?"

No. 6 seemed to no longer see anything, calling out to Rozen.

Rozen stepped forward, looking at the girl who was about to disappear in silent.

There was actually a way to save No. 6.

As long as he used the power of Sadalmelik Albus to trace back No. 6's time, he could save her.

But, No. 6 definitely wouldn't want Rozen to do that, right?

"I acknowledge you as my master, recognizing that you are worthy of our loyalty, and entrusting you with my loyalty and my beast vassals."

No. 6 reached out towards the direction of Rozen, using her disappearing hand to pull him in front of her.

Rozen still just looked at her silently.

And No. 6 seemed to feel Rozen's gaze and spoke to him.

"Please protect our beloved youngest sister, master."

No. 6 made her final wish.

"Don't worry."

Rozen didn't make any promises, just gave this sentence.

But this already made No. 6 content, revealing the first smile since forever.

Then, No. 6 slowly disappeared, turning into pure light particles, absorbed into Rozen's body.

At this point, No. 6 had completed her mission.

And Rozen gained an additional beast vassal.