Chapter 25. White flames

*sigh* "how long do we have to wait?" Gaga asked.

"Dunno, but we need to restock, we only have a third of our rational left... And this half rotten apple! Ronaldino Ronaldo said as he held an apple that was on the verge of reaching old age.

Suddenly, loud thunderous explosions sounded from the skies, making Ronaldino drop the apple on deck.

"What kind of thunder is that??" Apoo shouted as he held his ears. The rest of the crewmates also held their ears as they looked up.

The Thunder kept exploding for about 20 seconds.

The Demon Ace pirates looked up and saw the big cloud flashing with blue and white light.

They looked at eachother, understanding that something serious was going on up there.

Enel finally stopped using his lightning ability as he turned around. He believed that the intruder must have been evaporated by now.

But before he could take even one step, his haki made him feel something unbelievable as he hurriedly turned around.

There he saw the intruder standing, shirtless,while holding his hat. The rim of his hat hiding his eyes, but the grin on his face was clearly visible.

"You're alive... Impossible!" Enel said in disbelief.

But then he saw bursts of flames from the intruder as the temperature started rising.

Enel started becoming really confused at this point. He had found a weird fruit 4 years prior which made him into lightning itself.

He became, what he believed, the strongest existence. He became lightning and gained full control of it. And one of benefits of that was that Enel gained immunity against heat... At least that's what he believed, until now.

The temperature started rising until the trees started burning around them. Enel started to feel the heat as well.

Not only them but the whole Skypiea felt unbearable. It wasn't to the point that they'd die but it felt horrible.

"You... Are the same as me?" Enel finally realised as he saw the man in front of him control flames.

"No.. were not the same." Ace said as his smile disappeared.

Enel instantly felt a chill go through his spine and before Ace could even move, Enel disappeared.

This act surprised Ace, he didn't think that his opponent would... Escape like that.

Ace stood there as the temperature went down to normal, but a big part of the Forrest had it's leafs burnt away already.

"Coward." Ace chuckled.

Enel appeared on his throne looking very conflicted. He had moved on instinct, before he could think and he appeared here.

He didn't know why but at that moment, his haki told him that he would die if he stayed so his body moved before his mind could decide his next action.

Cold sweat ran down Enels forehead as anger started to boil inside him.

"How dare that ant make me, ME, A God, run away? I'll have his head... Later...." Enel said in anger as he sat down on his throne.

Ace felt slightly annoyed, he didn't really care about Enel, he came up here to see if Enel had already eaten the devil fruit and if he hadn't, Ace would try his luck to find it.

But before he could even take a step, Enel came and attacked him and then escaped.

At first he wasn't going after Enel, but now, Enel was the one that made him into an enemy.

Ace used his observation Haki to find Enel's location, and quite frankly, he wanted to do more than just beat the annoying long eared bastard.

By now he could have returned back to the black pearl... But no, instead he has to chase lightning. How frustrating!

Ace blasted himself from the ground and flew towards Enels location.

Enel was on another cloud above the others, and it didn't take long for Ace to reach the place.

After Ace landed, all the servants stopped and panicked as they ran away. They immediately realised that danger was approaching as Eneln wasn't someone that treated intruders... Kindly.

Before Ace could take a step forward, four big

Fellows with wings approached him.

Ace instantly knew that they weren't here to invite him to tea, and he didn't feel like playing around so he just blasted hot flames towards them.

They just grinned. They were Enels strongest underlings and they knew observation haki, so they were aware that Ace would attack them.

But suddenly their grins fell as they realised that the attack was to fast for them to dodge and all of them were enveloped by a crescent flame that was blasted from Ace.

Ace continued walking after attacking, and as he walked, the flames died down and all of the four underlings had fallen unconscious as their outer parts became crispy black. Wether they were alive or dead was unknown.

Enel felt everything that happened and turned into lightning and appeared right by his underlings.

"YOU DARE?!" His anger had reached new levels.

Enel looked down on everyone, and if someone died... It would be the same as an insect dying, but his four followers were different, he considered them... Slightly better than others.

"I do dare." Ace said in a emotionless tone.

Enel appeared beside him and started attacking, but weirdly enough, no matter how fast Enel was, he couldn't hit Ace.

Ace's observation haki was superior to Enel's and therefor it was impossible for Enel to punch Ace.

In the end Enel created some distance and took on his ultimate form.

"200,000,000 Volt thunder God" Enel whispered as he took his ultimate form.

Although it was just a whisper, because he is made of lightning, his voice was thunderous and echoed all over Skypiea.

Enel grew in size and started shining blue as lightning sparks started coming out of him.

Now, everyone on Skypiea felt the electric charge as everyone's hair started rising.

Ace threw a punch at Enel, and a giant fist made of blue fire left his arm.

Enel got hit by the giant fire fist, and although he didn't say it, Ace noticed the smallest hint of a flinch when he got hit, meaning that Enel felt it.

But this also surprised Ace as blue flames were very, very hot, they could even burn someone like Akainu... Yet Enel took them on and barely reacted.

Ace was about to throw something even worse at Enel but Enel appeared beside Ace and slapped him with a 200,000,00 volt palm.

Yet the palm simply went through Ace as Ace was made out of fire. And Ace took this chance and jumped up on Enel head and blasted fire ontop of his head.

At first the flames were yellow, but then it turned red, then purple, then blue and then white and then the flames stopped being visible alltogether, and by this point Ace become very surprised himself as he wasn't expecting his flames to simply turn invisible, that hadn't happened before.

This all happened very fast and the normal eye wouldnt be able to see the flames change colour, it almost looked like Ace jumped ontop of Enels giant form with one palm in each side of Enels head and blasted him with a flashing burst of flames.

And by the millisecond that Aces flames turned white, Enel started shouting in pain and when his flames became even hotter to the point that they became invisible, Enels voice became hoarse and died down.

Not even half a second after his flames turned invisible, Enel's 200,000,000 volt thunder God form got released and he fell down to the ground.