-1258- I'm counting on you

At this moment, Stella indeed hesitated.

Regarding what Rozen said, Stella almost believed it all.

Although Stella hasn't known Rozen for long, and their relationship isn't deep, Stella understands that Rozen has no reason to deceive her, nor does he have the time to do so.

In other words, Rozen doesn't seem like a scheming person, and everything he says should be true.

Including the suspicious bottle of dragon blood, it might not be a lie either.

Otherwise, it couldn't explain why Stella's body started heating up and craving the contents of the bottle, urging her to swallow it immediately.

So, even though it's incredible, perhaps everything Rozen said is true.

He has indeed seen real dragons and even obtained a bottle of their blood from them.

If that's the case, it's not difficult to explain why Rozen, without Stella's awareness, discovered that Stella isn't a pyrokinetic Blazer but rather a conceptual interference ability user.

All of this is just because Rozen has seen real dragons.

This Rozen...

(Who exactly is he?)

Stella's curiosity about Rozen's identity grew stronger.

However, now is not the time to be curious.

Now, Stella has only one decision to make.

Whether or not to drink this bottle of dragon blood.

This made Stella hesitate.

It's not that she distrusts Rozen, but she truly doesn't know what will happen to her if she swallows something of such unknown origin.

Isn't this a hesitation that anyone would have?

Who could easily swallow something claiming to be dragon blood?

Moreover, Rozen himself said that once a human like herself swallows this bottle of dragon blood, it's unknown what unexpected effects it might cause.

In this way, how can Stella easily decide to swallow it?

Of course, the risk is high, but as a result, the rewards will surely be great.

Feeling her body and blood gradually heating up, Stella has reason to believe that once she swallows this bottle of dragon blood, her true power will undoubtedly be awakened, and as Rozen said, she might even possess the strength to rival the dragons in myths.

For Stella, this is absolutely something she desires.

Stella isn't obsessed with power; she just wants to protect her country by becoming stronger.

Stella then recalled her country.

Although it's a very small country, just as Shizuku said, it's entirely rural, and Stella is just the princess of the countryside, with nothing outstanding. However, precisely because the country is small, the relationship between the royal family and the people is so close that it's almost intimate.

The people of the royal family deeply love their citizens.

The citizens also deeply love their country and leaders.

Everyone in this country is like one big family, with no sense of distance. Even Stella used to play with the children outside the palace like a wild child, and the adults treated Stella like their own daughter, pampering her.

Even when Stella caused considerable disasters when she first awakened her abilities, burning countless friends and adults, everyone still loved Stella. When Stella was frightened and in pain from the flames, no one left her side, constantly holding and comforting her, eventually creating a princess with the strongest magical power in the world.

Because of this, Stella also deeply loves her country and the people who love her.

It's precisely because of this that Stella is so cautious. Knowing that the Vermillion Empire is not a very powerful country, and its Blazers are not powerful enough to stand firm in the world, Stella resolutely embarked on the path of struggle.

The goal is to become a powerful Blazer who can influence the world situation, protect the Vermillion Empire, and guard her beloved country.

Therefore, becoming stronger is something Stella wants to achieve no matter what.

Now, an opportunity to not only double her strength but even cause earth-shattering changes is right in front of her.

In that case, what's a little risk?

Thinking of this, Stella lifted her gaze and looked ahead.

There, Rozen, holding the dragon blood, still looked at Stella calmly, patiently waiting for her decision.

Even Ikki and Shizuku were holding their breaths, seemingly aware that now is not the time for jokes, but a moment when a myth is about to be born before their eyes.

So, although both of them have many things they want to say and many questions they want to ask, they all restrained themselves, like spectators, quietly witnessing the awakening of the world's strongest fate holder.

Even Shizuku, who had previously given Stella an unreasonable impression, now remained silent, calmly observing without any intervention.

It's easy to imagine how important this moment is.

And Stella doesn't know that among those quietly observing this scene, there are not only the three people in front of her.

"I didn't expect it to be the reenactor of the concept of 'dragon'..."

Shinguji Kurono looked at everything from the top of a building separated by a very distant distance.

"I really didn't expect that the princess would hide such a monster in her body. I'll just watch and see how she chooses."

Saikyo Nene was beside Shinguji Kurono, still behaving frivolously and lightly, but the smile on her face revealed an incomparable seriousness, proving that this third-ranked world-class powerhouse in the Union is also looking forward to the birth of the myth.

In such a situation...

"I understand."

Stella took a deep breath and looked at Rozen with determination.

"I'll drink it."

This was Stella's decision.


"If there's anything abnormal about me, I hope you'll stop me, Rorelai."

Stella stared at Rozen and made a request for the first time.

Her expression was full of determination.

Seeing Stella like this, Rozen suddenly smiled.

"Don't worry about it." Rozen remained calm and relaxed as usual, saying, "And, just call me Rozen."

At his words, Stella also smiled.

"Then, I'm counting on you, Rozen."

After saying that, Stella's gaze turned to the dragon blood in Rozen's hand.

And without any more hesitation, she reached out for the dragon blood in Rozen's hand and took it.

All eyes were suddenly focused on Stella.


Stella let out a slow breath and then, as if not giving herself a chance to regret, she uncorked the bottle and poured the steaming crimson liquid into her throat without hesitation, swallowing it down.


"Thump, thump...!"

Stella's heart seemed to be stimulated in an instant, pounding forcefully.

Inside her body, blood surged wildly.