-1195- Explain it to me properly later


Tokoyogi Aya, who had been observing the battlefield, suddenly frowned.

Not only Tokoyogi Aya, even the delicate young man seemed to sense something, his expression changing like never before, abruptly turning his head to look at the rear of the battlefield.

There, several figures were sprinting at astonishing speed.

"That is...!?"

Natsuki, Kojou, and Avrora, along with the others, noticed this scene and reacted immediately.

Three figures rushed to Rozen, who was under attack from all sides, forming a triangular formation around him.

And they faced the attacks coming from three different directions.


Accompanied by this cry, a resolute-looking girl wielded a silver spear, shooting countless bullets like silver lights towards the swarm of poison bees attacking from the front.


Under the onslaught of countless thrust, the large number of poison bees were pierced one by one by the silver flash, vanishing into nothingness the moment they were pierced, along with their magic power, all annihilated.


Seeing this scene, Jiriora's smile froze on his face.



Kojou and Avrora both recognized the girl's identity, exclaiming in surprise and joy.

The girl was none other than Himeragi Yukina.

While Himeragi Yukina countered Jiriora's Beast Vassal, another girl confronted Kiliga, who was attacking from the right with flames engulfing his body.

"————'Daughter of the gods that is within me... Bestow the General's restraint upon the chaos one'————"

Chanting solemnly with such incantation was a silver-haired princess dressed in ceremonial attire.

"La Folia Rihavein..."

Natsuki muttered the name softly.

It was indeed La Folia.

At this moment, La Folia abandoned her usual playful demeanor, chanting the solemn spell like a sacred celestial maiden.

The next moment, the extremely cold ice, freezing even the atmosphere, was released from La Folia's body like steam, rushing towards Kiliga.

All this coldness was formed by terrifying spiritual power.

As a result, the flames on Kiliga's body, upon encountering the coldness, not only failed to melt it but were extinguished instead, causing Kiliga to cry out in pain and retreat with his body covered in frost.

"Spirit Summoner...!?"

Kiliga stared fixedly at La Folia, his expression contorted.

As fellow spirit summoners, Kiliga immediately understood that the reason this unbelievably beautiful girl was able to overcome his attribute disadvantage was that she summoned a spirit higher in rank than his fire spirits.

And the remaining person confronted Broodt, who was attacking from the left.

The only person who would be with Yukina and La Folia was one.

That person was the Shamanic War Dancer of the Lion King Agency, Kirasaka Sayaka.

At this moment, Sayaka raised her hand holding a silver giant sword.

In an instant, the silver giant sword split into two sections, with the part equivalent to the guard serving as a pivot, allowing the separated sword bodies to rotate 180 degrees, and extending silver strings that connected them to form a new weapon.

Sayaka's sword transformed into a modern-looking Western bow with a beautiful arch.

It has been mentioned before that the Divine Artifact named 〈Koukarin〉 has two abilities.

One is the ability to simulate faults in space, turning 〈Koukarin〉 into an invincible sword that can also serve as an invincible shield, which belongs to the ability in the "sword" form.

In addition to this, this Divine Artifact has another ability, which exists in the other form of this Divine Artifact, the "bow."


The true form of the so-called 〈Koukarin〉 should be "bow" rather than "sword."

————〈Heavy Demon-Purging Bow Type Six〉.

This is the official name of 〈Koukarin〉.

Now, Sayaka was using the true power of this Divine Artifact.

"———— 'I, War Dancer of the High God, as a dancer of the Lion, beseech thee...' ————"

The Shamanic War Dancer, sang the clear prayer-like incantation while lifting her skirt and drawing a metal dart from the holster strapped to her thigh. No, it wasn't a dart; it was an arrow, a metal-tipped arrow.

She placed the arrow on her bow, pulling it back in one fluid motion, transforming the metal dart into an arrow of light formed entirely from abundant jutsuryoku, aimed not at Broodt but into the sky.

"———— 'Enku of the Aurora, Qilin of radiant light, thou who doth rule thunder and the heavens, come clad in raging fire to pierce Hell's monstrous demons!'————"

As the prayer ended, Kirasaka Sayaka released the arrow, sending it flashing into the clouds.

Instantly, a sharp whistling cut through the air, turning into a horrifying howl reminiscent of mournful cries.

That piercing sound eventually formed a massive magic circle in the sky.

This was the true power of the 'Heavy Demon-Purging Bow Type Six', a bow designed to shoot the enchanted arrows prepared specifically for it.

The arrows shot by Kirisaka Sayaka weren't meant to pierce enemies; their true purpose was to resonate as musical notes.

Just like Rozen, who possessed vast knowledge of jujutsu and magic that often required elaborate preparation or were impossible to cast with human power alone, there were many lost secrets in this world that couldn't be wielded by a single individual's strength alone.

The true power of the War God's Artifacts used by Kirisaka Sayaka was to shoot lost incantations that human vocal cords and lung capacity couldn't chant, using the arrows as substitutes to recite the spells.

Thanks to this, Kirisaka Sayaka could wield large-scale magical rituals beyond human reach, with the power to annihilate even the vampires' beast vassals.

Thus, the incantations of the arrows resounded over the battlefield, outlining a massive magic circle with a radius of several kilometers, unleashing a terrifying weight like a pillar of light pressing down from above, fiercely suppressing everything.


Broodt was immediately halted by the terrifying weight, even kneeling on the ground, unable to move.

Using such a large-scale magic to deal with a single person seemed excessive, but considering that the opponent was a dragon slayer who could slaughter even dragons and possessed a Magic Resilience that made him almost invulnerable, such an attack was not considered excessive.

Himeragi Yukina.

Kirasaka Sayaka.

La Folia Rihavein.

The three girls who suddenly burst into the battlefield each launched attacks against the vicious magic criminals, protecting Rozen in the middle without any harm coming to him.

"You guys..."

Rozen was surprised.

"Heheh." La Folia didn't turn back, laughing softly with her back to Rozen. "Not too late, I hope?"

"Really." Sayaka complained, gripping her silver bow. "Why do I have to help this guy?"

As for Yukina...


Yukina did turn back, glaring at Rozen.

"About today, when you left me alone in the mall and ran off with La Folia, and the consequences that led to this situation, I hope you can explain it to me properly later."

Yukina's tone was filled with indignation.

It was easy to imagine how Yukina felt after being abandoned by Rozen all day and unable to find him due to the spatial anomalies on Itogami Island.

Such was Yukina's mood.

Even if you didn't know, you would find out soon enough.

After all...

"To rush here, Yukina really gave those two witches who were blocking her a good beating. I bet those two ladies already have psychological trauma by now."

La Folia said happily.

Poor Meyer sisters, who barely escaped from Rozen's hands, ultimately couldn't avoid their fate.

Rozen just stared blankly at Yukina, Sayaka, and La Folia, then smiled.

A rather helpless smile.

"Well, let's talk about it later."

Rozen looked around at the criminals.

"For now, let's deal with them first."

The three girls nodded in response to Rozen.

In their eyes, the fighting spirit began to burn.