-1499- Mental Simulation Battle

Under the cloudless blue sky, a mid-sized flying ship soared high, heading towards distant horizons.

The journey seemed to have no end. No matter how far they flew, the only sight before them was blue skies and white clouds. Occasionally, they encountered ominous black clouds and flashes of lightning, and small groups of Armored Beetles appeared in the distance. Other than that, there was nothing.

Thanks to this, after the initial excitement of boarding the airship, by the second day, everyone had retreated to their rooms or wandered the ship, trying to pass the time.

Rozen and his companions were no exception.

However, the way they passed time was quite different from others.

At this very moment, the five members of Special Task Force S128 were gathered in Rozen's room, sitting in a circle, eyes closed, faces serious, as if engaged in an intense battle, not daring to relax for even a second.

Before long, all five of them simultaneously relaxed their expressions and opened their eyes in perfect sync.

Breaking the silence, Kanata spoke first, his tone thoughtful.

"As I thought, it's difficult to break through head-on."

His cryptic words were met with agreement from the others.

"Indeed, the enemy formation is too dense. Aside from focusing our fire on the first wave of attacks, it's unrealistic to try to charge straight in."

Chloe Sevegny voiced her opinion.

"If Chloe-senpai launches an artillery strike, the enemy will likely respond with their own, canceling out your attack. Unless you use Compressed Mana, but that consumes too much mana and leaves us unable to continue fighting. In that situation, it's practically suicide."

Yuri Flostre shook her head.

Even Mena Purpleton chimed in.

"With only one rear-guard, it's difficult to mount an offensive. We need at least three artillery users to focus their fire together."

Mena made this suggestion.

It wasn't until everyone had voiced their thoughts that Rozen began to correct them.

"In situations like this, we need to change our approach. If we can't break through from the front, then we attack from the back. We're Sky Wizards, so while it demands high flying skills, as long as we're coordinated, we can lure the enemy, ascend rapidly, then descend behind them. From there, we can hit them with a pincer attack and wipe them out."

Rozen's words made everyone realize their mistake.

"Though it certainly challenges our flying skills, it's a valid strategy."

"With our flying abilities, we should be able to succeed."

"I'd rather be in the decoy team. The burden will be heavy, but I'm not confident in my flying skills..."

"Same here. My speed is lacking, but I specialize in offense and defense, so being a decoy suits my role."

Thanks to Rozen's guidance, Kanata, Chloe, Yuri, and Mena quickly understood and assigned tasks based on their strengths and abilities.

It was then that Mena sighed in admiration.

"This mental simulation battle is really useful. You can simulate any combat scenario, link the team's thoughts together, and train as if it's the real thing, regardless of the situation or environment. With this method, it's impossible not to improve."

That's right.

Just now, the members of Special Task Force S128 were conducting a mental simulation of a battle against a large number of Armored Beetles, training indoors.

This was a training method that had long been used by Special Task Force S128.

"Since we only have practical combat training in the afternoon, and sometimes missions or ranking battles interfere, our training time is often cut short. So, to enhance the effectiveness and increase the time we spend training, Rozen developed this technique for us."

Chloe explained with a smile.

"I was shocked by this method at first, but thinking about it, high-level Sky Wizards often simulate battles in their minds. Rozen just used magic to fully realize this concept and make it practical for real combat."

Kanata shrugged as he responded.

"This method only improves our combat awareness and experience. It doesn't strengthen the body."

Yuri voiced some disappointment.

"But it's still better than what other squads have. Our squad's training conditions are already quite superior."

Mena expressed her approval.

Rozen, however, just smiled.

In fact, this training method wasn't too hard to achieve. As long as one could develop a technique to synchronize everyone's thoughts and use Virtual Aether to strengthen the brain's region, then by referencing Chaldea's Simulation Battle System, various battle scenarios could be managed and realized by the enhanced brain, and all participants could be brought into the simulation through the mind-link technique.

Of course, while it sounded simple, only Rozen could pull it off.

Therefore, this method could only be used when Rozen was present, and as Yuri had mentioned, it didn't help strengthen the body. A lot of work was still needed to make the training results manifest in reality.

However, as Mena had said, compared to other squads, Special Task Force S128 had far superior training conditions. Even with some limitations, the method had many advantages.

Not to mention, the fact that they could train even while on the flying ship was already an excellent benefit.

Because of this, there was no reason to complain.

"I finally understand why Special Task Force S128 is so strong. It's all thanks to rigorous training. It's no wonder other squads, including Squad A177, keep losing to you."

Mena sighed in agreement.

There was only one thing that left Mena dissatisfied.

And that was…

"With all these abilities, why would you leave the squad and transfer to the Alchemist Division? I just don't understand."

This remark was, of course, aimed at Rozen.

"You're still stuck on that?"

Rozen rolled his eyes.

"I'm not questioning your achievements in the Alchemist Division, but with your unparalleled combat power, leaving the battlefield is the biggest waste."

Mena seemed to think this way.

"Funny, a lot of people in the Alchemist Division say I have the mind to make great contributions to human magical technology, and my intellect could save humanity. If I died on the battlefield, that would be the greatest loss. So, tell me, should I really be on the battlefield?"

Rozen said, half-smiling.


Mena wanted to retort.

"Alright, enough. Both of you, stop arguing."

Chloe quickly intervened with a gentle tone.

"This kind of debate doesn't have a right or wrong answer."

Kanata lazily chimed in.


Yuri remained silent.

After all, in terms of stance, she was actually on Mena's side.

"Never mind." Rozen shrugged. "It's getting late. Let's go have lunch."

Everyone shifted their focus and nodded in agreement.

The group headed to the dining hall together.

Little did they know, a small trouble awaited them there.