-1382- Foolishness? Won?

"One hit..."

Wallenstein's face tensed.

Not only Wallenstein but everyone present reacted to Rozen's words.

The members of Hagun Academy frowned, seemingly disapproving of letting the criminals who attacked the academy go free.

Kurogane Ouma's group remained silent, each lost in their thoughts but not voicing them, their eyes flickering.

Even Edelweiss showed seriousness for the first time.

"His one strike?"

Edelweiss watched Rozen's back, recalling his strength, showing a hint of interest.

The opponent was one of the 12 Apostles from the Rebellion, a world-class powerhouse, who had long been wanted by the league but remained at large. If ranked within the league, he would be in the top ten.

For Rozen, who had even defeated the top rank of the league head-on, such an opponent was naturally not a big deal.

However, if it was limited to one strike, Wallenstein might not be unable to withstand it.

"...Is it really just one strike?"

Wallenstein was tempted.

Although his opponent wasn't someone he could contend with, thinking of defeating him with just one strike was somewhat overconfident.

Anyone who knew Wallenstein would know that his ability was nearly invincible.

Wallenstein was a concept manipulation ability user, able to control the concept of "friction," arbitrarily increasing or eliminating the friction of all things in the world, controlling friction at will.

All forces in this world are closely related to friction.

No matter how powerful the attack, if it hits a point without friction, its force will be nullified, sliding off the target.

Even the slightest force, if the friction is maximized, can turn into an invincible absolute strike, passing through all matter unimpeded, breaking all defenses.

By manipulating the concept of "friction," Wallenstein can alter its magnitude, making his attacks indestructible and causing all attacks on him to slide off, rendering them ineffective.

Thus, even a casual slash from Wallenstein can cut through a mountain, and even a nuclear bomb would slide off his body and explode in the sky, becoming a useless firework.

Invincible in attack, invincible in defense, he can even enhance his speed through friction control. This is Wallenstein's ability.

With such an ability, Wallenstein could be considered invincible in close combat.

In this situation, Wallenstein dared not claim he could absolutely defeat Rozen, but with just one strike, he believed he could easily neutralize it.

Rozen probably didn't know this, hence his bold statement.

(Even the world's strongest Blazer is just a kid.)

No matter how strong the opponent, he's just a teenager, blindly confident in his own strength, bound to suffer for his arrogance.

(I'll use this foolishness to my advantage.)

Wallenstein relaxed, secretly sneering.

At this time, the more formidable the enemy, the more it could elevate Wallenstein's fame.

If Wallenstein could withstand the world's strongest Blazer's strike and walk away unscathed, this feat alone would make him famous worldwide and drastically elevate his status within the Rebellion.

(By then, the leader would surely see me in a new light.)

After all, facing an opponent even the Tyrant feared, if Wallenstein could return victorious, the leader would be overjoyed and might even consider Wallenstein as the next leader of the Rebellion.

With this thought, Wallenstein's ambition soared.

First, though...

"Will you unlock that seal?"

Wallenstein confirmed in a deep voice.

This was a necessary confirmation.

Even with confidence in his ability to withstand Rozen's strike, if Rozen unlocked the legendary seal and unleashed the terrifying power that once terrified many, transforming into a monster, Wallenstein believed he wouldn't survive that strike.

This was naturally understandable.

(Even the three factions strongest warriors, including leader and the other two, were defeated by that power. It's undeniably extraordinary.)

Hence, Wallenstein had to be cautious, at least confirming whether Rozen would use the so-called sealed power before deciding to accept the condition.


"Unlock the seal?"

Rozen raised an eyebrow, speaking with apparent sarcasm.

"Relax, there's no need to get that serious."

Rozen's sarcasm completely reassured Wallenstein.

Without using that fearsome and mysterious sealed power, Wallenstein was confident he could withstand the strike.

Rozen would undoubtedly pay for his carelessness and underestimation.

"In that case, as you wish."

With that, Wallenstein summoned his Device without hesitation.

It was a broad, heavy sword, not ornate but exuding a sense of pressure and weight, its power evident at a glance.

"Everyone, step back."

Wallenstein readied his giant sword, speaking to those around him.

Tatara Yui, Kazamatsuri Rinna, Shinomiya Amane, and Sara Bloodlily immediately retreated, their gazes fixed on the scene.

Apparently, knowing Rozen's true identity, these four dared not act rashly, choosing to observe quietly.

Kurogane Ouma hesitated for a moment, seemingly wanting to take Wallenstein's place in facing the strike, but eventually retreated silently, intending to watch the situation first.

As for Rozen...

"You all step back too."

Rozen said to his group.


They seemed to want to say something.

"Just step back."

Edelweiss finally spoke, prompting the group to hesitate briefly before retreating.

Soon, only Rozen and Wallenstein were left.


Wallenstein immediately roared, unleashing his magical power, shaking the atmosphere.

Even with confidence in his ability, Wallenstein dared not be careless.

After all, the opponent was Tenkai himself, the strongest Blazer, whose single strike would undoubtedly be earth-shattering. Not using his full strength would be foolish.

Wallenstein used all his magical power, employing his ability to nullify all friction on his body.

With this...

"I've won...!"

Wallenstein foresaw this future.

The next moment...


With a crisp sound, a white flash appeared.

The flash, like lightning, streaked through the air, heading towards Wallenstein.

No earth-shattering impact.

No deafening noise.

Only extreme speed, making it seem like a laser, shooting forward.

Before anyone could react, the flash landed on Wallenstein.


With a tearing sound, blood splattered into the sky, staining the ground.