-1237- [ Trackless Step ]


In this moment, Rozen, who had been silently approached by Saikyo Nene to such a close distance, suddenly flashed his eyes.

The scent of alcohol and the unique fragrance emanating from the girl penetrated Rozen's nostrils, but it didn't shake him. Instead, he met Saikyo Nene's gaze head-on and observed her.

Seeing Rozen like this, Saikyo Nene's smile, full of meaning, became even more intense.

"Just as Kuro said, you seem to be a bit special," Saikyo Nene said, leaning against Rozen's chest like a drunken courtesan, using her delicate and soft shoulders to push against Rozen, while emitting a coquettish laughter.

"To not be shaken by my Trackless Step, not bad, not bad. Nowadays, there are very few students as calm as you. It seems you'll make a good man," Saikyo Nene expressed her satisfaction.

The "Trackless Step" she mentioned referred to the footwork she had just used, a type of ancient martial art.

It was a technique that, through special breathing techniques and footwork, slipped one's presence into the opponent's subconscious, avoiding the opponent's awareness.

Humans are creatures who cannot analyze everything they see and hear in detail like machines. Even if they can indeed see and hear those things, human consciousness cannot meticulously analyze them. If all the information received by the eyes and ears were to be meticulously analyzed and processed by the brain, the brain would overheat.

Therefore, the human brain prioritizes low-priority information into the subconscious of waking consciousness, relinquishing the recognition of this information to reduce the brain's processing load.

For example, people can see the stones by the roadside, but they will subconsciously ignore them, just like weeds and wildflowers, because of this phenomenon.

The "Trackless Step" technique exploits this aspect of human beings by slipping one's presence into the opponent's subconscious, evading the opponent's awareness, even if one boldly enters the opponent's field of view, the opponent will subconsciously relinquish recognition, resulting in a situation where "it's visible but imperceptible," ultimately allowing the opponent to approach silently to a deadly distance.

This was the "Trackless Step" technique.

This technique was a type of martial art favored by Saikyo Nene, and Rozen had seen it before from someone else.

It must be said that Rozen had indeed not noticed Saikyo Nene's approach just now, proving the astonishing aspect of this technique.

Of course, Rozen's own eyes and consciousness did not notice, but his "Mind's Eye" was different. It had already perfectly conveyed the phenomenon of air vibration, sound transmission of footsteps, resistance, and the approaching warmth to Rozen the moment the opponent used the "Trackless Step."

Therefore, Rozen deliberately refrained from reacting, allowing Saikyo Nene to approach him recklessly.

Saikyo Nene did not notice this.

However, that didn't seem to affect her interest in Rozen.

"Upon closer inspection, your face is quite good-looking. Although it's not my favorite mature type, I don't reject handsome young men," Saikyo Nene said with a flirtatious tone, extending a delicate finger to tease Rozen's chest while exhaling seductively near his nose.

"How about it? Do you want me to teach you about the world of adults?"

The currently third-ranked in the world rankings is shamelessly flirting with teenagers on campus, and she seems to be enjoying it.

This is also a well-known characteristic of the 'Yaksha Princess.'

This seemingly young girl is not only very frivolous and coquettish but also enjoys playing. As a result, there have been many scandals and rumors surrounding her, making her a headache for the League of Mage-Knight Nations but a widely sought-after subject for the media.

Naturally, Rozen has heard of the absurd life of the 'Yaksha Princess,' but he didn't expect this person to be even worse than he imagined, actually flirting with underage students on campus.

Even though it's not apparent from her appearance, Saikyo Nene is contemporaneous with Shinguji Kurono.

And now...

"While I'm not uninterested in the so-called 'adult world,' Miss Yaksha Princess, don't forget where we are, okay?" Rozen allowed Saikyo Nene to tease him and kindly reminded her.

"No problem~~ no problem~~ Let's just forget about such trivial matters, shall we?" Saikyo Nene giggled, not caring at all.


"I also know that you're not someone who cares about such trivial matters." Rozen remained calm. "I just wanted to remind you that this is not only a school but also the office of your acquaintances, not just the two of us here, you know?"

"No problem~~ no prob..." Saikyo Nene was about to wave it off, indicating not to worry, but halfway through, she froze completely.

The reason was simple.

"...It seems leaving you alone here was a huge mistake after all."

When this icy voice rang out from the office door, Saikyo Nene's slightly flushed cheeks due to alcohol sobered up instantly.


Saikyo Nene turned around warily, looking towards the office door.

"Not only did you drink in the school without permission, but you also flirted with newly enrolled students. You really haven't changed at all," Shinguji Kurono stood there like a deity, looking at Saikyo Nene as if she were something dirty.

"N-No... that's not it! Kuro! I-I just... just...!" Saikyo Nene kept retreating in shock, but it was too late.


"Ow, that hurts...!"

Accompanied by Shinguji Kurono's iron fist, Saikyo Nene held her head in pain, tears welling up at the corners of her eyes as she crouched in the corner of the office, unable to get up.

"I'm truly sorry you had to see something so shameful," Shinguji Kurono rubbed her temples, sighing as she addressed Rozen.

"Because I eliminated many pests who colluded with the former chairman when I took office, there's a shortage of current teachers at Hagun Academy. We had to temporarily hire someone like her. Don't let her lead you astray, Rorelai."

Shinguji Kurono's words also explained why Saikyo Nene was here.

"I'll be careful," Rozen could only accept it silently.

"This is outrageous! Both of you! I also want to fulfill my duties properly! I even got my teaching license!" Saikyo Nene protested from the corner, but no one paid attention to her.

"Now that you're here, let's get straight to the point," Shinguji Kurono took the chairman's seat and looked at Rozen.

"I heard from the executive committee that you sent a reply through the student handbook stating your withdrawal from the selection battle. Is that true?"

Upon hearing Shinguji Kurono's question, Rozen had only one thought in mind.

That is, as expected.