-1376- The sealed fate

"Boom...! Boom...!"

Amid a series of loud crashes, countless debris fragments rained down from the sky, falling to the ground and kicking up clouds of dust.


The golem standing behind Rozen vanished like a mirage, wavering and then disappearing like smoke.

Everyone was stunned as they watched this scene.

"What was that...?"


"A giant like that...?"

"Is that the power of the Enigmatic Star?"

Tatara Yui, Kazamatsuri Rinna, Shinomiya Amane, and Sara Bloodlily were all shocked.


Kurogane Ouma also distanced himself from Stella and stared intently at the direction where the golem disappeared, his eyes for the first time filled with uncertainty.

There was no helping it.

Just now, both Kurogane Ouma and the others had felt a chilling sense of danger from the huge golem.

Especially Kurogane Ouma, who believed that even he might not be able to withstand a punch from that golem.

This made Kurogane Ouma turn his sharp gaze towards Rozen.


The students of Hagun Academy started cheering.

After all, they had long known about Rozen's numerous golems and the terror of strategic-level golems.

Of course, as opponents, those golems were terrifying, but as allies, they were more reliable than anyone else.

These students did not realize that the golem Rozen had just summoned was not the strategic-level golem they had faced yesterday.

That golem was merely a tactical-level golem.

Strategic-level golems were generally around a thousand meters tall, with several hundred meters being the weakest among them.

The golem Rozen had just summoned was at the peak of tactical-level, over a hundred meters tall, just one step away from a strategic-level golem, but not as powerful as the one summoned yesterday.

However, it was sufficient to deal with Hiraga Reisen.

"How was that? Satisfied?"

Rozen taunted at the ruins before him.

There, a battered figure stood shakily, with sparks flying from his body, looking as if he might explode at any moment.

Hiraga Reisen looked like a puppet, twisting his broken body and looking towards Rozen.

"Who... exactly are you...?"

Hiraga Reisen struggled to ask this question.

After seeing the golem just now, Hiraga Reisen had confirmed that this young man before him was no ordinary student.

An A-rank knight?

The world's second in mana quantity?

The Enigmatic Star?

These titles meant nothing to him.

His power was not something a mere student could possess.

Because the manipulator behind Hiraga Reisen was among the top echelons of this world, he understood that the power Rozen had just displayed was extraordinary.

So, Hiraga Reisen finally doubted Rozen's identity.

In response...

"Attacking me without knowing who I am, you must be quite confident and reckless."

Rozen spoke to Hiraga Reisen with a mocking smile.

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested in your identity."

Saying this, Rozen raised a hand towards Hiraga Reisen.

"In light of how you mercilessly tried to kill me the day before yesterday, I'll grant you a swift death."

"Get off this stage."

An immense amount of magical power gathered in Rozen's hand.

At this moment...

"No! You can't touch me!"

Hiraga Reisen shouted.

In that instant, figures kept appearing from the surroundings, gathering around Hiraga Reisen to protect him.


Seeing this, the students of Hagun Academy were all shocked.

Misogi Utakata also ran out from the side, shouting loudly.

"Be careful! These teachers and students suddenly woke up! Something seems off!"

Indeed, the figures appearing from the surroundings were all the unconscious teachers and students that Misogi Utakata had just moved.

They all woke up, but their eyes were lifeless, their expressions blank, like zombies without any humanity, surrounding Hiraga Reisen and summoning their Devices to protect him.

Seeing this, Rozen's expression darkened.

It wasn't just Rozen; Edelweiss also frowned, looking at Hiraga Reisen with cold eyes.

Because both of them knew very well what Hiraga Reisen had done.

"I see, so your threads can be used this way too."

Rozen stated this as a matter of fact.

Hiraga Reisen's masked face once again emitted a ridiculous and exaggerated laugh.

"Marionette—my Device, Black Widow, quietly invades a creature's ear, reaches the brain, takes control of the nerves, and turns them into my puppets. This is my trump card."

With this Noble Art, Hiraga Reisen could manipulate any creature, including humans.

Thus, the manipulator behind Hiraga Reisen not only spread puppets across the world but also controlled thousands of important people, inciting various conflicts at will.

Moreover, if Hiraga Reisen's threads directly invaded the brain and controlled all the electronic signals within it, he could easily nullify a human's self-defense mechanisms and forcibly bring out their true limits, enhancing their abilities to the extreme, much like Ikki's Ittou Shura.

The burden this would bring was self-evident.


"Now, can you still make a move against me?"

Hiraga Reisen spoke with malicious intent.

This person was definitely not the type to pity his puppets; rather, he was a scoundrel who would play them to death.

"If you want to take me down, then first have a good time with your beloved classmates and teachers!"

Hiraga Reisen laughed gleefully.

Completely unaware that Rozen's eyes were already filled with coldness.



Under Hiraga Reisen's control, the forcibly manipulated teachers and students released their magical power and rushed towards Rozen.

Hiraga Reisen did not hesitate to push them to their limits, causing their noses and mouths to bleed, their bodies creaking as if about to collapse.

In Hiraga Reisen's eyes, their lives did not matter.

He only needed to enjoy himself.

Enjoy the cries of pain.

Enjoy the wails of despair.

Enjoy the roars of anger.

Enjoy the sobs of collapse.

This was Hiraga Reisen's pursuit.

Therefore, Hiraga Reisen's fate was sealed.

He was destined to meet the most tragic end here.

[ Stop. ]

As this word softly escaped Rozen's lips, a tangible power accompanied the word and invaded the brains of the teachers and students.


In the next moment, the charging teachers and students halted in their tracks.


Hiraga Reisen was stunned.



With a burst of flames, Hiraga Reisen's body exploded, turning into countless fragments.