-1478- [ Hope ]


A bead of sweat rolled down Elis Wiegert's forehead.

Staring into Rozen's cold, piercing eyes, Elis felt as if her entire being had been laid bare. It was as if all her secrets had been exposed, leaving her completely vulnerable, unable to conceal anything.

Elis had every reason to believe that if she made any sudden moves, she would be struck down by Rozen before she could accomplish her goal.

Even though Elis possessed extraordinary power and would never lose to a human, Rozen was undoubtedly an exception.

After all, Rozen wielded High-Grade Mana, possessing power comparable to Collapse Force.

Moreover, with his mysterious abilities and means, Elis felt that if she acted rashly, she would be instantly killed.

At this moment, Elis could only force a smile.

"It's nothing... It's just that this power truly lives up to our expectations..."

That statement wasn't untrue.

"With this power, humanity might finally have a chance to fight against the Armored Beetles."

Freon took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, but the shock and excitement in her heart were still hard to suppress.

"...Unfortunately, this power is too sacred for humans to control, right?"

Cris also tried to regain her composure, whispering these words.

This was naturally not a power humans could control.

If humanity couldn't even refine Compressed Mana to its limit, how could they possibly handle Foreign Mana?

According to Rozen's own estimation, even with the perfect mana control brought by Mind's Eye, he could only refine Compressed Mana to its utmost limit. To take it a step further and have mana transcend into High-Grade Mana, his Mind's Eye would need to reach the level of the divine.

And to compress High-Grade Mana would require mana control beyond that.

As for Foreign Mana, only a perfected Mind's Eye could master such power.

Otherwise, let alone being able to use it, refining it would be impossible.

Of course, before that, issues related to the level of life itself, the vessel, and its limits must be resolved.

Otherwise, like Rozen, even with a perfected Mind's Eye, Foreign Mana could not be refined.

As its name suggests, Foreign Mana is a power beyond the comprehension of all life, transcending the domain that the world can permit.

In other words, Foreign Mana cannot be naturally born in the world. Only someone like Rozen, who possesses a perfected Mind's Eye capable of understanding everything and travels between worlds, being a miracle and an existence beyond the world, could create such power.

Even so, constrained by his own existence and concept, as a living being, Rozen could only rely on external forces to create this power; he could not possess it himself.

But this was only the beginning.

Rozen needed to grasp this power in his hands.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to achieve his goals in this world.

For this reason, Rozen chose to generate it outside his body.

(Once I successfully refine Foreign Mana, I will be able to absorb it into my body, allowing it to transform my vessel.)

Just like a cup of clear water, which wouldn't change color without reason, but if a drop of dye were added, even just one drop, it would spread and color the entire cup.

As long as he could refine Foreign Mana and absorb it, Rozen's life level, genetic limits, and vessel potential would all be sublimated subtly.

This might not grant Rozen immense power.

It was merely a key.

A key that would allow Rozen to gain a constitution capable of refining Foreign Mana.

Once successful, Rozen could use the supreme mana control brought by his perfected Mind's Eye to refine Foreign Mana.

And when Rozen had refined all the High-Grade Mana in his body into Foreign Mana, that would be the moment he achieved his goal—complete mastery of the power of "Miracle."

However, there was no need for Rozen to tell these people about this.

In the minds of the others, since Rozen couldn't refine Foreign Mana and had to rely on external facilities to generate it, he couldn't control this power either.

So, everyone continued to gaze at the reactor in front of them, watching the flames within the reactor, their minds filled with various thoughts.

Even Freon couldn't help but speak.

"Since this power is so important, is it really safe just to leave it here?"

Freon was genuinely concerned about the safety of this place.

Although Freon had learned about Rozen's research on this power in the past, seeing it with her own eyes still left her shocked, and she saw hope for humanity.

Since that was the case, as the Head of the Sky Wizards Division, Freon felt it was her duty to protect this extremely important place to prevent any mishaps.

But if Freon could think of it, how could Rozen not?

"Don't worry. This place is just as important to me. Do you think I wouldn't have taken precautions?"

Rozen said nonchalantly, attracting everyone's attention.

"What precautions have you taken?"

Cris asked somewhat hesitantly.

Rozen glanced at Cris, then spoke.

"Because I still need the manpower and resources of the Alchemist Division, people come and go here every day. I can't set up a barrier, nor can I lay any traps. I can only use magic to protect the mana reactor so that it isn't damaged by anyone."

But this wasn't enough to deal with emergencies.

In light of this...

"I have stationed the most reliable guard here, who watches over this place 24 hours a day, so there won't be any problems."

Rozen's meaningful words left everyone stunned.

A guard?

What guard?

Did Rozen station a guard here?

Freon, Cris, and Elis couldn't help but look around.

This only elicited another comment from Rozen.

"Don't bother looking. You won't be able to see her. She doesn't need sleep or food. She can guard this place on her own, and even if the entire Mistgun were destroyed, she could turn the situation around. You can rest assured."

Saying this, Rozen ignored their thoughts and directly turned to look at Elis.

"This is my research."

"I wonder if it meets your expectations?"

"Ms. Elis?"

Rozen spoke with a faint smile.

Elis could only muster a somewhat unnatural smile.

"It's even more impressive than I imagined. It really surprised me. You truly live up to the name of the 'Mage King,' Mr. Rorelei."

Elis's words seemed somewhat insincere.

"You're too kind," Rozen said flatly. "Well, now that you've seen it, let's leave."

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their heads again, looking at the mana reactor, watching the flames churning inside, as if they wanted to remember this moment forever. Then, with their own thoughts, they left.

Only the mana reactor continued to operate, causing the flames within to keep roiling and ascending.