Chapter 54. Join me or be stupid

"Make sure you visit Luffy as well! Take care."

Ace waved towards Sabo as the Black Pearl started sailing.

Sabo had a mission to complete so after a days reunion with his brother, it was time to say their goodbyes.

Sabo had asked Ace about his abilities and Ace just claimed that he had a special paracemia while poking his nose. Sabo felt that there was more to the story but he dropped it as he trusts Ace.

"Make sure you take care of yourself, and don't be afraid of calling for help if you need it!" Sabo shouted back as he also waved.

All the Demon Ace pirates had gotten it know Sabo and they waved as well.

"What a well mannered kid!" Jojo smiled.

"If only our captain was a bit more like his brother!"

"What a lovely idea."

"I think our captain is cool as he is!" Bepo said.

"That's because your heart is to kind." Gaga explained.

"What do you say Law?"

Law stood with his arms crossed as his hat shading his eyes.

"Doesn't matter for me, wherever captain goes, I go." He said.

"Tsk, se didn't say anything about that, of course we'd all lay down our lives for captain." Yennow retorted, feeling like Law was implying that they wouldn't.

But Law wasn't, he had seen how this ship worked. They would complain and cry about the captain, but then they would turn against the whole world for him.

"I'll go wherever my hubby goes!" Baby 5 said while hugging Ronaldino's arm.

Sabo looked at the Black Pearl with worse eyes, the ship was... A bit too fast?

It sailed away in a speed that made it seem like it didn't weigh anything.

Sabo was very surprised by this as he had never seen such a fast ship before.

'Ace... You're on your way to create a legend, aren't you.' Sabo thought with a big smile, his hand reached for the vivrecard he had received ffrom Ace.

Two weeks later, above the clouds, a big islands was flying, but this was different from one of the sky islands.

The island was shaped like a ship, and it had tall trees as its masts.

Instead of a sky island, rather, this is a pirate island, controlled by the infamous Golden Lion Shiki.

Golden lion Shiki was a fearsome pirate form the older generation. He was someone that was known to duke it out with the former Pirate King, and he was also know for his fearsome devil fruit abilities.

He had eaten the float float no mi, which is a Paracemia fruit which grants the ability of levitation, they can levitate themselves and non-living objects.

This ability is one of the most practical fruits out there and made Shiki an uncatchable pirate as he could fly away whenever he wanted. He also had the greatest pirate fleet many years ago, but after a Greta war with the Roger pirates, half of his forces had died.

After being imprisoned in impel down, thebgretaets prison, he escaped. He became the first person to ever escape impel down, and since then he had been rebuilding his forces to rule the world. He had a created a massive force of beasts thanks to his right hand man and scientist, Indigo.

Two weeks ago he had received leaked news that the super rookie, Flame Emperor Ace, was the child of his former rival, Gol D. Roger.

This enraged him for unknown reason and he set out to beat his former rivals kid, unless Ace joins him.

"Admiral Shiki, we found them, they're right beneath us." A gorilla looking beast informed his captain, he wore a pink suit.

"Good job Scarlet Jihahaha!" Shiki laughed.

"Wait here, no need to trouble yourselves!" Shiki said as he flew down, it took a bit since his ship was so high above sea level, but after a while a saw a black dot sailing the sea.

'Huh, is that it, the Black Stone... No, it was Pearl?' The Golden Lion flew after Ace's ship and was surprised by its speed.

Ace felt a great haki pi nearing from above, so he went out to deck.

His crewmates also noticed oddities and went out.

"Captain what's going on?" Nami asked.

Ace wasn't sure himself, so he waited.

Soon an elderly man with long golden hair landed on their deck. He had a golden robe and a bit of a beard.

His forehead was huge as his hair was receding, but even then, with the hair that was left, he still had hair like a mane. Yet ontop of his head, there was a rod stuck to it.

"Golden Lion Shiki." Ace revealed the name of the intruder.

Some of his crewmates looked confused while others became alert.

"Tsk, you're still alive I see." Jojo Pojo spoke. He hadn't met Shiki before but knew of him.

"Hmm, so you're Gol D. Ace." Shiki looked at Ace.

"What do you want?" Nami asked on the behalf of her captain.

"Jihahaha I was a rival of his father, yet only two decades later do I learn that he had a son!" Shiki's tone started light and joyous but ended angry.

The crew looked at each other in wonder.

"If I knew that the bastard would've gotten a son, I would also get one!" Shiki shouted angrily.

Ace was aghast, and so was his crew.

"Did you come hear because you're angry that the Pirate King got a son?" Hammerfist Jojo Pojo asked, not sure if he understood correctly.

"Hmph, Yes I was about to teach this kid a lesson, but looking at him, he looked a bit smarter than his father..."

'Doubt it, he not smarter than anyone.' his crew thought simultaneously.

Shiki tried buttering up Ace, so the next step would become easier.

"How about it kid? Your father was too small minded and refused to join me, how about you, will you be as stupid as him or will you join me?" Golden Lion Shiki said proudly, sure of the fact that Ace would join him.

"But that's impossible." Ace expressed.

"Huh, why?" Shiki asked.

"Because only the strongest can be the captain." Ace explained.

"....JIHAHAHA You're even worse than your father!" Shiki started laughing, but anger lingered in his tone.

The crew got shocked as the Black Pearl started rising. Ace reacted fast and blasted himself towards Shiki while his lower half turned into flames.

Ace crashed into Shiki and both blasted upwards towards he sky, and the black Pearl fell down to the sea again.

The crew just saw Ace and Shiki disappear into the clouds.

"Sigh why does captain always get the fun.." Jojo Pojo bitterly said.

"I agree." Urouge also felt the pain.