-1432- The respective reason

What Misora wanted to say, Riko and Lecty do understand.

While they were desperately training to seize this rare opportunity, others kept saying it was impossible, unreachable, or only out of pity that they were even given a chance. Anyone would be upset under such circumstances.


"Al... Although it makes me a bit uncomfortable, our results have always been poor. It's indeed hard to believe that such an amazing senior would come to train us."

Lecty stammered, expressing that while the comments were harsh, they were unfortunately true, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

As for Riko...

"These fools spout such nonsense. As a goddess, if I were to care about each and every word, it would only bring me down to their level of mediocrity."

Riko boldly asserted, clearly showing her disdain for the words of others.

To be honest, the existence of Squad E601 had always been controversial, and being mocked as the F-rank squad had long been the norm.

Now, this situation had merely intensified. If they were to pursue every little insult, Squad E601 would have worn themselves out long ago.

"When I achieve a perfect victory in the next ranking battle and display my extraordinary abilities and beauty as a goddess, these foolish mortals will naturally realize how blind they once were."

Riko seemed to be more focused on the future glory than the current criticisms, flipping her jet-black hair with her usual confidence.

"I really admire how you can maintain this attitude under these circumstances."

Misora was somewhat dumbfounded, but after a sigh, the anger within her had largely dissipated.

"Th... then, why don't we take a little break?"

Lecty timidly suggested, seizing the opportunity.


"I am a bit tired."

Both Misora and Riko nodded in agreement.

The three of them then sat down in a corner of the training ground, each drinking what they had brought.

After a while...

"Hey," Misora suddenly asked out of nowhere, "Do you think we can win the next ranking battle?"

This question made Riko and Lecty's actions pause.

Immediately after, the two reacted differently.

Lecty appeared somewhat downcast, as if her inner anxieties had surfaced.

Riko, on the other hand, spoke nonchalantly after a brief silence.

"You always pride yourself on being the squad leader, but now that it's crunch time, you're the first to utter such demoralizing words?"

Riko taunted Misora.

"I... it's not demoralizing!" Misora instantly retorted angrily, "I just want to know if you have confidence!"

This question received two different answers.

"I... I don't have much confidence..."

Lecty responded, almost on the verge of tears.

"Who do you think I am?"

Riko, in stark contrast to Lecty, was full of confidence.

Even though Misora was very curious about why Riko could always be so confident, as the squad leader, she understood that despite Riko's arrogance and rebellious nature, she had broken her usual behavior during this time.

In the past, Riko would never have participated in any training.

But now, Riko almost always attended the squad's activities. In the past, such a thing would have been unthinkable.

It seemed that Riko wasn't unwilling to work hard; she simply hadn't had the motivation to do so before.

Misora suddenly realized that she might not know Riko and Lecty as well as she thought.

For Riko, Misora had no idea what had driven her to break her previous behavior.

The same was true for Lecty. Although she said her dream was to protect more people, Misora didn't know why she was so committed to this dream.

This made Misora realize for the first time that as a squad leader, she didn't really understand her team members.

(I've really been neglectful...)

Misora began to feel ashamed.


"Since we have this chance, let me ask you."

Misora voiced her thoughts.

"Why do you want to become Sky Wizards? And why do you want to become stronger?"

This one question stunned both Riko and Lecty, who looked at her.

"Mi... Misora?"

Lecty was visibly surprised, clearly not expecting the usually driven Misora to suddenly ask such a profound question.

Riko, on the other hand, looked at Misora deeply, as if she had seen through her thoughts, and snorted lightly.

"If you're asking that, why are you so determined to become a Magic Swordsman?"

Riko threw the question back at Misora.

If you want others to be honest, you have to be honest first.

Misora understood this from Riko's attitude.

After hesitating for a moment, Misora finally spoke in a low voice.

"Because my mother was a Sky Wizard, and she was an exceptionally skilled Magic Swordmaster."

Misora finally talked about herself.

"My father, mother, and I didn't originally live in Mistgun, but in another floating city."

"There, my mother was an incredible Sky Wizard who used the extremely difficult-to-control Magic Cannon Sword to defeat countless Armored Beetles and was admired by many."


Misora'e tone faltered, and she fell silent.

Seeing this, neither Riko nor Lecty spoke.

Because, from Misora's expression, anyone could tell what had likely happened to her mother.

She must have perished in a battle against the Armored Beetles, never to return.

"... When people are killed by Armored Beetles, the memories of those without magic are erased."

"Because of this, everyone who once admired my mother forgot about her. Even my father, an ordinary person, forgot about her. Only I remember my mother, and I received the Magic Cannon Sword she left behind from her companions."

That Magic Sword is the one Misora currently wields—Radgrid.

"So, to carry on my mother's will and to never forget her, I swore to become a Magic Swordsman unrivaled by anyone, to become a Sky Wizard capable of protecting the entire world."

"One day, by witnessing my efforts, someone might remember my mother, who lost her life protecting humanity."

"To achieve this goal, I must become a Magic Swordsman. There's nothing else I want to be."

Misora poured out her heart, explaining why she was so determined to become a Magic Swordsman.

"And what about you?" Misora looked at Riko and Lecty. "Why do you want to become Sky Wizards?"

Upon hearing this, Riko and Lecty fell silent.

It wasn't until a long time later that someone spoke up.

"I... I want to atone..."

The trembling voice that said this was none other than Lecty's.

"In the past... I couldn't protect someone important to me..."

Lecty spoke in a sorrowful, pained tone, revealing her inner anguish.

Misora and Riko both turned their attention to her.