-1485- Then go take it

Probably, even Zeth didn't expect that the High-Grade Mana, which he had regarded as being on par with Collapse Force, could actually crush Collapse Force so completely.

Even though Zeth believed that he had already overestimated it, in reality, no matter how much he overestimated, the result was still an underestimation.

The High-Grade Mana that Rozen had compressed to its limit was far stronger than ordinary High-Grade Mana that hadn't undergone any compression—not just by a little bit.

What's more, Rozen's base power was already high. Even if he used ordinary mana, someone like Real Nua wouldn't stand a chance against him.

After all, Real Nua was not only an amateur in combat, possessing only brute strength, but Rozen hadn't even taken him seriously yet.

Ultimately, Rozen was still a Summoner. Real Nua, who could be dealt with without summoning a single familiar, was nothing more than a trash opponent, to put it bluntly.

Real Nua believed that as long as he devoured the flesh of the Shinjuku [2] Variant and gained jutsuryoku, merging it into Collapse Force, he would become stronger than Rozen. But that was completely an illusion.

The current Rozen hadn't even used one ten-thousandth of his power.

So, was there any suspense left in the outcome?


Real Nua flew around frantically like a man on fire, crashing into cloud after cloud, dispersing them.

The flames generated by the High-Grade Mana continued to cling to his body, no matter how hard he tried to shake them off or extinguish them. Even when he used Collapse Force, it only delayed the time before he was completely incinerated.

In this state, the blue hard skin covering Real Nua was melting like butter.

One could imagine how excruciating this was for Real Nua.

However, Rozen had to give Real Nua some credit.

"You're quite persistent."

Although Rozen hadn't gotten serious, the magic cast with the High-Grade Mana compressed to its limit was terrifying even in its simplest form. According to Rozen's calculations, Real Nua, even with Collapse Force, should have been reduced to a nearly lifeless state, on the verge of death.

Who would have thought that Real Nua could last longer than expected?

"The hard skin must have extraordinary defensive power, and the regeneration ability provided by Collapse Force must be high as well, allowing him to recover his injuries at super speed even while being burned."

Rozen saw through the truth at a glance.


"It's just a futile struggle."

Rozen's eyes also began to burn.


Suddenly, an even more terrifying flame exploded on Real Nua's body, enveloping him completely.


Real Nua let out the most painful scream yet.

The scream was so harrowing that even Yuri found it hard to listen to.


Yuri looked at Rozen hesitantly.

"I get it."

Rozen glanced at Yuri's expression, nodded, and lost interest in tormenting Real Nua.

At that moment, Rozen was about to use the power of the Mystic Eyes to blow Real Nua to pieces.

But then, something unexpected happened.

"Senpai, watch out!"

Yuri noticed the anomaly and shouted urgently.

However, Rozen had already received a warning from the ring formed by Gyokuto, so he quickly turned around, and the mana within him transformed into psychic power, rolling out and forming an invisible barrier in front of him.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...!"

Almost simultaneously, countless beams of light shot out from the distant clouds, piercing through space and striking the barrier.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

Amidst the explosions, heat waves and blasts of wind were sent flying, as if countless missiles had landed on the invisible barrier, blowing the surrounding air away.

Protected by the barrier, Rozen and Yuri looked up at the source of the attack.

There, countless black dots quietly appeared.

Those were...

"Armored Beetles...!"

Yuri's face changed dramatically.

The ones who ambushed Rozen were none other than a group of Armored Beetles.

An entire army of Armored Beetles was marching toward them.

Most of them were Arachnell-class small-sized species, fewer in number than during the Shinjuku [2] Variant attack, but there were also a few very conspicuous medium-sized species and even one large-sized species among them.

"Why is there suddenly an army of Armored Beetles attacking...!?"

Yuri was shaken.

Rozen narrowed his eyes and looked in Real Nua's direction.

However, there was no sign of Real Nua there anymore.

Real Nua had taken advantage of the chaos to escape, seemingly returning to Mistgun.

"This is bad! That monster has returned to Mistgun!?"

Yuri also realized this, and she appeared somewhat panicked.

It couldn't be helped. The opponent was a ferocious monster, and who knew what he might do to the residents of Mistgun?

"Senpai, what should we do?"

Yuri was suddenly at a loss.

She wanted to chase after Real Nua, but there was an army of Armored Beetles attacking them. As a member of the Special Task Force, Yuri couldn't ignore either of these threats.

In response, Rozen pondered for a moment and then smiled faintly.

"Don't worry, that disgusting stalker is just digging his own grave."

With that, Rozen turned toward the direction of the Armored Beetles.

"Let's deal with them first."

Hearing this, Yuri wanted to object, but Rozen's calm demeanor reassured her, and she regained her composure.

"In that case, at least let me send a message to Mistgun."

Yuri took out a communication crystal.

But this wasn't really necessary.

"It won't take long."

Rozen released Yuri, letting her fly on her own, while he advanced to face the army of Armored Beetles.


With the sound of a clap, High-Grade Mana surged from Rozen's body and transformed into spiritual power.

No, it should be called High-Grade Spiritual Power.

And High-Grade Spiritual Power was refined into High-Grade jutsuryoku, forming an incredibly powerful force.


Rozen began chanting the summoning method of the fire curse that originated from the root mantra of the Supreme Great Vajra, Fudo Myo-o—Fire Realm Incantation.

And it was the true Fire Realm Incantation of Fudo Myo-o, possessing the true essence of Fudo Myo-o, causing immense fire energy to surge around him.

Soon, in the high sky, a sea of crimson flames took shape and transformed into dragons, snakes, giants, and even an army of a million, descending as the eight followers of Fudo Myo-o, roaring as they charged toward the army of Armored Beetles.

In an instant, the sky turned into a purgatory.


At the same time, in a dark alley in Mistgun, the severely charred Real Nua shakily descended.


Real Nua collapsed to the ground, groaning continuously.

From the look of him, he was already on the verge of death.

However, sheer madness and obsession allowed him to cling to life, preventing him from dying immediately.

"Damn it...! Damn it all...!"

Real Nua drooled as he growled in a grotesque and pitiful manner.

"Why did I lose...!? Why did I lose...!?"

Could that man truly be the strongest?

Is he truly invincible?

Even after obtaining Collapse Force and this power, I still can't kill him?


Real Nua's heart was filled with resentment.


"Because you're not strong enough yet, you need more power."

A sweet voice suddenly appeared right in front of Real Nua.

"You are..."

Real Nua struggled to lift his head.

There, a doll-like, sweet and lovely girl stood before him.

"It's okay, you still have a chance to win, as long as you gain more power."

The girl gently consoled Real Nua.

"More power..."



"Beneath this land. Do you want it?"


"Then go take it."

These words caused Real Nua's face to once again show a crazed expression.


Seeing this, the girl smiled sweetly again.