-1190- Disappear forever

For a witch, it's not too difficult to project a part or all of their will and consciousness onto the familiar they control.

Just like jujutsu practitioners and psychics, who can share sensations with their shikigami through remote manipulation, mages can do the same with familiars, let alone witches.

Natsuki also uses the same method, using the puppets she creates as avatars, but Natsuki has honed this ability to the divine realm, reaching a point where even Rozen's Mind's Eye can't discern whether her avatars are puppets or not.

And if certain conditions are met, instinctively strong witches can even transcend dimensional limits and remotely manipulate humans.

Of course, many conditions must be met.

For example, the object being manipulated must be an individual with extremely high compatibility with oneself for it to work.

Unfortunately, as a renowned witch who reproduces asexually, using her own genes to cultivate test-tube babies, Tokoyogi Yuuma and her mother have reached the highest level of compatibility.

In this situation, with the Prison Barrier already manifesting outward, and even the shell almost destroyed, even within Natsuki's dream realm, as one of the highest-ranking witches, Tokoyogi Yuuma's mother finds it too easy to manipulate her weakened, even defenseless daughter remotely.


Within the dilapidated sanctuary, Tokoyogi Yuuma screamed in agony, surrounded by dark, malevolent, ominous magic.


Kojou couldn't help but want to approach.


"Get out of the way!"

Rozen kicked Kojou away, holding Avrora, and directly teleported out of the area.


Altera also held Natsuki and retreated without hesitation, instantly flashing away.

Almost at the same time...


A greatsword ruthlessly cleaved where Rozen and the others had been moments before, shattering the ground and unleashing a powerful storm, causing debris to fly like bullets.

The one launching the attack was the battered azure knight, Tokoyogi Yuuma's guardian —— Le Bleu.

However, the armor on this azure knight's body kept shattering, and finally, the dark internal body was exposed.


This guardian, clad in azure, was being stained black, invaded by external magic, and even its control was being usurped.

"Sto... stop it...! Mother...!"

Tokoyogi Yuuma, whose body was pulsating with dark magic, cried out in pain.


"——"In the end, it still has to be me who intervenes, pitiful puppet, my daughter, since you can't meet my expectations, let me take the final step. Anyway, the preparations are already complete, and the result will be the same. You just need to give it your all"——"

An ominous voice different from Tokoyogi Yuuma's uncontrollably emanated from her mouth.

And Tokoyogi Yuuma seemed to already understand what the other party wanted to do, revealing a look of despair.

In the end, Tokoyogi Yuuma only looked at Kojou.

"Hurry... Kojou..."

This was Tokoyogi Yuuma's last words, accompanied by tears.


Tokoyogi Yuuma wailed, and the guardian behind her finally turned completely black, under the control of the manipulated Tokoyogi Yuuma, slowly raising its hands.

From the gaps in its hands, space trembled incessantly, and finally, rainbow-colored flames ignited, transforming into a Valkyrie wielding a radiant sword, swaying with an unstable body, appearing in the sky above the sanctuary.


Seeing this scene, Avrora, who appeared from the rippling space alongside Rozen, exclaimed.

"Is that the Beast Vassal named Minelauva Iris?"

Altera, holding Natsuki, frowned.

That's right.

That's the No. 6 Beast Vassal, Minelauva Iris, who was just absorbed by Rozen.


"That's not the true Minelauva Iris."

Rozen, holding Avrora, immediately confirmed the scene.

"That's just a portion of the power of the beast vassal summoned by Tokoyogi Yuuma when she distorted space," he stated.

The evidence was the Valkyrie's size, which was smaller and weaker compared to when it was initially summoned.

It wasn't an easy feat. First, distorting space was a significant burden for Tokoyogi Yuuma, as evidenced by her screams from the strain. Secondly, even if achievable, the summoned power could only be maintained for a moment. Lastly, such magic required a considerable amount of magical power to sustain.

However, the adversary had all these aspects covered.

"——"With the accumulated magical power from sacrificing thirty percent of the prisoners within the prison barrier, it couldn't be better,"——" the adversary declared.

They only needed that moment. Tokoyogi Yuuma's body was already sacrificed.

"——"Disappear forever, prison barrier,"——" the adversary commanded.

Hearing this, Rozen understood their intentions.

"No!" Rozen acted without hesitation, using spatial transfer to move everyone away, leaving Tokoyogi Yuuma alone.

The next moment, the Valkyrie's sword struck.

The strike, empowered by space-distorting magic, was directed into the target's dream.

With a tearing sound, space ruptured, followed by a destructive surge that shattered the entire cathedral.


On the rocky island, the cathedral exploded, sending countless fragments raining down.

Rozen and the others appeared from the rippling space.

"Yuuma!" Kojou exclaimed, ready to rush towards the cathedral.

"Calm down!" Rozen held Kojou's shoulder, one arm still carrying the startled Avrora, his face grim.

He wasn't the only one with a grim expression.

"Did she ultimately succeed?" a voice of disbelief came from within Altera's embrace.

Rozen turned sharply to look in Altera's direction.

There, the girl who had been sleeping awoke.

"Natsuki-nee!" Rozen couldn't help but exclaim.

"Be careful! Nichiyo!" Despite appearing somewhat weakened, Natsuki spoke with a tense voice to Rozen.

"They're coming!" Natsuki's words had just fallen...


A violent wind swept from the direction of the exploded cathedral, tossing all the rubble and dust, revealing the situation inside.