-1228- The precarious situation


In that instant, all the students present, whether overtly or covertly, directed various emotions and gazes towards Rozen, and the students who had been mocking and resentful were all chilled to the bone.

As Rozen scanned the room, every student whose gaze met his felt as if they had been pricked in the eye by invisible needles, causing them all to wince in pain, and the sneers and jealousy on their faces turned into shock.

"Let's... let's leave quickly..."

"Y-yeah... it's almost time, be careful not to be late..."


At that moment, all the students hastily concealed their unease and hurriedly moved away from Rozen as if fleeing.

Thanks to this, in the blink of an eye, the surroundings became deserted.

Seeing this scene, Ikki once again couldn't understand what had happened.


Ikki couldn't help but smile helplessly again.

However, Rozen acted as if nothing had happened and withdrew his gaze.

"Alright, let's go to the classroom."


The two of them unconsciously chose to forget about the incident and continued towards the direction of the classroom.

By the way, due to repeating a year, Ikki is still in Class 1-1, and Rozen's class also happens to be Class 1-1, so they are in the same class.

If we talk about fate, it's quite remarkable.

Of course, Rozen not only has fate with Ikki, but also with others.


Hagun Academy, Class 1-1.

When Rozen and Ikki walked into the classroom side by side, the students who were chatting lively in the class stopped abruptly, stopped their movements, and all turned their gaze towards them.



Uniform gazes and uniform whispers all conveyed to Rozen and Ikki how conspicuous their presence was here.

Rozen and Ikki ignored this and chose seats directly, sitting down opposite each other.

During this time, it seemed that someone was planning to come over and talk, but seeing Rozen's bored expression and the slight smile on Ikki's face, everyone couldn't help but dismiss the thought.


"Hey, look...!"

A classmate suddenly exclaimed softly, causing all the students present to turn their heads and look towards the door.

The next second, everyone saw it.

A person entered through the door.

Her flowing hair was a red crimson.

Her figure was noble and elegant, exuding grace and majesty.

Wearing the uniform of Hagun Academy, it highlighted her outstanding figure, extremely alluring.

The visitor was none other than Stella Vermillion, the second princess of the Vermillion Empire, holder of the world's strongest mana, also known as the Crimson Princess.

"So that's the Crimson Princess?"

"So beautiful..."

"Although I've seen her on TV many times, I didn't expect her to be so beautiful in person..."

"The second A-rank knight of our school, huh?"

"Since she's here, does that mean she's in the same class as us?"

"How wonderful..."

The students around them suddenly couldn't contain their excitement and began to whisper.

Even Ikki's gaze was drawn to her.

"So that's Princess Stella Vermillion..."

Ikki stared at Stella, his eyes extremely sharp, as if he were looking at a formidable opponent, someone he would defeat sooner or later, showing some eagerness and excitement.

The other party is the holder of the world's strongest mana, compared to Ikki, who is the lowest in mana in this world, it's simply another extreme.

However, at this moment, Ikki didn't envy the other party, nor did he feel intimidated by her. Instead, he seemed to be facing an exhilarating strong enemy, his eyes shining brightly.

As for Rozen...

"She's in this class too?"

Rozen was first surprised, then showed a slight headache.

Because Rozen could already predict what would happen next.

Sure enough...


As Stella walked into the classroom, she was about to go to her seat as if nothing had happened, but the corner of her eye caught sight of Rozen sitting with Ikki.

Seeing Rozen rubbing his temples as if he had a headache, Stella was also first surprised, then her pretty face tightened.

Seeing this scene, all the students in the room fell silent.

The duel between Rozen and Stella, except for Kurono Shinguji, no one else knew about it.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the reason why Stella stared at Rozen was probably because he was the only A-rank knight in the school besides herself, and thus she felt a sense of rivalry?

This made others begin to anticipate what kind of sparks these two A-rank knights would create.

Little did they know, Rozen was already muttering.

"Don't come over, don't come over, don't come over, don't come over, don't come over..."

Rozen kept muttering like this.

Unfortunately, his tiny wish could not be fulfilled in the end.

Stella turned directly and walked towards Rozen.


Seeing this, Rozen instantly resigned himself to his fate.

In this situation, Stella approached Rozen.

"So, you're also in this class, huh?"

Stella stood upright in front of Rozen, staring at this sighing man, her tone extremely confrontational.

"It's good that you're here too, saves me the trouble of looking for you everywhere."

Stella revealed her intention to have been eyeing Rozen for some time.

"What do you want from me, Your Highness?" Rozen rolled his eyes, unkindly saying, "As a commoner like me, I don't have the qualifications to please Your Highness. If you're looking for entertainment, could you please find someone else?"

Rozen's obvious attitude of rejection not only surprised others but also infuriated Stella.

This made Stella point at Rozen without hesitation.

"Don't think you're stronger just because you won against me once. Last time, I was careless and didn't guard against your Device and abilities. I won't let you get away with it next time, and I won't let you win and run!"

Stella made this declaration.

And this declaration immediately caused a stir in the entire classroom.

"What did Princess Stella just say?"

"She lost against him once?"

"Don't think you're stronger just because you won?!"

"Wait, have these two A-rank knights actually fought before?"

"And Princess Stella lost?"

"When did this happen?"

The students in the room were all discussing one after another.

Even Ikki looked at Rozen in astonishment, never expecting that Rozen had already fought against Stella and even won.

Rozen suddenly felt even more of a headache.

"Can we just call it even?"

Rozen casually replied, unable to muster any enthusiasm.

"No! Way!"

Stella replied angrily.

"In any case, I won't lose to you next time, and until then, I won't let you escape!"

Stella, expressing herself like this, actually sat directly next to Rozen.

"This can't be happening..."

Rozen muttered, feeling that his future was uncertain.


On the side, Ikki, though not knowing what had happened, still looked at Rozen with sympathetic eyes and laughter.

The students in the class were all whispering.

It won't calm down for quite some time.